6 Office Tidiness Tips

19 July 2021

It is argued that where you work is equally as essential as how you work. You can be the most reliable employee, but your capability to get things done will be hampered if you are continually wasting time looking through paperwork or office supplies because you are disorganized at your workstation.

You may believe that you do not have time to organize your workspace, but if you understood how so much time that chaos cost you, you would reassess. Periodically rearranging and relocating stacks does not count. Clearing your desk doesn't work either unless you put the clutter into a container or a desk drawer. A somewhat clean and ordered working space allows for increased productivity and less wasted time.

According to research, a cluttered desk is a sign of creativity and does not always affect productivity. For some, though, disarray on the outside reflects what is happening on the inside. The truth is that organization isn't all about orderly stacks and labels for anything and everything. It's all about arranging your workspace in a way that promotes efficiency while not impeding work, whether that means a messy or clean desk.

Fortunately, a few organizational strategies can make all the difference between a productive and unproductive workplace. Here's how to set up an office for optimal efficiency, whether you are in a standard office setup or from home.

Eliminate workspace clutter

There is some proof that a few special people flourish on clutter because it stimulates their creativity. Messiness can be energizing for some employees. On the other hand, clutter has been demonstrated to impair concentration and even make it more difficult to acquire knowledge for the majority of us non-artisans. As a result, any office organization recommendation worth its salt will stress the need to clear your workstation. It is important to note that you may not have to remove clutter thoroughly. You want to organize the mess to don't waste time digging for the items you need.

If clutter is interfering with your enthusiasm and performance, you'll need to do more to maintain a clean workspace. Set aside some time to go through the materials in your workspace to get things started. Sort stuff into three piles: dumpster, donation, and keep. Then, for anything you intend to preserve, find room. To keep everything organized, use a label maker to mark where everything goes. If paper is standing in the way, consider switching to paperless file methods. Have a file sorter at or on your desk to swiftly get paper out of the way, even if you can't effectively file it.

Books, pencils, paperclips, calculators, and other items can clog up your workspace. Sift these goods once a week or so and store them wherever you can quickly retrieve them. Items can be kept in bins such as pen cups and paperclip trays. It's important to remember that clutter doesn't simply overload your desk; it can also cause havoc in other corners of the workplace if you let it. Shelves, items hung on the wall, stools, and the floor are all good places to keep clutter at bay.

Sort things according to their regularity of use and keep them close by

Consider keeping objects based on their frequency of use when you establish a storage solution for your freshly decluttered office. It will optimize your efficiency to keep often accessed things close to your workstation, while those that aren't as regularly used can be put further away.

Store office supplies such as staplers and scissors in a desktop holder or a desk drawer. You may attach one such as this under your desk if it does not come with a drawer. The same is true for paper files that you use daily. When it comes to stuff that you use less than once a week, feel free to store them elsewhere in your office to keep your desk as clear as possible. File cabinets are a great and compact storage solution for individual workstations so that you can store other items out of sight but within reach.

You may need a larger desk if you have more things that require regular access. This extra-large FlexiSpot standing desk provides more space than a typical standing desk and all the same great features as its smaller cousins. You can also have a desk configuration, such as an L-shaped set up with a standing desk or an ergonomic chair with casters that allow you to rotate around to obtain what you need.

Create a system for organizing paper and digital files

Begin by digitizing whatever you can to reduce the number of physical copies you need to keep. Organize these digital files in a manner that feels effortless. Dumping files onto your desktop will not suffice. Allocate various receptacles for different types of documents. If you keep physical copies after they've been processed, make sure they're in adequately labeled files. You may also put a mesh desk organizer on the corner of your desk to keep paperwork separate whether they need work or have already been attended to.

Be comfortable and hip with ergonomics

Configuring your workstation according to ergonomic principles has several noticeable advantages. It is healthier for you: An ergonomically constructed workstation reduces strain on the eyes, shoulders, neck, and back (as well as the rest of your body), allowing you to feel more comfortable all through the day.

Furthermore, increased comfort leads to increased productivity. This makes it obvious when you think that being incredibly uncomfortable can impair focus and cause weariness immediately. When your body is effortlessly feeling fine, your thoughts are more likely to stay focused.

Begin by investing in an ergonomic office chair that provides enough back support (particularly in the lumbar spine/lower back) and allows you to tailor its settings to your specific needs. Sit with your back straight, feet flat on the ground, thighs parallel to the floor, and arms in a neutral position as they rest on your desk.

Optimally, your workspace should have enough natural light but also enough artificial light from desk lamps, for example, to reduce eye strain when it's dark outside. To eliminate neck and back pain, position your chair or computer monitor so that you are looking straight ahead, not up or down. You may use monitor arms or monitor mounts if your display height needs to be adjusted now and then, along with your chair for your comfort.

Because sitting for long periods might be harmful to your health, consider obtaining a height-adjustable standing desk to allow you to sit or stand to keep your blood and muscles in motion, preventing stiffness, discomfort, and pain.

Change up your routine and schedule while sticking to it

Routines develop habits that enable you to proceed through actions without having to think about them too much. Schedules guarantee that you complete tasks on time. These time management tactics aid in concentration and productivity. Schedules and routines can become ruts and restrict creativity. Change up your routine and schedule when they begin to make you feel heavy or uninterested.

Get inspired by personalizing your workspace

There are no restrictions on whether or not you can have personal pictures or a plant on your desk. In reality, simply designing your office in a style that provides you delight or inspiration may increase your productivity and effectiveness. Try painting your office in a color that appeals to you. Display images or banners that stimulate or motivate you. Decorate your office with beautiful office supplies and encircle yourself with stuff that encourages you.

Final Thought

Preserve your organizational techniques by devoting 10 to 15 minutes to clearing up your workstation after each workday. Before you call it a day, ensure your desktop is clutter-free that everything in your workstation is in its appropriate location. That way, you'll never sink into an organizational quicksand that feels impossible to get out of—and you'll have the joy of walking into a tidy workspace the following day.