The Fall and Triumph of Vlogging for Today's Influencers

28 April 2021

Bretman Rock, Logan Alexander Paul, Jenna Marbles

You might have encountered their names on Youtube. They are the vloggers of today’s generation. Millions of followers across the US and the globe support them and are influenced well. They are the vloggers or Youtubers as they are popularly known as. However, behind the popularity were the hurdles and rejections that these people embrace every single video they upload on Youtube.

In today’s article, we will talk about the hardships and victory of a vlogger in an industry that making a name will never be easy. Moreover, we will discuss the

  • meaning of vlogging
  • challenges that a vlogger may face
  • reasons to choose Flexispot products if you’re vlogging

So, let’s get into the topic now:


  • also known as video blog or video log
  • a type of blog that uses a video camera or other devices
  • the most popular form of digital entertainment   


A.  The Timeline of Vlogging

  • 1980’s- Nestor Sullivan recorded videos of from New York to South Carolina in a vlog-style.
  • 2000-Kontras filmed a video alongside a blog telling his loved ones about his attempt to pursue show business.
  • 2002- Luuk Bouwman started a video diary on his site; telling his post-college travels
  • 2004- Steve Garfield pioneered video blogging and stated that this was the birth of digital entertainment
  • 2005- The first year that vlogging was done in a larger medium which paved the way for Youtube. And the rest of this decade was history

B.     The Types of Vlogging:

  • personal vlogs
  • live broadcasting vlogs
  •  informative vlogs
  • bereavement vlogs
  • lconversational vlogs

The types of vlogs may differ in terms depending on the country and how content  creators perceive and execute them. Say for instance, the conversational vlog that

tends to be formal. In some countries, content creators do contents that are conversational but less formal: Mukbang and QandA. In most video contents

solely focus on the entertainment quality not with the sense of the content itself.

C.    Uses:

  • Impressions- through vlogging, people discover the persona and perception of the content creator with how he moves, speaks, and the content itself
  • Education- vlogging has transformed the system of assessing a child’s speaking proficiency. It also created a platform to see the child’s truest potentials.
  • Health- A lot of researchers were able to create a helpful community through vlogging in giving out information to certain illnesses and diseases. Eventually, when content creators participated in the experiments conducted, great results were made after

II. The Challenges that a Content Creator Faces:

A lot of content creators admit that vlogging is not an easy thing to do. It’s not just a simple take from the device you’re using but requires tons of tasks to be finished. Plus, you have to see, hear, and read a lot of harsh comments from viewers who are not easily satisfied. But as the saying goes: The show must go on.

  • The Content Creator’s Stage Fright:

            Surprisingly, most content creators are the ones who have stage fright. In most tell-all interviews of the content creators, they say that they never imagined speaking in front of the camera because they were                      bullied before which hindered them from speaking in front of many people. Some were challenged because of speech disorder as to some stutter a lot when speaking

  • Staying Focused on most Shoots is difficult:

            If you checked the behind-the-scenes of a certain shoot, you’d notice that most of the videos of the content creators have a lot of loopholes and are less polished. It usually takes them a lot of repetitions before it                becomes perfect however in videos they film live, there are more flaws and distractions that a content creator makes. As a coping mechanism, they either use mockery and banter jokes instead. This may be fun                and it would make the video less serious yet it could really derail a message.

  •  Delivery is Everything:

             A content creator’s speech must be straightforward, coherent, and must be in-lined with the topic. Some content creators however find it difficult to that especially those who do vlogging for the sake of views and                 subscriptions from the followers.

  • The weaknesses show:

              From stuttering to the wrong packaging. Some content creators flaunt their weaknesses which affect their contents because of negative feedbacks from the viewers. Some take them positively some really take                   them negatively.Vlogging is not just a matter of setting up a video camera and do whatever content You’d like to create. The real sense of vlogging is to create a proactive community with members that seek                       knowledge which they can use as they discover things in life. Hence, it’s the obligation of a content creator to make videos that are worth-while. 

III.Reasons to Choose Flexispot Products if you’re Vlogging

On the last part of this article, we’ll discuss the possible effective products which could aid you in vlogging. These may be tools not digital devices but the quality are definitely on the cutting edge

a.   Scalloped Accent Chair

  • A chair with an elegant design. Its color is attractive and doesn’t strain the eyes. It also has a thick cushion that can help you avoid sedentary pain.
  • It also imitates the human spine; lightens the burden of waist
  • Its wood material has successfully undergone 100,000 times fatigue test
  • It’s the ideal chair if you’re filming contents about broadcasting vlogs or personal vlogs

b.      Massage Gaming Chair 0029

  • high quality with an Ergonomic design
  • has a comfortable padding seat
  • has a massage lumbar support
  • most ideal for content creators who focus on reaction videos about games and other vlogs   

c.       Vibration Plate Exercise Machine VB1

  • ideal for content creators who focus on fitness and health
  • the rubber wrapped feet protect your floor and increase your stability while exercising

d.      AlcoveRiser Standing Desk Converters M7B

  •  If you’re looking for a stand when filming this one is ideal
  • It could be versatile because of it’s adjustable height
  • It’s also stable you don’t have to worry of your device dropping on the floor

So, there goes the topic on vlogging. If you’d wish to be one of the most influential content creators, never be scared to try; remember that every big journey starts with a single step. What are you waiting for? Set up the camera, turn it on, smile before it, and say your first “Welcome to my Vlog!”