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Using Office Design to Amplify Employee Performance

17 January 2023

Did you know that office design can have a huge impact on employee performance? According to recent studies, the layout of an office and the type of furniture it contains can influence how productive employees are. In fact, there are a number of ways in which office design can be used to amplify employee performance.

The Importance of Office Design

One of the most important aspects of office design is creating a space that is comfortable and conducive to productivity. Employees who feel comfortable in their work environment are more likely to be productive than those who do not.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a comfortable and productive work environment, including:

The layout of the space

The type of furniture

The lighting

The color scheme

Each of these factors can have a significant impact on employee performance. For example, an office with an open layout may encourage collaboration and creativity, while a more traditional office with cubicles may promote individual focus and concentration.

The type of furniture in an office can also influence employee performance. Ergonomic furniture that is designed for comfort can help to reduce muscle strain and fatigue, while stylish and modern furniture can create a pleasant and inviting space.

The lighting in an office can also impact employee productivity. Natural light is often the best type of lighting for offices, as it can help to improve mood and increase energy levels. However, artificial lighting can also be used if it is designed to reduce eye strain and promote relaxation.

Finally, the color scheme of an office can also influence employee performance. Colors that are known to promote concentration and focus, such as blue and green, can help employees to stay on task, while colors that are associated with creativity and innovation, such as yellow and orange, may encourage employees to think outside the box.

How To Use Office Design to Amplify Employee Performance

Now that you understand the importance of office design let's take a look at how you can use it to amplify employee performance.

Use The Layout

One of the best ways to use office design to promote employee performance is to create a space that encourages collaboration and creativity. An open layout with plenty of natural light and comfortable furniture is ideal for fostering a collaborative environment.

Use Ergonomic Furniture

Ergonomic furniture is another way to reduce muscle strain and fatigue in the office. This type of furniture is designed for comfort and can help employees stay focused and productive. There are several types of ergonomic furniture that you can choose from. These include adjustable desks, chairs, and other furniture items.

Use Stylish and Modern Furniture

Using stylish and modern furniture is another great way to use office design to promote employee performance. This type of furniture can help to create a pleasant and inviting space, making it more enjoyable for employees to work in.

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Use Natural Light

Natural light is one of the best ways to use office design to promote employee performance. Natural light can help to improve mood and increase energy levels, making it easier for employees to stay focused and productive.

Use Artificial Lighting Wisely

If you don't have access to natural light, artificial lighting can also be used effectively to promote employee performance. Artificial lighting can be used to reduce eye strain and promote relaxation, making it easier for employees to stay focused and productive.

Use Focus Promoting Colors

Another way to use office design to promote employee performance is to choose colors that are known to promote concentration and focus. Colors like blue and green can help employees to stay on task, making it easier for them to be productive.

Use Colors of Creativity and Innovation

You can also use office design to promote employee performance by choosing colors that are associated with creativity and innovation. Colors like yellow and orange can encourage employees to think outside the box, making them more likely to come up with new ideas and solutions.

A Few Examples of Office Design For Productivity

There are several companies that use office design to improve productivity. It is not a surprise that they are the top-rated companies.


Google is known for its innovative and cutting-edge office designs. Over the years, the company has used a variety of different designs in order to improve employee productivity. In 2008, Google moved into a new headquarters called the Googleplex. The Googleplex features an open layout with plenty of natural light and comfortable furniture. The space was designed to encourage collaboration and creativity.

In 2013, Google underwent another office redesign. This time, the company moved into a new building called the Charleston East Campus. The Charleston East Campus features an open layout with stylish and modern furniture. It was designed to promote creativity and innovation.

In 2016, Google once again redesigned its offices. This time, the company moved into a new building called the London HQ. The London HQ features an open layout with plenty of natural light and ergonomic furniture. It was designed to reduce muscle strain and fatigue and promote collaboration and creativity.

Google is known for its innovative and cutting-edge office designs. Over the years, the company has used a variety of different designs in order to improve employee productivity. In 2008, Google moved into a new headquarters called the Googleplex. The Googleplex features an open layout with plenty of natural light and comfortable furniture. The space was designed to encourage collaboration and creativity.

In 2013, Google underwent another office redesign. This time, the company moved into a new building called the Charleston East Campus. The Charleston East Campus features an open layout with stylish and modern furniture. It was designed to promote creativity and innovation.

In 2016, Google once again redesigned its offices. This time, the company moved into a new building called the London HQ. The London HQ features an open layout with plenty of natural light and ergonomic furniture. It was designed to reduce muscle strain and fatigue and promote collaboration and creativity.


Facebook is another company that has used office design to improve employee productivity. In 2012, Facebook moved into a new headquarters called the Menlo Park Campus. The Menlo Park Campus features an open layout with plenty of natural light and comfortable furniture. The space was designed to encourage collaboration and creativity.

In 2015, Facebook underwent another office redesign. This time, the company moved into a new building called the Frank Gehry Building. The Frank Gehry Building features an open layout with plenty of natural light and modern furniture. It was designed to promote creativity and innovation.


Apple is another company that has used office design to improve employee productivity. In 2010, Apple moved into a new headquarters called the Cupertino Campus. The Cupertino Campus features an open layout with plenty of natural light and comfortable furniture. The space was designed to encourage collaboration and creativity.

In 2012, Apple underwent another office redesign. This time, the company moved into a new building called the Infinity Loop Campus. The Infinity Loop Campus features an open layout with plenty of natural light and modern furniture. It was designed to promote creativity and innovation.


Amazon is another company that has used office design to improve employee productivity. In 2015, Amazon moved into a new headquarters called the Seattle Campus. The Seattle Campus features an open layout with plenty of natural light and comfortable furniture. The space was designed to encourage collaboration and creativity.

In 2017, Amazon underwent another office redesign. This time, the company moved into a new building called the Spheres. The Spheres are three connected glass domes that feature an open layout with plenty of natural light and plant life. They were designed to promote creativity and innovation.

Final Thoughts

Office design is an important factor in employee productivity. Over the years, many companies have used office design to improve employee productivity. Some of the most successful companies have used open layouts with plenty of natural light and comfortable furniture. These designs have been shown to promote creativity and innovation. If you're looking to improve employee productivity, office design is a great place to start.