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8 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Work Life at Home

29 June 2021

Similar to how decluttering may make you happier and healthier, redesigning can help you produce fresh concepts, promote creativity, and increase productivity. This is particularly true in spaces where you spend most of your time creating, such as your desk. If you're feeling discouraged or uninspired when you sit down to work, it's time to update your workstation and change things up.

Employees might still be dealing with the stress of additional job duties and the loss of their typical routines months after starting remote work. Many organizations are learning that they can still function effectively with everyone working from home. However, it has taken its toll. Most of us are coping with parenting responsibilities, career demands, and overall anxiety about the unpredictability we're all facing.

Working from home may grate on anyone's nerves after a little while, whether you miss your workplace or are delighted to be home frequently. Sitting in the same area of the house without teammates is hard to adjust to in the long run, especially if you enjoy a structured, social situation. And while no one can honestly tell when businesses will be fully operational again, there are several things you can do to relaunch your WFH circumstance.

Take this opportunity to gather your thoughts and renew your work-from-home environment. It's the simple things that can make your workspace more appealing and help you stay focused while working from home. It's effortless to switch up your routine at home, and you wouldn't even have to change out of your pajamas to accomplish it. Working from home has the added benefit of allowing you to modify your routine without requiring permission from your boss. Everyone has distinct working practices and professional needs that will define what modifications they can make; it will simply take careful contemplation to learn what may help you the most.


Remember that even after you've 'mastered' your ritual, it's a good idea to shake things up now and then. When seasons change, it could be an excellent opportunity to renew your WFH workspace and habit. Changing up your routine can help you get out of a slump at work. No matter how great your home office is, any place will get old after a little while, especially if you've been working from home for months. You'll get a rush of passion and enthusiasm from switching rooms, much like going into a new office—and the best thing is, you get to choose where you go.

Clear and Reorganize

Cleaning is also a quick way to freshen up your environment at any moment. It could entail cleansing the air and introducing fresh aromas into your home after you've changed things up, organizing neglected areas that you've cleaned from high and low, leaving no stone unturned. After you've cleared everything out, add an air purifier to assist filter allergies and orders.

To manage materials that aren't always needed on your desk, use desk storage boxes, bins, or drawer partitions. If you don't have a desk drawer or want some items to sit on your desk, get clever with your organization by using stackable cabinets or colored boxes to turn clutter into art while also making it simpler to find what you need when you need to use it. This Mesh Desk Organizer is also handy as it can hold documents and other paraphernalia so they can be within your reach.

Depending on your needs, choose a desk with drawers such as Esben Standing Desk UD4Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk Glass TopComhar All-in-One Standing Desk Wooden Top to conceal clutter, or go vertical with Floating Shelves or a small hanging cabinet to keep miscellaneous necessities. Labeling and taking care of your filing will go a long way toward preventing those terrifying paper mounds from accumulating on your desk. Filing can be enjoyable when you use attractive file folders and have a tidy place to keep it all.

Separate Eating Space and Working Space

There's a reason why most workplaces advise their employees to avoid eating in their workspace: you need to separate from work and life. By incorporating other things, such as eating, into your workstation, you are potentially blurring the borders between personal and professional time. When you begin to transform your workspace into a "living space," performance can suffer from burnout. Take your lunch or coffee break in another room of your house to maintain a decent work-life balance. The opportunity to take some time off from work and clear your mind will allow you to perform a mini-reset. Your creativity and psychological health will appreciate it.


No matter what size or how beautiful, every workstation requires some personalization to become your own entirely. Yes, it may seem strange to renovate a room in your home just for business purposes, but a little personalized decor can make a huge difference in your performance. Decorating your own area allows you to be completely free of standard office regulations.


Plants, in particular, have a healing impact on the brain and can improve focus and attention capabilities. According to studies, they can enhance employee productivity by 15%. Our humble green pals can also reduce stress, increase motivation, and help purify the air around us. Viewing at or being near nature is something that many of us should do more of now that we are not in enormous office buildings. If possible, arrange your workstation to face a window; if not, grab a plant or two to help circulate the air.


Another simple approach to altering your décor and renewing your workstation is to add some beautiful picture frames and swap out several of your favorite photos. Seeing familiar faces and joyful moments will instantly lift your mood and inspire you.


Lighting candles in the office can improve your work energy and instantly increase the comfortable vibes at your workstation, which, oddly enough, makes you more inclined to be efficient. If you're afraid of lighting candles, there are several excellent flameless candle solutions to refresh your workstation that will still help to boost the overall atmosphere and mood.

Desk Accessories

You want your environment to represent your individuality, and a lot of that can come in the form of nice pen cups or a gorgeous notepad. Personalize what provides you joy, those small awesome things that make you smile and want to look at them, like a striking pen holder, a sleek tray, a wall calendar, or gold-plated scissors.


A well-designed office is about more than simply aesthetics; it is also about practicality and comfort. While you're updating your office decor, you might want to make some adjustments that will improve the ergonomics of your space. This could involve the following:

All of this is dependent on the ergonomic issues you are now experiencing, such as lower back pain, leg discomfort, or sore wrists. Having the correct ergonomic solutions in place will minimize the possibility of developing a repetitive motion injury or other health issues in the future. Most of us spend multiple hours a week at our desks, so do yourself a favor and make it a pleasant, cozy environment where you can accomplish your best work and love going to each day.

Try a Co-working Space

Work colleagues provide the vital support that most of us require to get through the day and to ricochet innovative ideas off from time to time. Whether your company has decided to close its doors or you've decided to work for yourself, there is still a place for you: co-working facilities. These offices function similarly to residences in that you rent workspace for a limited amount of time and enjoy the perks of having an office while communicating with individuals from other companies.

Visit a Coffee Shop or Library

If your local cafe or library is open for business and seats, consider stopping over for a few hours or perhaps a day. Coffee shops are pretty well-known meeting places for remote employees, and your library may even provide the opportunity to rent a room for a few hours so you could have a mini-field tour outside of the four walls.

Get Social

Working from home tends to reduce our social life slightly, but this does not have to be the case. We need to connect, so we must make a considerable effort. Take some time to contact friends or relatives and schedule a quick phone call, coffee meetups, or movie nights a few times a month (do not overdo it).

Finally, once your work schedules are finished for the day, go for a stroll to unwind. Moving away from our home lives to go for a stroll or run will help clear your thoughts, keep you lively, and guarantee your mind is well-rested for another productive and successful day.