5 Reasons to Offer the Employees with Standing Desks

15 October 2021

In her article, Carlie Porterfield wrote last June 2021 news that the large Social Media platform Facebook has allowed their employees to work remotely from home under certain conditions. 

Even after the pandemic, the Social Media giant company would allow the eligible employees to work remotely provided that they would still go to the office for team-building activities. There is also a condition that once an employee decides to move to a less expensive city, their salaries will be adjusted. Moreover, for the employees to be eligible for this privilege, they must have a vital performance review before requesting permanent remote work. 

The Advantage:

Indeed, giving the employees the privilege to work remotely can expand the company's growth. It's because employees can feel that the company is after their welfare. Moreover, working can help employees find a safe and more comfortable work area for them. What's more impressive about this is when companies offer the WFH individuals ergonomic standing desks. When employers provide these products to employees who would work from home, they can ensure that they get ergonomically protected, which can boost their immune system. Through this offer, companies can keep their workers protected against the threat of the Covid-19 virus. 

Willow Solid Wood Standing Desk

The Great Choice of Ergonomic Products:

If you're looking for the best ergo products such as standing desks to offer your employees who would like to work remotely too, then FlexiSpot-the home of the best standing desks, desk converters, and ergonomic chairs would be the most recommendable. When you choose FlexiSpot for your workers, you could enjoy the services that Flexispot could offer for you as an employer. 

Indeed, FlexiSpot could give out services to help the workers who would choose the WFH-setting. The following perks from FlexiSpot are:

  • You can pay the bill periodically. So, investing in these standing desks can be economical. 
  • FlexiSpot can directly send the products to the employees. Hence, you would not worry about the logistics because FlexiSpot can do this for you. 
  • FlexiSpot can extend the free trial and warranty. Thus, you can ensure that your workers would enjoy a long time testing the product. Moreover, with an extended warranty, workers would feel more at ease to utilize the product. 
  • The company can process the shipping service. If the logistics service would be faster, your employees could enjoy the benefits of having sit-stand desk products at home while working remotely. 

So, these are the key takeaways on the perks of availing of the stand-up desk products from FlexiSpot. Once you choose FlexiSpot, you would not think much of the shipping services, and you would be able to save more in investing in these products. At the same time, we will point out the advantages of letting your employees work remotely. Aside from these perks, there are other reasons to offer the employees these standing desks from FlexiSpot. Hence, here are the five reasons. 

The 5 Reasons:

a. Offering the Employees the Standing Desk could Benefit you as an Employer:

Kana Bamboo Standing Desk

When you invest in standing desks or sit-stand desks from Flexispot such as the Kana Standing Desk or Standing Desk Pro Series, you could lessen some expenses, especially with office equipment and furniture maintenance. As we mentioned above, FlexiSpot could offer extended warranty service, so you don't need to worry about spending extra on care. Unlike in the office where there are unexpected expenses, especially when an item of office furniture gets broken. With the durability of FlexiSpot sit-stand desk products and the extended warranty service, you may ensure that you could save more. 

b. Providing the Workers with Ergonomic Products Could Help Them in Maintaining a Good Work Performance:

Standing Desk Converters M7MB

Even when working remotely, employees can still be prone to RSIs or repetitive strain injuries. Hence, there is a need to use the sit-stand desks. Desk converters could be a good choice for that. If you are considering desk converters too, Standing Desk Converters M7MB could be the right choice. This desk converter can help the workers do the sit-stand movement while doing the remote work. So, even if he stays at home, you can ensure that your employee gets protected against musculoskeletal disorders. Moreover, employees can feel more energized to work even remotely because they could rely on a product above and beyond the competition. 

c. When Employees can Perform Well Remotely, They Can Generate More Ideas: 

AlcoveRiser Bamboo Standing Desk Converters

When workers perform in a WFH-setting, they feel more relaxed, and they could have an environment where they could feel at ease. When you work from home, you could feel more comfortable and less stiff because you would not feel that everything gets clocked. As a result, employees may be able to think of brighter ideas. Proofs are surfacing online that employees get the hang of the system now because they have already adjusted to the setting, so remote working has become easier over one year. 

d. You can help Your Employees Lessen Their Expenses of Office Furniture with the FlexiSpot Standing Desk:

Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk

When you provide a standing desk for your employees, you help them lessen their expenses because they don't need to upgrade their office furniture at home. With the perks of the extended warranty service that the FlexiSpot offers, you can ensure that your employee can enjoy the use of the stand-up desk product. Moreover, you may help them save more because they don't need to make their workspace at home ergonomically protected. So, providing standing desk products to your WFH-workers is beneficial. 

e. Offering the WFH-employees can Make Them Feel that You Care:

Adjustable Standing Desk Pro Series

When you provide for the needs of your employees, you win their trust. They would feel more appreciated. Some studies show that one of the reasons employees resign is when they don't feel appreciated in the company. Hence, when you provide these pieces of equipment, you let them think that you appreciate their efforts. As a result, they could understand all the good things that you do for them. Most of all, you can maintain a good reputation as a company that cares for the welfare of the employees: one of the secrets of the most successful companies and institutions. So, if you try this in your own company, you would be able to hire top-caliber employees with whom you could work hand in hand while gearing towards success. 

Final Thoughts: 

It's not every day that employees feel that they are not working but helping a second family. When you show that you care for them, employees will treat you as a second home. So, with this move of offering the employees the best standing desks from a company like Flexispot, you can create a work environment that they would keep for a long time.