5 Characteristics of a Productive Hybrid Workplace

29 September 2021

It is crucial to be prepared for a few deviations from the typical routine as you accept change and transition to a mixed work environment. What factors contribute to a company's success in a hybrid work environment? What have some of these businesses accomplished those others have not?

The fact remains that the hybrid work paradigm is here to stay since both employers and employees benefit from it. Here are a few of the most important things that firms and employees are doing to succeed.

hybrid workplace

What is the definition of a hybrid workplace?

A hybrid workplace combines several types of workers. They are not entirely remote (maybe from a home office or other locations), nor are they wholly based in an office. 

Employees that work a few days from a remote location and a few days in a central office make up a hybrid work environment. 

While some organizations have set specific days in stone, others have left it up to managers and employees to decide on job demands. An employee's requirements sometimes influence these judgments.

Making a Hybrid Workplace Function

If you want to create a hybrid work environment as a firm, you should be aware of the numerous problems you will face. 

Getting people's time for meetings, for example, can be difficult because you cannot catch up informally or drop by a colleague's office unannounced for a brief minute catch-up on minor issues. 

Have you read our reviews on how to make hybrid work from home successful?

Here are the top five characteristics that can help you develop a successful hybrid workplace.


1. Prioritizing Productivity

You may find obstacles creeping in to fulfill corporate goals as a hybrid, with remote and in-office staff working around different hours and timings. Any off-topic discussions must be steered back to the only purpose of productivity. Here are some suggestions for how leaders may help create a productive workplace.

Leadership may support high productivity by ensuring that employees are fresh, well-rested, and well-cared for. Furthermore, every team's performance depends on recognizing others' needs, being patient, and providing others time to do the task.

2. Being Adaptable, Kind, and Helpful

As a company, you will need to agree on the use of numerous communication methods and techniques. However, the trick is to make provisions, grant access, and trust your people to use them efficiently. Newer tools, of course, will require training on how to use them effectively.

Being available to your workforce, particularly the remote and hybrid workforce, and other team members via phone, WhatsApp, emails, Facetime, and a variety of different communication channels, the majority of which are a combination of formal and informal encounters, is also part of flexibility.

This can be exhausting for some. People will be able to streamline their thinking if policies that outline what is expected are in place.

Citibank announced Zoom Free Fridays early last year after receiving regular feedback from employees and other stakeholders. What factors influenced this global decision? As they navigated the transition to remote or hybrid working during the pandemic, employees worldwide felt the heat and stress of Zoom meetings.

Supervisors and leadership have been put under additional strain due to working remotely and on a hybrid approach. Many firms are focusing on a two-pronged system of enhanced empathy and trusting team members while holding them accountable for their job as managers are taught to manage teams electronically.

Compared to companies that have empowered their staff, companies with centralized controls and authority will face challenges.

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3. Maintaining Inclusion

Hybrid and remote workforces put in a lot of effort, and leadership needs to appreciate that. As a result, as corporate leaders take the lead, it is critical to remain inclusive and listen to the requirements of these hybrid and remote employees. 

Some employees would be in a conference room, while others would be on a virtual call for mixed gatherings. These may be missed by small and hybrid staff.

A better way to maintain that atmosphere of inclusion is through adding ergonomic products. By introducing and adding ergonomic products for your employee's comfort, you should look for items that will help and increase work productivity. You can take advantage of the sale and great deals at flexispot.com.

They celebrate their fifth anniversary, the FlexiSpot Standiversary, where you can get up to 40% off on selected items. Get an ergonomic chair like the Soutien Ergonomic Office Chair and a standing desk like the Kana Pro Bamboo Standing Desk, which are best sellers on sale this September 27-29, 2021.

4. Upkeep of Data Security

Because personnel is dispersed across the globe, a company's data is at risk. When you have people on your team from all over the world, data protection laws may be broken. Companies have also had to re-examine how their IT infrastructure can protect client and corporate data due to employees accessing a personal network.

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5. Collaborative Environment

While each employee has their preferences and communication methods, employees in hybrid and remote teams will need to be educated on the value of teamwork.

Such platforms enable centralized message boards, open meeting notes, and the storage of papers in an empty filing cabinet that can be accessed by anyone who needs them. You can also set some access permissions to guarantee that material does not reach anyone supposed to see it.

Such platforms improve trust, open and faster communication, and more, allowing the team to achieve its objectives.


To summarize, a hybrid work environment can thrive if specific critical characteristics are present. Leadership must set an example for employees for them to imbibe such attributes. 

As long as the team remains compassionate while focusing on the goals, such practices will take time. Policies and standards that align with this approach will allow the entire workforce to work in the same direction.