Mental Health problems are reported to reduce productivity in the workplace. Absenteeism was also seen to be related to mental health problems. These days mental health is now a public health concern as there are an increasing number of workers suffering from mental health-related issues.
Mental Health Defined
The World Health Organization has indicated in an online clinical journal defines mental health as “a condition wherein people could perceive their abilities and can adjust to the everyday life's stresses, be productive and be able to contribute to their communities.”
Common Mental Health Problems
In the same article, some common mental health problems were also identified such as:
● Social change
- this includes breaks in family structure
- growing unemployment
I think that the pandemic we experience today also has a great impact on mental health. With the onset of the pandemic, there were many changes that happened such as in the workplace. Due to the widespread of covid-19, thousands lost their jobs that triggered financial and emotional problems that when taken seriously, could lead to depression. This is one of the mental health challenges that many are facing these days.
Do you know when you are depressed? An online article stated that depression is described as when one is losing interest and not happy with things and experiences around that person. And there are some symptoms that go with this particular condition which has been indicated by an online mental health journal,( Common Mental Health Disorders. Published by the British Psychological Society and The Royal College of Psychiatrists) namely:
● Behavioral and physical changes such as:
1. irritability
2. social withdrawal
3. exhaustion and less activity
4. decreased sleep
5. poor appetite
6. loss of confidence
7. guilt feeling
8. the feeling of worthlessness
● Cognitive changes include:
1. concentration is poor
2. pessimism
3. reduced attention
4. frequent negative thought
5. mental slowness
Unfavorable life experiences such as those related to health were also attributed to contributing to depression. It is also indicated that the first episode of main depression is in the mid-20s However, it may manifest at any time. When some adverse situations occur such as in parent-life relationships, marriage troubles, feeling of neglect, physical and social abuse among others, these may lead to depression.
A relevant study in the UK indicated that susceptibility to depression may occur with some situations such as:
● having three or more children under 14 years of age living at home
● joblessness
● absence of someone to confide with - this was reported to show a stronger risk factor of depression
Other factors were seen to contribute to mental disorders such as:
● Socio-economic factor - it was reported that the lowest level of income is more likely to have such a disorder
● gender - women are more likely to experience a mental disorder
● marital status -
While these truths are really quite heavy to think about, there are possible solutions that we can do to fight depression. It is said that one of the best solutions is to get physical. We can do some physical activities that may reduce stress at home or at work if we give some time to do them. We can engage in some physical exercises at work even while we are sitting at our desks.
Some Advantages of Physical Exercise
● Reduces stress and anxiety that may lead to depression
● It makes us more positive and self-esteem is improved
● It promotes social skills rather than social withdrawal
There is exercise equipment that comes in handy so we could bring it to the office and use it during lunch breaks which is the longest break during a 9 to 5 workday. If you have not come across FlexiSpot, it is highly recommended that you check it out and see other exercise equipment and accessories that may help you get more mentally healthy.
This company is trusted by millions of people all over the world, aside from being one of the leading manufacturers of ergonomic home and office furniture and health and fitness equipment to boot. One of the highly suggested equipment is the Vibration Plate Exercise Machine VB1.
This wonderful exercise machine is very handy that you can bring it with you to the office to immerse yourself with it during your free time. This exercise machine will not only burn your unwanted fat, but it will also reduce your weight for a leaner body.
The machine works for a full-body vibration that stimulates muscle contraction, increases body density, and improves metabolism. The speed setting of the machine is from 1 to 99 which allows you to maximize your workouts. I think it is possible that you can do this in 30 minutes, don’t you think so?
The rubber-wrapped feet protect your floor and improve stability while you are using them. The hidden handle makes it easy to carry the vibration platform around. The maximum user weight is 330 lbs. The compact size makes it easy to find a place to store it while not in use.
Another great feature of this exercise machine is that it has a LED Touch Screen and Remote
Control so you could see the results of your workout in the shortest time possible and the remote control is easy to use to change the program and speed of your exercise. How about that?
Every day we are bombarded with many challenges at home and at work. It is important that we take care of our mental health to be able to surmount the challenges ahead of us. Well, everything is possible especially these days. We just have to know what we need to improve our lives and maintain not only our physical health but also our mental health.
If we do not know how to surmount them, we are not able to reach our dreams to be successful in life. Success may not always mean financial success because this word is relative. It could mean differently from one person to another. Whatever we mean by the word success, basically it leads to something positive about us, right? So, why not start with your physical fitness and mental fitness regimen now!