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Achieving the Perfect Posture at Work

03 April 2024

Good posture is integral regardless of whether you're sitting or standing in front of your office desk. One of the most direct benefits it has is that it reduces your risk of chronic injury in the long term. Sitting or standing in one position for prolonged periods can cause strain or injury put your neck and back. There are a few things that go into achieving the perfect posture at work. This article highlights them so that you can work efficiently, comfortably, and with minimal risk of pain and injury.

Achieving the Perfect Posture at Work – Tips That Will Make It Easy to Sit Comfortably

Sitting in the ideal posture at work is not as challenging as it may seem. You just need to know about basic ergonomics, and you can then sit in a comfortable position that can allow you to work at optimal efficiency. Also, some pieces of furniture can help with that. So, here are some tips that will make it easy to sit comfortably.

Set Up Your Ergonomic Office Chair in the Ideal Position

The first thing you should do is set up your ergonomic office chair in the ideal position so that your legs and back are in the optimal position. This point is crucial because you will need to use a chair even when working at a standing desk. It is not recommended to work an eight-hour shift in a standing position. You are likely to compromise your posture in that case and fatigue your legs and ankle joints. Thus, it's best if you alternate between standing and sitting positions after every hour.

It helps to have a high-quality office chair that has significant adjustability. This is because you may need to raise your seat based on the position of your desk and create the optimal recline for a better working position.

Some important adjustments your seat should offer include the following.

Seat height adjustment

The ability to recline your seat for the optimal tilt

Some Useful Chair Features That Can Help You Maintain Your Posture

At the same time, your chair should also have some of the useful features mentioned below. These features will enable you to sit with perfect posture for prolonged periods. It is common for people to initially sit with good posture and then compromise the position a few minutes later. With that said, here are some other features your chair should have.

Lumbar pillows or effective lumbar support

A headrest pillow for keeping your neck straight

Armrests so that you can help keep your elbows in the ideal position and reduce strain on your shoulders

If your ergonomic office chair does not have some features, such as a lumbar pillow, then you can use a makeshift modification. Any sturdy pillow that covers the width of your back should suffice. That said, make sure the pillow is not very deep in your seat, as that might take up too much of your seating space.

One chair that you should consider getting with all of these features is the Standard Office Chair (C5) by FlexiSpot.

Using Your Chair to Get the Perfect Posture at Work

Now that you know what your chair should have, here are some ways you can use it to get the perfect posture at work.

Adjust the Seat Height

Raise or lower your seat's height so that your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. It's best if your hips are slightly above your knees. This position is crucial because it can help put less strain on your knees when you get off your seat. In addition to that, it also helps keep the angle between your legs about 90 degrees or more. In turn, it can help reduce stress on your lower back.

Make Sure Your Feet Are Flat on the Ground

Your feet should be flat on the ground, without your heels in the air. Placing your legs flat can reduce the strain on your hips, which can adversely affect your lower back. So, try to avoid sitting cross-legged or with your legs extended. Moreover, avoid letting your feet dangle in the air.

In most cases, you should be able to achieve this position by adjusting the seat height. However, if not, then place a small, sturdy box beneath your feet to ensure they don't dangle. After you do that, make sure to check the position of your knees about your hips.

Adjust the Tilt of Your Seat

It's typically beneficial for you in the long term to set your backrest to anywhere between 100 and 110 degrees. Sitting with your backrest at 90 degrees will force you to sit in an upright but uncomfortable position. This way, you'll also ensure that the angle between your back and legs is greater than 90 degrees.

Thus, you'll find this more comfortable on your back, and it will help you maintain your posture for longer periods than if you sat completely upright.

Use Your Armrests to Support Your Shoulders

The ideal position for your elbows when working at a desk is to keep them slightly above your wrists. This way, your wrists won't have to tilt upward when using your keyboard. So, you can help reduce the risk of wrist injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. So, a visual queue to work with is the tilt of your forearms. They should be either parallel to the floor or bent slightly downward.

You may need to adjust the height of your seat, armrests, and/or your height-adjustable office desk to achieve the best position.

Move Your Seat Close Enough to Your Desk

One tip about correct posture that may sometimes be overlooked is the distance between your seat and your office desk. Ideally, you should sit close enough so that your elbows are at about 90 degrees when you're using your keyboard or mouse. If it's more than that, then you're sitting too far, and vice versa. It will be more challenging for you to keep your back straight if you are sitting too close to your keyboard than when you're sitting in the ideal position.

Sit Back into Your Chair

This tip does not have to do with adjusting your home office chair but with how you use the chair. Make sure that you sit fully back into your set. There should be no space between your lower back and the backrest of your chair. In addition to that, you should also make sure that your entire back is leaning against the backrest. This way, you can prevent slouching forward and keep your back straight.

Use Your Headrest to Keep Your Neck Straight

Bending your neck downward or not keeping it in line with your back can result in neck strain and injury. Therefore, you should make sure that you lean your head on your seat's headrest. If your seat does not have a headrest, just make sure that you do not lean it forward. Instead, keep in line with your back.

Set Up Your Monitor in the Ideal Position

How you position your monitor is also crucial for achieving the perfect posture at work and maintaining it properly. So, here are some important tips to keep in mind.

Place Your Screen at the Ideal Height

Anywhere between the top and center of your monitor screen should be at your eye level. This way, you won't have to look upward or downward. Looking down at your screen can start to strain your neck. In addition to that, you may also start to hunch to look at the screen carefully. Avoid resting your chin on your hand when looking at your screen as well because that will cause you to hunch forward, which will compromise your posture.

Also, don't keep your screen too high. As a result, you will also make sure that you don't strain your eyes. Looking at a screen that's much higher than it should be may force you to take your eyes out of its neutral position. Sitting that way for several hours a day can have a negative impact on your body.

An ergonomic monitor arm can help you achieve the ideal position for your screen with its exceptional adjustability. If you don't have a monitor arm, you can adjust the height of your office desk. Just make sure that you don't compromise the position of your wrists and elbows when you do so. On the other hand, if you don't have any adjustment options, then you can place a small box under your monitor's stand. That should be good enough to raise the height to the best position.

Last Few Words

Achieving the perfect posture at work is just as crucial as maintaining it. So, make sure that you take frequent breaks when working. Moving around during your breaks can help your body get some relief so that you can sit in the ideal posture again.