Remote work has always been a dream of many employees with a desk job. However, as the real world events transformed this dream into a reality, it wasn't easy for many individuals with a desk-bound job to cope with this unexpected reality. While it offered the freedom to wake up late, work in pajamas, not worry about traffic jams, and so on but working remotely, in the long run, brought numerous physical and mental health challenges.
That's why it is important for remote workers with a desk job to know about ways to stay active and healthy as they continue to spend long hours at their at-home desks. And that's what we discuss in this post.
In what follows, we share five wellness tips for remote workers which will help ensure that they stay fit and healthy. However, before we get into the essentials of taking care of ourselves, let's look at some of the challenges that remote working presents.
It's critical to know about these challenges as they can often take a toll on your physical and mental health.
So let's get started.
Challenges of Remote Working
Remote working offers flexibility in multiple ways however, it brings an array of challenges that are often unknown when you are working at the office.
Some of these challenges include the following.
Difficulty in Self-Management – Many remote workers find it difficult to establish and stick to a routine for themselves,
Increased Risk of Posture-Related Health Concerns – It is common for remote workers working at a workstation that's not ergonomically designed,
Challenges to Work-Life Balance – When working remotely, many employees feel they are working round the clock and have trouble finding a work-life balance making them more prone to burnout,
Feeling of Isolation – With no colleagues and co-workers around, its natural to feel isolated and alone,
Difficulty in Maintaining Healthy Eating Habits – When you're working alone, it's often hard to maintain healthy eating habits, and
Challenges to Getting Recommended Level of Physical Activity – With a messed up schedule, many employees find it challenging to get recommended level of physical activity.
5 Wellness Tips for Remote Workers
As challenges of remote working may take a toll on the physical and mental health of employees, it's critical that employees take measures to maintain all aspects of wellness and that's what we look at in this section.
Here are five wellness tips for remote workers so let's take a closer look at them.

#1. Establish a Daily Routine and Stick to It
One of the best things remote employees can do to ensure their physical and mental well-being is to establish a daily routine and stick to it.
When you're working remotely, it's easy to get lazy with your everyday tasks which often results in starting your workday later than expected. When an individual wakes up late, it also impacts the sleep cycle making it difficult to fall asleep earlier. Such a routine can interfere with your productivity and the quality of work you produce.
It is therefore critical that you establish a daily routine and stick to it every day including weekends. Your routine must include waking up and sleeping at the same time throughout the day. While it may require some hard work and discipline, it will help reduce your feeling of stress and anxiety. Moreover, when you are well-rested, it will also help boost your productivity and the quality of work you produce even when you're not working at the office.
Apart from focusing on your wake-up and sleep time, it's critical that you set aside your work hours and do not schedule any other activity within your work hours. With this approach, you'll be able to complete your office assignments on time which will leave you time for other activities including exercise. Make sure you incorporate some physical activity in your day such as brisk walking or swimming as it's critical to keep you healthy and fit.
Lastly, establishing a daily routine and sticking to it will allow you to maintain a better work-life balance.

#2. Consume a Balanced Diet
Apart from establishing and sticking to a routine, the other most critical measure you need to take to ensure your wellness while working remotely is to consume a balanced diet.
When you're staying at home all day, you are burning fewer calories than when you're going to the office as your level of activity at home is reduced. In such a case, if you don't keep a check on what you're consuming, you may likely end up with obesity.
It is therefore essential that you keep a check on what you're consuming. Make sure you consume a balanced diet that includes all essential food groups including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. However, it's important that you limit your intake of complex carbs, foods rich in sugar and salt, and saturated fats. Moreover, it is best to avoid your intake of processed foods.
Apart from keeping a check on what you eat, you also need to be aware of when you're eating. Ideally, you should never skip your breakfast and the best time to consume the first meal of your day is between 30-60 minutes after you wake up. Moreover, you should consume the last meal of your day at least 3-4 hours before you go to bed so your body gets ample time to digest the food appropriately before you sleep.
Furthermore, while you're working remotely throughout the day, don't forget to consume healthy snacks 2-3 times a day. Healthy snacks such as nuts, fruits, and vegetables are rich in fiber that helps your tummy stay full for a long without adding too many calories hence keeping your risk of weight gain and obesity at bay.

#3. Stay Hydrated
Once remote worker gets to the desk, they often end up being so engrossed in work that they tend to forget about adequate water intake. It is therefore critical that you consume an adequate amount of water throughout the day in order to keep your mind and body healthy.
An intake of 8-10 glasses of water every day is recommended as it helps prevent dehydration. While dehydration may not seem like a debilitating health condition however, not many individuals are aware that it can lead to a range of health concerns including headaches, mood swings, and constipation. It's therefore critical to keep a check on your intake of water so you can stay fit and healthy while working remotely.

#4. Set up a Home Office With Appropriate Ergonomic Equipment
Remote working provides you the opportunity to work from the comfort of your home and that's why many remote workers end up working on their couch or kitchen counter.
But that's where the problem comes in.
Working on a workstation that's not ergonomically designed may not cause any problems for a few days but in the long run, such a work setup can lead to a range of musculoskeletal health concerns. Sitting on a regular dining chair or kitchen stool for longer hours doesn't provide your spine the support it needs which can result in strains and sprains and more serious concerns of the spine including arthritis, spinal stenosis, and even herniated disc.
It is therefore critical that you set up an ergonomic workstation even when you're working remotely featuring an ergonomic office chair and a desk that's reserved as your workspace. Ergonomic office mesh chair 3001 makes one of the most reliable ergonomic office chairs you can find for your home office. It's a sleek and functional ergonomic office chair that can be a perfect addition to your remote work setup even when space is a constraint.
Click here to find out more about this product and many other ergonomic office products that can make your remote workstation more efficient and functional while ensuring your health and well-being.

#5. Make Time for Personal Connections
Perhaps the most significant drawback of remote working that can impact your mental health is limited or no connection with your team members and co-workers. While some individuals may find it more peaceful, social interaction is a basic human need without which survival is difficult. It's therefore critical that you make time for personal connections with people inside and outside your home.
Look for opportunities to connect with your family members and co-worker at a personal level outside your work setting (which is your home). You can plan meals together or play games and watch a movie together. If in-person connection isn't always possible you can rely on the use of technology to connect with people through video chat services, such as Zoom or Google Meet.
If your feeling of loneliness is overwhelming you, you can always consider getting in touch with a therapist who can help you address your concerns.
Wrapping Up
Remote working brings a range of benefits for workers but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. If you're a remote worker, it's critical that you understand the challenges of remote working and know some wellness tips so you can take care of your mind and body as you work from the comfort of your home.