Are You Exercising Too Hard? You May Be Addicted

23 June 2021

Are you a fitness freak? Have you been working out for several hours after a hard day? Are your emotions affected if you miss a gym session? Do you compensate by increasing your activity the following day? It's likely that you've been rescheduling and postponing commitments with your family in order to make time for exercise. Your abrupt behavioral shift is the consequence of exercise addiction. When you over-exercise, you place an undue strain on your psychological, physiological, and emotional health. This piece will educate you on exercise addiction as well as how to overcome it. Continue to read on to discover everything there is to know about workout addiction.

How is Exercise Addiction Defined?

Understanding exercise addiction is the first step toward conquering it. Simply explained, exercise addiction is an obsessive fixation with physical fitness and exercise. Exercise addiction, like other forms of addiction, results in social, mental, and physiological issues.

It is critical to understand that workout addiction does not relate to a high volume of exercise intensity in a short period of time. For example, training for extended periods of time in preparation for a triathlon does not imply that you are obsessed with exercise. If you become restless and upset when you do not work out, you may be hooked to exercise.

Exercise addiction forces you to work out at inconvenient times and neglect commitments. People who are seriously addicted are also more prone to disregard their discomfort and continue exercising despite their distress.

Additionally, exercise addiction is classified into several sub-types. People who are hooked to exercising on a primary basis do not have an unhealthy relationship with food. Secondary exercise addiction, on the other extreme, happens in the involvement of an eating problem.

The Prevalence of Exercise Addiction

While exercise offers numerous benefits, over 3% of people over 60 years have gone even farther. A recent study indicates that a number of factors contribute to a person's susceptibility to workout addiction. Below are some of the most frequently cited adverse outcomes for excessive exercise:

People who have drug dependency addictions are more susceptible to developing an exercise addiction once they begin to exercise.

Individuals who struggle with anxiety and pessimism may develop an addiction to exercise soon after they start.

Social conditioning and social stigma to preserve or develop an ideal body may contribute to fitness addiction.

Professional athletes also face a significant risk of developing an addiction to exercise. Recent evidence showed that athletes with an excessive passion for and devotion to their profession are more prone to develop an exercise addiction than the regular populace.

Is Exercise Addiction a Dangerous Thing?

Exercising has a number of cognitive and fitness benefits. Nevertheless, abusing it has a number of adverse effects. Below are some of the frequent consequences of excessive exercise.

  • Performance degrades rather than improves with each passing session.
  • Exhaustion on both the physical and psychological aspects.
  • Too much exercise can lead to depression, paranoia, and disorientation.
  • Additionally, exercise addiction results in joint pains.
  • Overworked individuals are also vulnerable to restlessness.

Exercise Addiction Indicators

The following are some of the more prevalent symptoms associated with exercise addiction:

It begins to have an impact on your personal and professional relationships

The first sign if you are an exercise addict is that you choose to spend a lot of time going to the gym rather than having fun and bonding with your family. If your loved ones start making subtle jokes about being ignored because your exercise session is your first priority, this is an indication that your values have shifted.

Bliss Reinterpreted

When someone is addicted, their satisfaction is always contingent on the result of their workout. A decent workout will stimulate the release of feel-good neurotransmitters. If your sole source of happiness is the production of dopamine, it's comparable to heroin addiction. While dopamine is a naturally occurring substance produced by the body, the idea is just the same. Repeating an action in order to obtain that release is similar to any other illegal drug pursuit.

Exploit Exercise as a refuge

Exercise addiction causes an individual to isolate themselves from all of their psychological issues and focus exclusively on exercising. While the gym is an excellent location to think and unwind, when used to escape other, more difficult interactions, the gym will only help you for so long. While a momentary retreat is desirable, trying to avoid others on a lengthy basis through physical activity is not a remedy.

Conquering your addiction

Here are some strategies to help you cut back on exercise if it's causing you harm.

Hire a trainer or take a fitness class

The first step is to hire a personal trainer or avail of an exercise class. Exercise with the trainer present to assist you and guarantee your progression and accomplishments are healthy. If you feel at ease, engage in social interaction with your peers to help you experience a sense of belonging. Immediately exit the gym directly following your workout and replenish your body with drinks and a proper diet.


People should alter their workout routines if they become aware that they are addicted. Participating in more hobbies such as meditation and choreographed dances can assist you in conquering exercise addiction.

Share Your Workout Addition

Acknowledging your workout addiction with others will go a decent way toward guiding you in resolving it. As some individuals come to your aid, you will feel a sense of obligation to not prove them wrong. There is no need to alert everyone about your predicament, but informing the ones who worry and care deeply about you will push you to take a step back.

Final Thoughts

Going to the gym, improving your health, and living a healthy lifestyle is not something to be guilty of. And this is even strongly recommended. When your exercise regimens and practices begin to interfere with your connections, employment, quality time, or other duties, it's necessary to review how hard you're working it. Recovery is an integral part of any training regimen, so ensure you get enough