Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle with these Easy Tips

23 June 2021

Sedentary individuals, defined as those who spend most of their time sitting and partaking in minimal physical exercise, have an elevated risk of early death due to a strong association between frequent movement and disease risk.

That is correct. Simply sitting for an extended period of time will decrease your lifespan! Consider people and their existence across centuries.

Undoubtedly, we have progressed well beyond the era of cave dwellers, hunters, and gatherers, yet even decades ago, our ancestors' generation lived in a world that looked very different from ours:

  • They spent most of their time moving their bodies outdoors.
  • They farmed their own foods and mastered the art of preservation.
  • They manufactured the majority of their stuff by hand, as traveling out to make purchases has not always been a possibility.
  • They were free of technological intrusions.
  • Their sleep-wake rhythms were synchronized with natural sunlight, which provided ample opportunity for comfortable slumber.

At the moment, we live in a capitalist world in which virtually anything can be bought and sent to our front porch with the click of a mouse. While we can all concur that technological advancements have brought a slew of benefits, along with the features that ease life, there are also risks.

Consequences associated with a Sedentary Way of life:

Reduced Mortality

Sedentary behaviors are directly associated with the development of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure, some types of cancer, and unhappiness.

Sedentary lifestyles in children and teenagers have a detrimental impact on bone wellness, muscle mass, and cardiac and digestive indicators, laying the groundwork for ill health in later life.

Improper Posture & Musculoskeletal Dysfunction

Physically inactive individuals frequently experience lower back, shoulder, and neck pains. Sitting promotes slumped shoulders, forward shoulder movement, a forward head position, stiff hips, and weakened obliques.

Improper Posture & Musculoskeletal Dysfunction

Physically inactive individuals frequently experience lower back, shoulder, and neck pains. Sitting promotes slumped shoulders, forward shoulder movement, a forward head position, stiff hips, and weakened obliques.

Increased body weight

We are currently experiencing an obesity crisis. Over two-thirds of adults in The United States are classed as obese or overweight. Childhood obesity is at its maximum level in recorded existence.

The body's metabolism can be divided into three types:

  • The term "Basal Metabolic Rate" refers to the caloric burn by just existing.
  • Calorie intake
  • Calorie expenditure during physical activity

With so many delicious, high calorie and sugar-packed food alternatives available, it's tempting to overeat. These excess energies must be worked off through physical activity in order to avoid becoming stored as fat in the body.

Solutions to Sedentary Behavioural patterns:

Alter Your Surroundings

Purchase or construct a standing desk like the Seiffen Laminated Standing Desk (Eco & Pro), invest in a treadmill or cycle desk from FlexiSpot such as the Home office All-in-One Desk Bike/Bike Workstation V9, and sit on a giant stability ball rather than a chair. Utilize ergonomic gadgets such as hands-free headphones for phone conversations, a chair intended for reduced tension in a seated position, and anti-fatigue or stability mats in upright positions. Rather than reclining during phone calls, stroll, or stretch.

Commence Physical Activity

Exercise is systematic, repetitive, and deliberate movement, whereas physical activity is any action that generates heat that burns fat. Individuals must partake in at 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. This equates to approximately 20 minutes each day. Aerobic exercise is defined as any activity that causes your breathing rate to rise above baseline. Increased muscle mass increases metabolism and calories used. Thus, resistance training 2-3 times per week, in addition to frequent aerobic exercise, will contribute to enhancing fitness and mental balance while also assisting with weight reduction.

Take a Break, Have some Movement

Set an alarm to remind you to rise, flex, and move periodically. In ideal circumstances, spend ten minutes up and walking for every fifty minutes seated. Flexing, meditation, and Pilates are all good exercises for improving posture and relieving muscular tension associated with extended sitting.

Walk From the Parking Lot to your Destination

As long as you can do so securely, leaving your vehicle towards the far end of the parking lot or across the road from your location is an easy method to increase your daily steps.

Likewise to walking upstairs rather than the elevator when possible, if you have the time and energy to walk a little farther, you will get the benefits of increased activity.

Additionally, going throughout the car park and around the street from your office provides an opportunity to bask in the sunlight or the seasonal changes, which can be beneficial to your mental health.

Reduce Your Automobile Use

The way we commute in the present day is connected with weight gain and obesity prevalence. As opposed to more passive modes of transportation, walking or cycling that is active modes provide numerous health benefits and have a greater potential to avoid obesity.

Even public transportation appears to be related to a lower body mass index than traveling to work in your own automobile. Waiting on a train platform or traveling to a bus station involves more footsteps than simply walking from the front door to the driveway.

Alternatively, if you live in an urban area where you must park at a municipal lot or even several blocks from your residence, you may indeed be able to incorporate those extra steps even if you drive your personal car.

Carry Out Your Duties

Rather than shifting from the dining table to the couch after supper, tidy up your kitchen first. It's easy to overlook the fact that jobs such as dishwashing and cleaning up countertops count as standing tasks during the day.

Other household activities, such as putting out all the trash, mopping the floors, and dusting, need an even greater level of physical activity.

Additionally, you'll complete housekeeping during the week, freeing up your weekends for more enjoyable pursuits.

Make it a point to reduce your sedentary activities immediately. Commit to respect your body, prevent expensive treatments for sickness, improve your overall outlook, and give yourself the greatest possible opportunity of leading a happy, long life.