Easy Fitness Tips for Office Employees

23 July 2021

Workouts often seem tough to squeeze into our hectic weeks due to our hectic commitments. But, no matter how busy your workweek is, you're not doing yourself any favors by ignoring your health. When you don't exercise, you endanger both your health and well-being, which can negatively impact your efficiency and effectiveness at work.

Millions of people work in offices and spend the majority of their time sitting. Sitting every day and not exercising your body is harmful to your health and can even impair your ability to concentrate at work. Getting your body moving and your blood circulating will raise the oxygen content in your brain and boost your body in various ways. That is why it is necessary to incorporate physical exercises routinely, or even better, make it a part of your work. The intensity and frequency of an office workout might range from switching your desk chair for a stability ball to jogging during your lunch hour. So, let's look at how you might enhance your fitness while working in the office. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Make your commute an exercise

The time you put commuting is already time that you are recording every day. So why not make use of that time by working out? Every style and duration of commute can benefit from some form of exercise. If you stay close to work, consider running, brisk walking, or cycling instead of taking public transportation or driving. Make sure to look for the safest routes in your area. If that travel is too far, consider parking a little further away from the office or getting off the bus or subway a few stations earlier than usual to jog or walk the remaining distance. Exercising during your journey instead of simply sitting there will make you feel better while also assisting you in staying fit, even in the cold. All you have to do is dress appropriately.

Keep fitness equipment in your workplace

We're not saying you have to bring a treadmill to work, but plenty of hand-held exercise equipment is available. Keep your equipment at your workstation. Bring stretchy cords, rollers, tension bands, lightweights, and even a jumping rope if you have them. You can take them to the park for lunch or even sneak in a few exercises at your desk.

Take a fitness ball with you

Carry in a fitness ball to be used as a respite from your chair periodically. You must not use it as a complete replacement, but appreciating a few-minute exchange every hour or two motivates you to move. It doesn't matter if it's a firmly inflated fitness or stability ball; what matters is that you can comfortably sit on it. Because you are not sitting on a stable surface when using this ball, you will be determined to put your back straight, which will help you improve your balance. Every core muscle will be activated, assisting you in strengthening your core and stabilizing your back muscles. Furthermore, during the breaks, you can use the ball to do some workouts.

Walk while you're on the phone

You probably spend the majority of your day sitting down. Assuming you need to be on your computer at the same time, you should take the opportunity to get up and walk around while on the phone. Every extra step counts, and it will be a much-needed reprieve for your shoulders and muscles. Physical activity does not have to involve organized exercise to be beneficial: Even basic, mindless fidgeting is helpful to your muscles and can help you burn calories. Furthermore, you may discover that the movement helps you stay focused and attentive.

Stand up once in a while when working

Although your chair is comfortable and ergonomic, you should not spend most of your time sitting. Instead, check to see if you can acquire a height-adjustable desk like those from FlexiSpot. According to WebMD, standing at work gives the following advantages:

  • Reduced back discomfort: Sitting for extended periods strains your muscles and can cause pain in your lower spine, especially if you have poor posture. Standing desks appear to help relieve back discomfort, but experts are unsure how long you need to stand to reap this advantage.
  • More calories burned: According to one study, standing burns 88 calories per hour compared to sitting, which burns 80 calories. Walking burns far more calories each hour, at 210 calories per hour.
  • More productive: A survey of contact center employees found that those who used standing desks were 45 percent more productive every day than those who sat during their shift.

Stretch on a regular basis

Because we spend so much time sitting, our musculoskeletal systems can become strained and stiff. This is why you need to do some gentle stretching every day. Your spine and buttocks are two crucial areas of your body that require stretching. Go into a downward-facing dog while keeping your spine straight and hips high to stretch your glutes. This will stretch your buttocks and leg muscles nicely. For your back, lie face down with your knees together and your arms underneath your shoulders. Then, utilizing your back muscles, raise and stretch your body off the ground to strengthen and stretch them.

Take the long route

Another approach to add activity to your day is to take a longer route when you have a few minutes to spare. This could be using the stairs rather than the elevator, parking further away from your office, or going to the toilet across the building rather than immediately next to your desk. And anyway, studies show that low-intensity exercise, such as walking, might help raise energy levels, particularly in persons who struggle with exhaustion, as contradictory as it may appear. Consider how all of those additional steps build up over months, if not years.

Brisk-walk your errands

Try fast walking your errands in the idea of turning tasks you're going to do anyhow into mini-exercise regimens. This is a simple approach to make exercise a regular part of your day, and it ensures that having a lot of activities to go won't prevent you from getting in a workout. Also, don't use a shopping trolley while you're at it. Humans are built to grab and carry objects. Remember that effective exercise can be found in locations other than the gym.

Workplace activities are a terrific way to be physically active while still being productive at work. Exercises can be done at your during breaks, at your desk, or even on your way to work or home. Increasing your physical activity does not have to stop at the office. If you work at a desk and spend most of your day sitting, you need all the mobility you can get.