What is Coronavirus and How to Manage the Risk of Infection?

26 February 2020

A virus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2), is the cause of a new disease spread in the world, originating from China. This disease is known as Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19.

This virus is the type of Coronavirus, which is a family of viruses that can cause the common cold, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). It can spread from person to person. Moreover, it can spread by respiratory droplets of an infected person. The droplets can get stuck or make contact with others when a patient coughs or sneezes. This disease can also cause death, and according to the coronavirus update, the death rate from the Coronavirus is at 3.4%  at this point.

How Infection Spreads?

The coronavirus infection can spread in different ways, which includes.

  • Breathing in the air can cause infection because infected patients release airborne pathogens through coughing or sneezing.
  • Touching any contaminated objects and eating contaminated food can cause infection, and this is the easiest way to get an infection. The pathogens spread from the dirty hands of a person when they touch objects or food.
  • A person can also get a virus from skin to skin contact. Pathogens can transfer when you touch an infected person. It can also transfer by sharing items such as clothes from the infected individual.
  • Pathogens can transfer to a person from a patient's blood, urine, feces, and saliva. But it can only happen when pathogens come in contact with any cuts or abrasions on your body, or by entering into the mucus membrane of your eyes and mouth.

How to Manage the Risk of Infection in the Workplace?

There are more chances of getting infected in the workplace. You can practice personal hygiene to prevent this disease or use equipment that can kill these viruses.

· Hand Washing

You can prevent most of the pathogens by washing your hands regularly. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 15 seconds after using the toilet, before making food, and after touching your client or office equipment. Make sure you dry your hands with deposable paper towels.

· UV Sterilization

Sanitizing surfaces that other people touch is the best method of preventing infection from the coronavirus. You can use products that sterilize items with UV rays. The UV rays can kill any virus. You can use UV lamps in your home or any other place to clear out the infection from any object.

· Clear Skin

Healthy and intact skin can be a significant barrier to any disease, including the coronavirus. Pathogens can enter through cuts or bruises on your body. If you have any cuts or abrasions, then cover them up with waterproof dressing.

· Gloves

Wearing gloves is essential for those who come in contact with the body fluids of their clients, such as doctors or utensil cleaners. You need to wash your hands and wear gloves if you touch the broken skin of others or are doing any other invasive procedure.

· Personal Items

It is also necessary for you to avoid sharing your shavers, razors, clothing, towels, or other personal things with your friends and family to avoid coming into contact with pathogens.

· Improve Office Equipment

The main reason for the growing number of coronavirus patients is that people use each other's items, and these items have pathogens resting on them. To prevent this problem, you need a sanitizing solution. You can install some equipment such as a monitor stand workstation S6G/S6T. This workstation has a UV sterilization property. So, if any pathogen gets onto your workstation, the UV rays will kill them. The monitor stand workstation can sterilize pens, keyboards, and even face masks within 10 minutes.