Things that you should NEVER Lend or Share

20 September 2019

You might have used your best friend’s comb to instantly fix your hair or lip color to see how it looks on you several times. Sharing things is one of the standard practices that many people intentionally and unintentionally do several times a day.  From towel, soap, accessories to shoes, makeup and perfumes, people lend a number of things without even giving it a second thought.

There is no denying that sharing is caring, but when it comes to sharing personal stuff, it can create health issues.

How?  Let’s find out.

Things that You Should avoid Lending

1. Makeup Brush

Makeup is meant to share.  Girls do not think twice when it comes to sharing makeup stuff, and makeup brushes are no exception. However, sharing your make up brush can be the one reason for skin infection.  It might sound bizarre to you, but makeup brushes carry tons of bacteria.  According to famous beauty experts, it is essentially important to wash your make up brush at least once or twice a week; especially if your skin is sensitive and susceptible to breakouts.

  • If possible, avoid lending or sharing your make up brushes to keeps skin bacteria at bay. It is because you do makeup to hide to your imperfections and reusing someone else’s brushes may transfer a bunch of germs that can cause can to your face.  You can even get a skin infection.

2. Eye Drops

 You might have read instructions on the eye drop bottles, advising people not to let its tip touch on the eye. Have you ever wonder why it is written on the precautionary measures?  

Well, the eye drops in the bottle are sterile, but not the bottles. That means they can easily transmit bacteria to your eyes. That is why lending or sharing your eye drops with someone may lead to an eye infection.  Conjunctivitis (pink eye), for example, is one of the common eye infection that spread quickly and easily.   

  • If you are not careful, you can contaminate germs within hours, so remember that sharing eye drops with your sister, friend, or colleague is no doubt a bad idea.

3. Lipsticks and Lip Gloss

Perhaps, you don’t share your makeup items with others because you don’t share stuff that’s close to your heart. However, you cannot say no to friends, especially when they give you a valid reason to borrow your lipstick, i.e., they have forgotten their home. It can be quite a situation to test your character. Saying no is nearly impossible, but you have to do it. Say no to their request because it will save you from the danger of catching some dangerous diseases like herpes.

You do not have to look for any rashes on their lips to confirm the presence of herpes. A person can have herpes virus despite not having any rashes or other signs of its presence.

  • If you have already caught the virus, it is highly recommended not to use that makeup item again. Throw away the lipstick that you have been using when you had herpes and make sure no one else gets their hands on it. Also, you should keep cleaning your lips with a tissue to avoid any infestations of bacteria on them.

4. Earphones

What might seem like a friendly gesture could turn out to be a huge problem for you? It is best to keep your earphones to yourself only. What you might not know is that the wax in your ear is specifically balanced for you. You can cause an imbalance in the bacterial flora inside your ear by giving your earphones to someone else and wearing them back after they have used them.

  • Make it a habit to clean your earphones as frequently as possible. Use hydrogen peroxide for disinfecting your earphones. Clean your earphones with it using a small piece of cotton on a stick. A solution containing alcohol can be the best choice for cleaning the buds on the earphones.

5. Curlers, Hairbands, and Hair Clips

Using someone else comb is not the right thing to do. Fortunately, a lot of people already know that. However, you should apply the same rule to other hair bands, hair clips, and curlers as well. These accessories act like free transportation methods for lice and other germs on your scalp and inside your hair.

  • First of all, you should clean all the accessories that you frequently wear on your head as regularly as possible. Use soapy water to clean most of these items. Also, be sure that your hair clip or curler does not have any soap on it when you wear them on your head.

6. Antiperspirants and Deodorants

You should have a clear idea of why deodorants should not be shared with anyone. The rule of thumb is not to borrow or lend anything that touches your skin or scalp. These items can transport germs, illnesses, viruses, etc. from one person to another. Do not forget bacteria in your armpits cause a foul smell, and when you apply deodorant, it is going to come in contact with them naturally.

  • Avoid applying antiperspirants and deodorants when you have a lot of sweating going on in your armpits. The best time to use these fragrances is right after a bath. Avoid applying deodorants repeatedly. You can always use small pieces of wet fabric or specially designed tissues for cleaning your perspiring armpits when the need arises.

Final thoughts

 All in all, lending some personal items can cause plenty of skin disorders and infections. The given list will help you maintain personal hygiene and protect you from germs and bacteria.