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Employee's Guide to Increasing Productivity in the Workplace

27 June 2024

There's no doubt that productivity is the fuel that propels office workers but it amounts to nothing if there are no inspiring and creative ideas to support it. That's why you need to create an office space that enhances both creativity and production. Until you achieve this, your employees might not be able to perform and execute tasks optimally.

Building a conducive work environment would also give them the breathing space to follow their impulse and alter the status quo. And that's your sure gateway to boost their efficiency level. On that note, here is a comprehensive list of ideas you need to explore to promote the sense of creative independence and productivity of your workers.

The cherry on the cake here is that you can also integrate the following steps into your home office, workplace, or wherever you're working from.

Build a Vibrant and Diversified Staff

The basic and most important step here is to build diversified office workers. But that's only possible when you hire the right set of people. So your organization or brand needs to concentrate on diversity while interviewing and recruiting employees because they're the ones that'll bring diverse and intellectually-stimulated perspectives to your workplace.

This will afford everyone in the office the chance to tackle problems from different angles and proffer creative solutions to them. That way, your workers will channel their energy and efficiency into perfectly executing every task allocated to them. That's because they're the best hand for your company!

So how do you hire the right people or diversify? Your human resources department can give special consideration to people with different cultural and academic backgrounds. Why's that? People with similar exposure or backgrounds might find their ideas interlocked or stagnate with each other.

Also, you can direct your recruitment team to focus on interviewees with various skill sets. If you could achieve this, you should be guaranteed improved innovation and efficiency.

Provide a Mentally Inspiring Space

It's no longer news that the COVID-19 pandemic slowed down the pace of the global market and this caused setbacks and diverse adjustments in almost every business. So if you're working remotely, it is very important to build a workspace that triggers your mental domain. You should be pushed to think in new ways to sharpen your mind.

To actualize this, you can paint your walls with your favorite and exciting colors. You can also hang some attractive and mind-blowing wallpapers where you can easily see them. Anytime you want to take some seconds off the office chores, your eyes will land on decors that make you feel elated and ecstatic.

Such feeling is bound to remind you why you're working and, within a twinkle of an eye, there's this positive energy that'll flow through your mind. It'll also improve your physical and mental health. And if you're resuming back to the regular office life, these decors will create and sustain a peaceful and conducive aura for you and your co-workers.

All you have to do is be creative!


You can use colors and vibes to achieve a mentally stimulating energy in your workplace. However, you need to be cautious of the colors used. According to psychologists, human beings don't resonate well with regular office colors like tan, white and gray, brown, and beige, among others.

That's because they appear oppressive and unattractive - uninspiring. Instead of that, you can give your employees green shades and pastel blue since they give relaxing effects. Green pushes people to the peak of elation and relaxation because it's the color of nature and we're built to respond to such.

For shades of green, it'll work fine when you need to focus and complete certain projects. For activate thinking, probably in the conference room, you can get warm and bold colors like orange, red, and yellow. They'll help in causing mental reawakening of everyone in the room.


Nature is not just a life giver you can also use it to trigger a lively atmosphere in the office. For instance, you can fly on the wings of natural light in the room, a pot of fresh flowers, and a healthy array of plants to achieve a mentally inspiring workplace.

Those items are a subtle reminder that you're a breathing organism whose activities also reflect the organic dynamism of these natural objects around you. Even if you're working from home, you should also incorporate this holistic practice into your daily work lifestyle to give you a seamless and smooth path to think outside the box.

Create Team Bonding Spaces

You've probably read about how cubicles make office workers feel separated and far from their colleagues. That it, cubicle causes a wide communication gap. By pitching your workers far from themselves, the idea of a cubicle might overwhelm the cross-pollination and interpersonal relationship needed to conceive and share ideas.

Especially now that the world is still recovering from the pangs of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's getting clearer that we're all relying on the encouragement and motivation gotten from colleagues to thrive.

Hence, you should build a communal space that will also help to instill creativity. It can also serve as an avenue where workers can talk freely about the progress of their respective works, laugh, and share beautiful memories.

A team-bonding space can come in form of a lounge room, a big conference table in an open room, and gatherings where employees can come together to catch some fun and share some cocktails before closing for the day. All that's needed here is to be open-minded and get rid of every form of workplace toxicity. Try this and see your workers expand on their goals.

Reward Creative Ideas

There's a free flow of creative and innovative ideas because the work environment allows it. But most importantly, it's because your workers make themselves receptive to learn, unlearn, and relearn. So when they come up with these amazing ideas, you should encourage them by offering some incentives. It's more of a token of appreciation.

For instance, some organizations give bonuses and perks at the end of the month to employees who mastermind some incredible and daring ideas. It'll also serve as a motivational force for your other employees to do better. That's healthy competition!

Fill the Office with Activity Furniture

The quest to increase employee productivity is not realistic until you fill your workstation with some activity furniture such as ergonomic office chairs and height-adjustable standing desks. Apart from the aesthetics, this ergo furniture guarantees your physical and mental wellness, unlike those old and unbefitting regular activity furniture.

Working for too long on those regular office furniture leaves you grumpy and that's like inviting workplace fatigue to set in. To avoid that, Flexispot is here to help. With our ergo office supplies, you'll live a sound and healthy life free of the lower back, hip, shoulders, and neck pain.

Introduce Flexible Work Hours

You can create a flexible schedule for your workers so that they can spend more time with their spouses, kids, and friends. All you need to do is shorten their daily work schedules which will help in reducing stress and give them a refreshed platform to think more clearly and arrive at creative ideas.

Not to worry. This plan won't affect your business output. You just have to be prudent by creating a rotating shift or assigning some managers to coordinate them. As you introduce this mixed working pattern, it'll also save you from costs since the number of people in the office at a time will also reduce.

That's another win-win situation we recommend you consider.

Nap Rooms and Massage Chairs

You should also integrate massage chairs and nap rooms for the absolute comfort of your workers. This will afford them the chance to be revived and fully ready for the next batch of tasks on their desks. And this nap or massage should be taken before or immediately after lunch.

As an office worker, this idea will help you calm the brain cells, improve your blood circulation when you're up, and double your productivity level.

Getting a power nap or massage will also save you from the following:

Lumbar area discomfort.

Shoulder sprain and strain.

Spine fatigue.

Recommend and Sponsor Further Training

Learning never ends, isn't it? We'll advise that you give additional training to your workers as and when due. This will further help them understand what the management expects them to do.

These training opportunities can be free or paid. All you have to do is explain its essence to them and let them see how the opportunities will improve their knowledge base. Further training will also help them hone the skills needed to stay creative, productive, and relevant in the industry.

Give Room for Fun Activities

Creating occasional and fun-filled perks or events throughout the year also works like magic if you want to improve your employees' efficiency. This might be visiting a gaming or sports center or going on paid lunches. Another alternative is when you add ergonomic facilities like a gym, coffee shop, or a video game room to the office.

Though it looks like a costly investment on the surface level, you'll surely be glad that you follow this practice. Summarily, creating time for fun events will help the workers to see the workplace as more of a casual environment, instead of a formal one, and it will also help manage their stress levels.

Randomly Request for Employee Feedback and Act on Them

Motivating your workers to disclose their ideas during meetings and appreciating the efforts behind their conception is another sure way to enhance productivity. If you request for feedback and you don't act on them, it's as good as bit asking them in the first place. So we'll implore you to act on them.

Even if these ideas yield positive results, you should also inform the team official who is the brain or inspiration behind it. They'll feel more encouraged to share their opinions and positions.