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Does the Use of Honey and Garlic Matter?

24 June 2021

While some people shun the use of garlic in everyday cooking and eating, there are some things to learn about the benefits we can reap by using garlic in the kitchen and consuming it too. And if there’s garlic, can honey be far behind? These two can give us more than we know about them.

Let us first honey because I think everyone knows that this has been used even way back thousands of years ago for its medicinal and aesthetic purposes. That is why most people have always bought this product for the kitchen and the beauty regimen even though it costs higher than other kinds of food. There is something about honey that we have to know more than the information that we have about it. This information was culled from a book authored by a doctor, Dr. R. Palma, and the book is “ The Secrets of Health, Youth and Longevity.” 

Honey has seven digestive enzymes. ) I suggest that you research further on the technical words here for a better understanding of the terms). Sorry for not giving full details and explanation of the terms. I leave it all to you. You might be able to use your research skill on this.

  • Invertase ( converts sucrose to dextrose and levulose)
  • Diastase ( converts sucrose to maltose)
  • Catalase (decomposes hydrogen peroxide)
  • Imulase (converts insulin to levulose)
  • Aromatic bodies (terpes, aldehydes, and esters)
  • Higher substances (manitol, dulcitol
  • Maltose (rare energizers, melizitose)

Aside from these digestive enzymes (which have a role in breaking the food we eat. That is, it helps the food to disintegrate into protein, carbohydrates, and fats for proper absorption of nutrients of our body for the best of our health), honey also contains several minerals, seven of them are part of the B-complex group, vitamins A, C, D, and E. 

You might also want to know more benefits of honey namely:

  1. It was discovered that it is essential in reducing constipation when eaten every day in several teaspoons, especially raw honey.
  2. It is also good for bronchitis. By dissolving honey in a cup of boiled milk, you can sip slowly to ease respiratory diseases
  3. A sore throat can also be reduced and treated by mixing honey, lemon juice, and egg white then sip the mixture with a spoon. This may ease coughing spasms and soothes sore throat pain

For aesthetic purposes, honey also promotes smoother skin and removes pimples. This is good news for youngsters out there who have problems with acne and pimples. What you are going to do is to apply pure honey every day on your face and allow it to dry for one hour. After that, wash your face with soap and water.

If you have problems with your scalp and you want to have soft and glossy hair, try to apply equal amounts of honey and water to the scalp and hair. Allow your hair to dry for ½ to 1 (one) hour. Then shampoo and rinse with water. Do not worry, if you are using pure honey, there is no danger in doing this because honey is not a chemical but food.

For maintaining a youthful body, honey is an excellent food that is all-natural and safe with no side effects. It also aids in the improvement and retention of calcium to build strong nerves and strong bones. Overall, honey is one best food that should never leave your kitchen and your beauty counter.

Regarding garlic, it is reported that for more than 5,000 years, garlic has been utilized to treat many diseases. It is claimed by people around the world such as the Chinese, Romans, Hindus, and Greeks that garlic could treat intestinal disorders, flatulence, infections of the respiratory system, skin diseases, wounds, and signs of aging.

Hippocrates, as reported, had claimed garlic as a laxative and diuretic. A Greek physician in the second century specified garlic for all lung and intestinal disorders. And during World War II, thousands of tons were bought by the British government to treat soldiers’ wounds. 

There are several health benefits of garlic that you may find informative and helpful in the future such as:

  • It is useful as an expectorant in all affections of the lungs
  • Also useful for fever and bronchial asthma
  • Good for whooping, nervous, and spasmodic coughs
  • Hypertension- it lowers high blood pressure 
  • Tuberculosis - it is claimed to be specific for tubercle bacillus and tubercular process in any part of the body affected
  • It is also useful for colds, tonsillitis, middle ear infection diarrhea from infection such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis
  • It treats sore throat, hysteria, and menstrual cramps
  • It is also useful for skin diseases such as pimples and prevents premature aging

You can have garlic four to ten grams a day to be divided into three equal doses taken after a meal. One clove weighs approximately 1.5 gm. Cut each clove crosswise into four or five pieces, then swallow with water. 

“Garlic is regarded as one of nature”s agents against many illnesses and claimed to have antibiotic effects.” So we have to incorporate garlic in our cooking and health regimen to help us reduce the risk of sickness. We have to have a healthy body to fight the Covid-19 virus which is still present in our midst. And natural treatments are of course much better drugs because using natural treatments does not produce side effects that could harm our body.

Aside from eating these healthy foods, we can also do some physical activities such as exercising to complement our health regimen. At Flexispot, there are also fitness machines such as Vibration Plate Exercise Machine VB1 which you can use at home as well as in the office.

It is compact and handy to bring to the office; it helps to lose weight and burn excess fat and boosts metabolism while increasing bone density. It also has a range of speed settings from 1 to 99 so you can maximize your workouts regardless of your ability level to meet your sports needs. Why not visit the Flexispot website today.