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A Good Night’s Rest for a Productive Day

20 July 2021

Our workplace culture drives us to work until the project is completed, even if it means working late and sacrificing a decent night's sleep. But sacrificing sleep for work is not only bad for your health; it can also make you less productive in the long run.

Prioritizing work above sleep is typically considered as a job well done, and it goes to show that it is what you are being paid for. 

Productivity is often associated with completing more in a shorter amount of time. Sleep reprioritization, on the other hand, can harm productivity and performance.

According to research conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2018, sleeping for only 5-6 hours per night reduces productivity at work by 19 percent the next day, and sleeping for less than 5 hours reduces productivity by 29 percent the next day when compared to people who sleep for 7-8 hours. 

That sharp decline in productivity may irritate more people than just you, jeopardizing your reputation with your supervisor or coworkers. Every year, a percentage of the population loses more than two weeks' worth of productivity due to poor sleep.

Work overload, according to research, is the primary cause of poor sleep. People do not get enough sleep for a variety of reasons, one of which is that they believe they have too much to do or are stressed about what they need to accomplish. 

It is a vicious cycle: you do not get enough work done because you do not get enough sleep, and you do not sleep because you do not get enough work done.

What are the top three reasons you should make a good night's sleep a priority?

1. Getting enough sleep is linked to better decision-making and memory. According to Philips' annual global sleep survey, 61 percent of respondents believe their memory is harmed when they do not get enough sleep, and 75 percent believe they are less productive after a bad night's sleep.

2. Sleep can help you avoid burnout both in the short and long run. One of the best indicators of on-the-job burnout is sleeping less than six hours every night. Developing a solid sleep schedule today will increase your chances of having a long, fruitful job that you like.

3. You might make fewer errors. Even mildly sleep-deprived adults have a 50% shorter response time and a worse accuracy rate on simple tasks than inebriated people.

How many hours of sleep do you require each night to perform at your best?

The answer varies for everyone, but for a healthy adult, most experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep. There are three aspects to good sleep: amount, quality, and consistency. 

Each one works together to guarantee that your brain and body are well-rested and ready to perform at their best.

What is the point of regularity? The body's circadian rhythm, which helps establish sleep patterns, is based on sleep. The circadian rhythm is essentially an "internal clock" that regulates the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone.

Maintaining a consistent, predictable sleep routine will assist your body in falling asleep more quickly and deeply.

How can you get your sleep routine back on track if it is out of whack?

Take matters into your own hands if you are not obtaining a good night's sleep. Follow these sleep tips to become more productive and energized.

Make your bed a sleeping place

Your bedroom should ideally be a place dedicated to relaxation, with nothing stressful or exciting, such as gadgets, to keep you awake before bed.

It is fine if you have a desk or television in your bedroom, but doctors advise that you keep them out of sight when you are falling asleep, so they do not cause worry. You will have a tougher time falling asleep if your thoughts are elsewhere.


If you must nap, keep it brief

A little sleep is a cheaper and healthier option than a cup of coffee or a sugary energy drink if you are feeling tired in the afternoon. 

Set an alarm for 10-20 minutes, turn off the lights, and attempt a sleep meditation practice when you start to feel tired. 

It is fine if you do not fall asleep completely; studies show that simply lying motionless with your eyes closed might help your brain relax.

Be aware of your napping habits, as sleeping for 30-60 minutes can make you feel even more sluggish than before. If you want to nap, try to keep it under 20 minutes or give yourself 90 minutes to complete one REM sleep cycle.


Exercise is a terrific way to tire out your body, and it can help you sleep better at night by tiring you out during the day. When you exercise too close to bedtime, particularly if it is an intense workout, you may feel more alert and restless.

To obtain healthier sleep patterns, studies reveal that it is ideal to exercise in the morning or during the first half of the day.

Set aside the appropriate amount of time in bed

This may seem self-evident but getting seven hours of sleep when you only have six hours to sleep is impossible. Overcommitting yourself to nighttime or morning activities may result in you being unable to get a good night's sleep. 

Make sure you have at least seven hours of sleep-able time, as well as time to unwind at night and wake up properly in the morning, so you do not miss out on getting rest in addition to all the regular stressors.

Caffeine should be avoided in the afternoon and evening

It is easy to justify a pick-me-up of coffee or an energy drink to get you through the afternoon or evening if you are caught in a terrible sleep cycle. A poorly timed caffeine surge, on the other hand, may harm your productivity and keep you awake late at night.

While caffeine has varied effects on different people, it is better to stay away from it as much as possible, especially in the second half of the day. Even if you have a high caffeine tolerance, limit your caffeine intake to the morning to protect your sleep.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

One of the most effective ways to achieve a good night's sleep is to establish a stable circadian rhythm. A regular schedule is going to bed at roughly the same time each night and only sleeping in your bed.

More than just sticking to a regular sleep schedule, repeating the same calming activities each night before bed might help your brain prepare for sleep and even trigger the production of relaxing hormones. 

This could be reading, listening to gentle music, taking a bath or shower in dim light, or any other relaxing activity.


It is worth thinking about removing screens from your sleep ritual, whether it is your phone, laptop, or television. 

Backlit displays emit strong light that tricks your brain into thinking it is still daytime, causing your circadian cycle to be thrown off and melatonin production to stall. 

Manually lowering the displays or switching to a ‘warm' color setting is handy if you must use your devices later in the evening.

Additionally, you should try to limit weekend oversleeping, which can mess with your internal timer and disrupt your weekday habit.

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