Effective Ways to Use Disinfectant During Coronavirus Pandemic

08 May 2020

Health experts around the globe are advising people to maintain proper hygiene, social distancing, and looking for a coronavirus disinfectant to avoid getting infected. More people are also taking decisive action of disinfecting into a whole new level to make sure their loved ones are safe even at home.

Earlier this April, US President Donald Trump also proposed to inject disinfectant into the human body to treat COVID-19, which raised concerns from various health expert groups around the world. According to WHO (World Health Organization), even if the person is tested positive with the virus, spraying or injecting disinfectants may worsen the clinical condition of an individual.

While the possible cure for COVID-19 is ongoing, we’ve compiled a list of effective ways to use disinfectant and safety measures to protect you from possible dangers if incorrectly used.

Limit Usage of Disinfectants

Disinfectants are not advisable for daily use and one must know the difference between a cleaners/detergent and a disinfectant. Cleaners are products used to remove soil, dirt, dust, organic matter, and germs while the latter are chemical products that destroy or deactivate germs. Experts say that overuse of some disinfectant products can potentially create microbes that are resistant to particular disinfectants or that become “superbugs.” To know more about the types of disinfectant and the consideration before using it, click here.

However, there are types of disinfectants which are safer to use with following ingredients:

·       Hydrogen peroxide

·       Ethyl alcohol (ethanol)

·       Citric acid

·       L-lactic acid

·       Caprylic acid (octanoic acid)

·       Thymol

Active ingredients of strong disinfectants to take caution:

·       Sodium hypochlorite

·       Quaternary ammonium compounds or quats,

·       Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar mixed together

Do not mix products together

While it is tempting to get creative on coronavirus disinfectant to combat the virus, health experts advise people to stop playing chemist and not mix products. These are some of the cleaning products combinations to avoid:

·       Bleach + Vinegar

·       Baking Soda + Vinegar

·       Bleach +Ammonia

·       2 different drain cleaners

·       Bleach +Rubbing Alcohol

Use an EPA-registered disinfectant products

Since the virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person through coughing and sneezing, make sure to wash clothes and clean shoes you used when you do your grocery shopping.

On March 13, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a list of EPA-registered disinfectant products that have qualified for use against SARS-CoV-2 and the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Make sure to products that are EPA-registered because the virus may thrive on any surface for hours or even days.

Wear gloves when disinfecting

Before using any disinfectant like bleaches, remember to wear gloves to protect the hands when cleaning surfaces and prevent direct contact with harsh chemicals. These tight-fitting disposable gloves are perfect protection from chemical burns and rashes. It also helps with washing dishes in much hotter water than bare hands can handle, which makes cleaning easier and quicker.

The permanent gloves must either be carefully washed and dried after use.

Sanitize high-touch areas twice daily

One of the best ways to get rid of coronavirus or any type of viruses, per se, is by disinfecting high-touch areas such as door knobs, faucets, remote controls, light switches, cabinet handles, and trash cans. Why? Because these are the surfaces that intrinsically collect bacteria and dirt because of how frequently they’re used.

Try using a 75 percent alcohol on surfaces of metals, electric appliances and other objects not resistant to corrosion then wipe it after with a clean water to remove residual disinfectant. Proper cleaning of high-risk and high-touch areas with proper equipment will remove microbes. Use a microfiber cloths to remove 99 percent of microbes. 

Open doors and windows for ventilation after disinfection

After cleaning the surfaces, the bathroom, and washing your clothes, the next step would be providing natural ventilation in your home. Open doors and windows for at least thirty minutes, and clean your air-conditioning filter once a month using a chlorine concentration for proper air disinfection.

Some modern hospitals also practice opening windows in the room to reduce cross-contamination between patients within, or between, wards. It is also suggested using steam cleaning machines and spray-and-vac machines to remove microbes and their spores.

Wash hands after disinfecting

Proper washing of hands is the best line of defense against the virus. To get rid of the dirt, grime, and residues after disinfecting, wash your hands with and water for 20 seconds. You can also follow up with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.


First Aid for Hazardous Chemical Exposures

Disinfectants are effective tools when handled properly with the safety measures in place. If misused, they can be hazardous to anyone using it.


·       Seek professional treatment as soon as possible, if, by chance, you’ve accidentally scrubbed a disinfectant in your eyes or swallowed for an instance. Always remember, prevention is better than cure.

·       If exposed directly on the skin, wash it with mild soap and water.

·       For those who accidentally swallowed a bleach or any cleaning agents, drink plenty of water or milk to ease the irritation. Call 911 if the intake of the bleach is too much.


Everyone is looking foward for this pandemic to end.