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Tips on how to be a Productive Freelancer

15 July 2024

People think it's easy to become a freelancer because they don't have to report to a boss or have to work from 9 to 5. On the contrary, freelancers must work extra hard to acquire clients that make up their bread and butter. It takes not only will and determination but also skill and experience in order to sell themselves and the work that they do. And of course, they have to learn how to manage their time to meet their commitments. The flexibility and adjustability of their schedule is a double-edged sword. While it provides more freedom, it's also more difficult to stay productive and on schedule.

There are some freelancers who work eight hours or day; there are some who work even more, and there are those who work much less. It is hard to look for a freelancer that follows the normal 8-hour work schedule because most of them enjoy the perk of working at their preferred time.

But this also comes with a price. Most often than not, the line between work and play is blurred. For instance, technology has made work much more integrated into our personal lives.

So for a freelancer to be successful, he or she must be gritty. Their efforts must be quadrupled so that they don't lose clients and win even more, now that the competition is also much tighter. There is always fresh talent coming in and anyone can be replaced in a second. This is where effective time management enters the picture—freelancers must know how to make good use of their time. They have to stay productive while of course living their personal lives and attending to their responsibilities at home.

But please do take note that every employee has different ways and preferences when it comes to how they work. We list down some suggestions you may begin with but keep in mind that all these are versatile and should be effective in boosting your own productivity. Start small so you don't get overwhelmed and you'll see for yourself what works best for you.

Things to Take Note of and Apply to Your Daily Routine

Start Doing as Soon as Possible

1. Start Doing as Soon as Possible

Nothing good comes out of starting your workday late. This will just demotivate and make you lazy. You'll find yourself thinking that half of your day has already been wasted so you just throw the rest of it away. When you get a proper and early headstart, your day will most likely turn out to be productive. You'll even have more time for other projects when you wake up and start working at an early time.

There are many active people who wake up in between 5 to 6 in the morning to get ready for their day and dive into their routine right away.

If you want to live like this, what you need to do first is to go to bed early and wake up at least an hour earlier than your usual. You could set your a few minutes earlier every day up until you reach your target time to wake up.

2. Create a Routine to follow every day

We understand how tempting it is to work at home without following a set schedule. But if you fall into this trap, it will be hard to get out of the rabbit hole of procrastination. If you want your freelancing career to be stable, you need to instill discipline in yourself.

At the start of the day, jot down what it will look like. Have a schedule to follow so that your day is guided on what your priorities are from least to most. You may also opt to do this towards the end of your workday so that the next day, your schedule is already prepared.

There will be tasks that are hard to fulfill and ones that are easy to finish. Do not put off the heavy ones towards the end of the day because your energy level might have already dwindled by that time. Complete the tasks that are most difficult to you at first before moving on to tasks that are easy to accomplish. Notice when you start slowing down during the day and take note of the time.

Take Breaks

3. Take Breaks

Breaks should be part of your schedule. These timeslots allow your mind to breathe and refresh so that you are recharged when you start working on a new task. Breaks, when managed and controlled, help you be more efficient. Even a break that is as short as 15 minutes can already do wonders to re-energize your mind.

4. Make everything in order at home.

Since you are working at home or remotely, your unwritten officemates will be your family or friends, if you don't live alone. Establish clear boundaries with them. They should know your schedule, when you are available and when you are not.

Coordinate your schedules with your housemates if possible. You have to be mindful of calls or teleconferences when you share a space with other people so that's also one thing you should take care of.

Carefully consider each Project before you Say Yes

5. Carefully consider each Project before you Say Yes

It's understandable why freelancers would be booking as many projects as they can. They think it's a new opportunity they don't want to close their doors to, especially since it will pay their bills and hopefully lead to financial independence and career success in the future.

In reality, there are no intrinsic benefits when you handle more clients. You might even go through a lot of drawbacks with regard to your work-life balance. Again, it is tempting to want to take on new tasks since you spend most of your time at home anyway. But you have a responsibility to your client when you say yes so before accepting any new projects, be discerning if it is something that you can handle, aligns with your values and principles, and if you could squeeze it into your schedule.

You may get a lot of projects but you don't want to sacrifice your health and productivity.

Accept work that you are confident you'll be able to deliver. Otherwise, it will be overwhelming and can just slow down your progress. Say yes to projects within your capacity. Remember to slow down and focus on one project at a time.

6. Avoid Distractions

It is much more difficult to avoid distractions when you work at home. Eliminating as many distractions as possible will help you get back or stay on track. These modern distractions include surfing the internet or scrolling through social media.

Commit to a Firm Deadline

7. Commit to a Firm Deadline

People who work from home, most often than not, work long hours and work way up until the morning. This is a common issue that people face when they work from home. Plus, it's harder to sign off during the day when it's time to say goodbyes and clock out.

This is why it's important that you have the deadliest deadline for the day. Once done with your tasks, you may enjoy the phone and bed and be with your family.


It's a trial and error process when looking for the perfect work routine and system for a freelancer. Of course, there will be many mistakes done and others might feel disorganized. Don't fret because it will eventually become better throughout the weeks and months. The COVID-19 pandemic won't last forever and we will eventually get out of this experience with a heightened sense of appreciation for slow days. While you're at it, why not invest in ergonomic furniture so you'll be a much more productive freelancer.