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Feeling Lethargic? Here's Why

30 June 2021

It's very usual to feel exhausted on a frequent basis. In reality, roughly a third of robust teenagers, professionals, and retirees say they are weary or drowsy.

Exhaustion is a common sign of a variety of disorders and serious illnesses, but it is also triggered by basic lifestyle choices in the majority of cases.

Surprisingly, most of these issues are simple to resolve. This piece provides an explanation of why you're always wary and offers suggestions for regaining your energy.

Falling Asleep at the Incorrect Hour

Falling asleep at the incorrect time, in addition to not getting enough sleep, can deplete your energy.

Resting during the daytime rather than in the evening throws off your body's body clock, which is the physiological changes that take place in connection to darkness and light over the course of a 24-hour cycle.

Chronic weariness can occur when your sleeping habits are out of rhythm with your internal clock, according to studies. This is a typical issue for persons who work nights or shifts.

According to medical experts, 2–5 percent of respondents of all office employees struggle from some kind of sleep problem defined by extreme drowsiness or interrupted sleep for a week or more. Additionally, simply remaining awake a day or so might lead to exhaustion.

Healthy teenage boys were given the option of sleeping for six hours or just under five hours before being kept awake for 21–23 hours in one study.

Irrespective of the number of hours they slept, their exhaustion levels rose before and after. It's important to sleep as much as possible during the night. Night shifters in one sample confirmed feeling less tired and happier after being subjected to strong light pulses, donning dark glasses outside, and falling asleep in complete darkness.

Shift workers may benefit from wearing glasses that block blue light.

Using Caffeinated Beverages as a Source of Energy

There are a plethora of beverages on the market that claim to deliver instant energy. The following are a list of popular energy drink ingredients:

  • Glucose 
  • Amino acids 
  • Caffeine

Due to their higher stimulant and sugar, these drinks may deliver a momentary energy boost. To illustrate, research of sleep-deprived healthy people revealed that taking an energy boost improved wakefulness and cognitive ability by a small amount.

Alas, as the advantages of sugar and caffeine fade out, these energizing beverages are likely to cause rebounding weariness.

According to a study, energy drinks boosted awareness and positive emotions for a few hours after consumption, but they also caused daytime sleepiness the very next day. Although caffeine concentration varies considerably between products, one drink can have up to 350 mg of caffeine, and some beverages can contain up to 500 mg of caffeine per can. Coffee, on the other hand, typically contains 77–150 mg of caffeine per mug.

Even in moderate doses, though, consuming caffeinated drinks in the afternoon can disrupt sleep and result in low energy the next day. To interrupt the pattern, consider reducing the amount of energy drinks you consume and progressively detoxing yourself off of them. Limit your espresso and other caffeinated beverage usage to the morning.

High Amounts of Stress

Psychological stress can deplete your energy and negatively impact your lifestyle. While some amount of stress is healthy, chronic stress has been related to weariness in numerous researches.

Furthermore, how you react to stress can have an impact on how fatigued you are.

Although you might not have been able to prevent stressful circumstances entirely, learning stress management methods can help you avoid becoming fully overwhelmed.

Meditation can help alleviate anxiety and stress. These and other mind-body techniques may help you feel more energized and able to deal with stress in the long run.

Food Allergies

Symptoms of food reactions or sensitivities include hives, stomach issues, nasal congestion, and migraines.

Furthermore, evidence indicates that weariness may have a greater effect on life in people with food intolerance.

Wheat, lactose, poultry, soy, and grain are all common food allergies. If you think particular meals are making you lethargic, consult a nutritionist who may run tests for food allergies or suggest a diet plan to figure out which foods are causing you problems.

Adopting an Unhealthy Way of Life

Your lack of energy could be due to idleness.

However, many people are claiming that they are too exhausted to move. In reality, this has been the most prevalent reason given by middle-aged and elderly persons for not trying to exercise in a recent poll.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is associated with elevated, inexplicable lethargy on a daily basis, could be one reason. According to findings, patients with CFS have reduced strength and stamina, which limits their capacity to exercise.

Nevertheless, a review of research involving over 1,500 people indicated that physical activity may help those with CFS feel less tired.

Aerobic exercise has also been demonstrated to relieve weariness in both healthy individuals and those suffering from conditions such as cancer. Furthermore, even minor improvements in physical exercise appear to be advantageous.

Eating an Excessive Amount of Refined Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can provide a burst of energy. Whenever you consume them, your body converts them to glucose, which could be used as a source of energy.

Nonetheless, consuming too many processed carbs can make you lethargic during the day. When you eat sweets or refined carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels rise quickly. This prompts your pancreas to make a lot of insulin in order to move the glucose out of your bloodstream and then into your cells.

This rise in sugar levels, followed by a decline, can leave you feeling lethargic. You immediately go for another helping of processed carbohydrates when you need instant energy, which can escalate to a destructive spiral. Numerous studies have confirmed that eating fewer sweets and refined carbohydrates at snacks and meals results in more vigor. Fortunately, research shows that certain foodstuffs may help to prevent fatigue. Substitute sugar and processed carbs with nutrient-dense meals, including vegetables and beans, to preserve your energy levels consistently.

Being weary throughout the day is a normal occurrence. It means that you are working hard enough that your body signals to you that you deserve a break. However, you still need to make sure that the reason you are feeling tired is because of the work that you do and not your habits.