Individuals and organizations are waking up to the impact of workplace interior design on productivity and performance. An uninspiring and dull office design is not only void of character, but also negatively affects the employees' motivation and creativity. Unsurprisingly, then, an increasing number of companies around the world are working to make their offices more exciting and inspiring.
Thankfully, for the most part, improving your workplace's interior design does not require you to take extreme measures. In fact, just a touch of color and the inclusion of a few indoor plants can go a long way in enhancing both the appearance and the mood of your building. Of course, you need not stop there; the more effort you put in, the more evident the benefits would be. On that note, let us get down to a few office layout ideas that will allow you to freshen up your workspace without forcing you to break the bank or turn the schedule upside down.
Office Layout Ideas to freshen up your Workspace:

The Newsroom:
The first office layout idea on this list comprises flexible seating, open spaces, and clusters of desks. This kind of layout is perfect for a fast-paced work environment punctuated by plenty of collaboration. The setup is ideal for any workspace where communication is essential and impromptu meetings are the norm. Groups that do not have the luxury of scanning schedules and booking conference rooms will find this design highly beneficial.
To convert your office space into the newsroom, you can combine office desks and turn them into clusters of both small and large working tables. You can also get rid of room dividers and cubicle walls, and intersperse the space with flexible and comfortable seating options (a few bean bags, along with your existing seating options, might work well).

Add Some Plants:
If you are looking for a simple décor idea, you should know that plants can spruce up pretty much any workspace interior by making the place seem cozier and more relaxed.
But, as you can probably guess, the benefits of using indoor plants go far beyond the aesthetic. Studies have revealed that plants can enhance creativity and productivity, and reduce stress. In addition, by filtering out harmful toxins, plants can make the air cleaner and more breathable.
So, long story short, not only will plants make your workspace seem more stylish; they will also lead to an improved working environment. Even if your workspace is not very large, just a handful of plants can have a dramatically positive impact on its design and layout.
A few good indoor plants are: snake plant, peace lily, cast-iron plant, English Ivy, and Dragon Tree.

The Startup:
The primary features of this setup would be flexible standing desks, along with couches and portable laptop desks.
If you want your employees to free-think and adopt flexible working habits, this office layout can work wonders for you. The key is to have ample standing work space, along with a bunch of flexible surfaces that workers can use to place their tablets or laptops.
If you do not have a particularly high budget, you can figure out a few ways to convert your current tables into standing desks by increasing their height. Other than that, you could bring some of your break room couches into the main workspace so that your employees are encouraged to work wherever they want (if you want, you can replace these couches with traditional desks in the break room and use those desks as lunch tables).
You could get a few inexpensive standing desks like the ClassicRiser Standing Desk Converters. Standing desks are quite desirable for employees who do not enjoy sitting throughout the working day.
If your organization has people who generally work from home, you could install two or three workstations for when they might need to visit the workplace.

Go Artsy:
Adding some art is another simple yet excellent way of enriching your workspace layout.
Conventional offices focus maximizing focus, which is why they often go out of their way to ensure that the interior design does not contain any distracting elements. Art, unfortunately, is often seen as one of those elements.
Despite this belief, it is being discovered that art can tremendously enhance any environment and place in which it is installed. Alongside improving the beauty of your workplace, aesthetically-pleasing artworks can serve as a source of energy, nurturing the employees' creativity and fostering intellectual interactions.

The Library:
The library layout is characterized by privacy screens and sheltered cubes, along with plenty of crannies and nooks.
Not every organization benefits from constant buzz and activity, and this design is intended for organizations where concentration is the name of the game. If you feel that your employees prefer privacy and quiet time, it will not help you to chase the trend of open-floor plans at the expense of their discomfort.
If your conference room has some standing whiteboards, you can roll a few of them into the main workspace. If an employee needs to make a phone call or perform a task that requires uninterrupted focus, they can simply roll one of the boards towards their cube door. You could also divide group cubes and convert them into singular working spaces.
Another way to emphasize on the library vibe is by introducing quiet hours, where employees who want a bit of quiet leave their desks and gather into the conference room to work without interruptions or distractions.

Get Rid of Cubicles:
If you are looking for a balance between interaction and privacy, this suggestion will definitely interest you.
Cubicles are obsolete, and tend to create an isolating environment. But, at the same time, open-floor plans are not without their own distinct advantages, which include negative effects on employee morale and productivity.
The answer to this conundrum resides in flexible working spaces which can accommodate multiple different work environments. For instance, alongside flexible working stations, these workspaces contain private areas and silent spaces for employees who need to focus, make important calls, or conduct business meetings.
An easier and budget-friendlier way to create an adaptable working space is to add demountable walls. This will lead to a flexible office design, along with open and connected spaces.

Fill Your Office with Light:
The only key feature of this office layout is plenty of synthetic and natural light (along with happy and motivated workers, of course).
This is an excellent workspace design idea for employers who need to upgrade their offices on a budget. By allowing more light in, adding a few mirrors, and replacing overhead bulbs with brighter options, you can light up your employees' working lives.
Another simple but impactful measure in this regard is getting rid of the blinds. Even if the blinds are rolled up, they can inhibit some natural light.
As far as mirrors go, you should try installing them directly across from the windows, so that they can reflect the maximum possible amount of natural light.

Add Bookcases (and Books):
You are almost certain to have at least a few bibliophiles in your workforce – and the way to make them feel comfortable and at-home is to surround them with books. Hence, using books as workplace décor will not only make the office feel homelier, but also create a more welcoming feel for any visitor.
The different colors of the book will add warmth to the office, and the shelves themselves can even be used as separators. Even people who are not avid readers cannot deny the class and elegance that comes with a shelf full of books.

Create Recharging Areas:
No, we are not talking about areas where you can charge your phones and other electronic devices. Instead, we are talking about dedicated spaces where you and your employees, just like your devices, can rejuvenate your tired and exhausted self. Naturally, this is an excellent idea for any organization where employees feel overly stressed or worn-out.
If you are on a budget, you can simply utilize room dividers for creating dedicated meeting and eating spaces within the workspace. Other than that, you could consider converting conference rooms, break rooms – or any other door-less room – into breakout areas. Add a few bean-bag seats that employees can use to feel cozy and comfortable. Even wall posters about meditation and mindfulness can help people relax.

Go for Minimalist Aesthetics:
Piles of forgotten folders, cardboard boxes, and messy desks are just a few of the many things that can make your office come off as chaotic and stuffy.
The solution to this is a minimalist layout which, alongside getting rid of all the clutter, will also make your office interior seem stylish and slick.
The idea behind such a design is to only retain the essentials and eliminate any unnecessary or unimportant items. Get rid of visual clutters (guides and posters, for example), put away items like notepads and other stationery, utilize neutral colors and shades, and go for an ergonomic and clean design.
Final Word:
To sum up, there are plenty of ideas for making your office more comfortable and modern; the key is to identify a layout that sits well with your company's characters, ideals, objectives, and, of course, employees.