Are Coronavirus and Obesity are Corelated?

12 May 2020

A recent report says that obesity makes people at high risk of getting infected with Coronavirus, but why is that?

In the UK, a study based on nearly 17000 COVID-19 patients showed that those who were obese had a 33% greater risk of dying than those who were not obese. Moreover, data on 3,615 confirmed patients from the New York University medical college, published in Clinical Infectious Diseases , showed that among people under 60, hospitalization rates for obese patients more than doubled and the risk of requiring intensive care significantly increased. So does being overweight or obese really affect severity of diease?

Why are people with obesity at risk?

According to the CDC's website, severe obesity increases the risk of a serious breathing problem called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This complication may cause difficulties for doctors to provide respiratory support for severely ill patients.

People with obesity are more prone to have reduced lung function, possible inflammation of the fatty tissue around internal organs, and might bring negative impacts on the heart and blood flow. Studies also show that fat cells could also restrict the availability of vital immune cells around the body to fight off the virus, and much more dangerous is infected with the coronavirus.

Ways to prevent obesity during this coronavirus pandemic

To focus on your health and prevent being overweight, you should pay more attention to what you eat and exercise as well. Having an improved immune system is one of the best ways to resist the virus.

Have a balanced diet

During the quarantine period, you must eat food that provides the necessary nutrients your body needs to boost the immune system. However, you also need to be aware of food handling practices and know-how to limit salt, sugar, and fat intake to prevent obesity. Not only does a properly balanced diet boosts your immunity, but so does your physical and mental health, and well-being too.

Riding a bike

Both running and biking are great forms of exercises but heath experts advises obese people to refrain running because it can cause damage to the knees, and cited biking as a form of exercise that out lesser stress on the knees. While running help you burn more calories, cycling is gentler on the body, and you may be able to do it longer or faster compare to running.

However, if you're just at home and want to get your exercising done inside, we suggest you try out cycling and get those knees working.

Since most people are working from home, our FlexiSpot Home Office Height Adjustable Cycle Desk Bike is the perfect option which allows you to work while exercising. This adjustable seat and desk was also reviewed by as an ideal workout and personal comfort.

Unlike any other adjustable desks in the market, this product is perfect to use while reading, binge-watching series, watching news on tv, sending emails, and more! It keeps you active and healthy without even realizing it.

In case you want to work from your room to your living area, this cycle desk bike features four durable caster wheels with 360-degree swivel allowing you to move the bike easily from room to room. The seat is also easily adjusted with just a gentle press of a lever so you don't get off the bike. Just add $50 on your purchase if you'll be adding a desk on your adjustable cycle desk bike. How convenient!