FlexiSpot Solutions for Remote Work Challenges

12 October 2021

Working from home sounds like everybody’s dream. You get to escape the 9 to 5 grind and can work anywhere within your own rules. 

When COVID-19 hit, many were sent to work at home to curb the spread of the virus. No one knew up until when the set-up would last but here we are now, in 2021, and most companies have already shifted to a work from home set-up or mixed it up for a hybrid work situation. 

During the past year, workers noted challenges from working at home for the first time. These were problems that employees and employers had to equally deal with, given that employees efficiency affects the company’s operations and profitability. We list down some challenges here that companies faced when remote work became (or at least is starting to become) the norm. 

Workers are isolated.

1. Workers are isolated. 

Humans are social beings. Working at home alone on a daily will eventually take a toll on the employee, even on those who are the most introverted. Fortunately, we live in a digital age and this could be addressed through virtual get-togethers and social interaction activated through Teams, Slack, or Zoom. These work channels can be used to simulate the office environment for employees to feel as if they are working with others simultaneously. 

You may opt to use FlexiSpot’s standing desk converters or single monitor mount to put your desktop at eye level for a more pleasurable screening experience. 

Productivity is at a low and distractions are at a high.

2. Productivity is at a low and distractions are at a high. 

It’s harder to stay productive while you’re working at your place of comfort. The television set, another tab in Google Chrome, or the cozy bed is just within reach and easy to access. If you’re a working mom, you have kids to take care of and if they’re already in school, you also have to give them a helping hand with distance learning. More roles are added while working at home and it’s harder to manage your energy and time. Because there’s no supervisor, it’s easy to give in to temptation and be distracted. 

This can be resolved by having a dedicated workspace at home. Invest in ergonomic furniture to help improve productivity and efficiency. FlexiSpot has height adjustable standing desks that will help you shift from standing to sitting positions anytime. It will keep your mind focused and alert. The said brand also has desk chairs and folding treadmills that are designed to help you improve efficiency at work as well. 

Physical pain in the home office space is felt.

3. Physical pain in the home office space is felt.

Chairs and desks at home are not designed for prolonged sitting. Neck and back pain may be encountered by employees who are just starting to work from home. Ask your employer or invest in ergonomic furniture. FlexiSpot has a wide array of options for ergonomic office and gaming chairs that have your comfort in mind. It has adjustable backrests, padded armrests, and cushioned seats to lessen neck and back pain while seated for long hours. If you opt to buy a standing desk, your legs may hurt from standing for a time which is why FlexiSpot also carries an ergonomic Anti-Fatigue Mat for your feet. 

It’s harder to separate personal and work lives.

4. It’s harder to separate personal and work lives. 

Working at your place of comfort makes it harder to mark the lines that separate your personal and work lives. Without your daily commute to work, your mind is not able to shift from waking up at your bed to starting work at 9. When you log out from work, you don’t make the commute again to separate the office space and your home. What used to be your place to relax is now your place where you also need to work. While we can’t do anything about physical distance, small practices can be incorporated in order to address this hump. 

Meditate or take a walk in the morning before your work starts. In this way, you have a clear transition from home to work. Do the same in the evening after you log out. Make it a habit as well to dress up for work so that your mindset is shifted from resting to working and vice versa. This is also why having a dedicated workspace at home matters. Choose an area that will be your workstation. You may opt to use a FlexiSpot electric height adjustable standing desk so that you won’t move around as much while you’re working and your mind will set that area as your place of work. In the household, make sure everyone is informed if you have work calls or deadlines to finish. Write it in a FlexiSpot Lockways Dry-Erase Whiteboard for everyone to see your tasks for the day and to know when and when not to disturb you. 

Office desk jobs became more sedentary.

5. Office desk jobs became more sedentary. 

Because you don’t walk anymore going to work or during lunch breaks, you’ll have the tendency to sit longer. This makes an office desk job even more sedentary. Easily incorporate movement into the sedentary office desk job by investing in a desk bike or a folding treadmill. FlexiSpot has both with multiple options to choose from. The bikes have a whisper-quiet pedaling system, customizable resistance levels, calorie tracker, and a height-adjustable seat. The folding treadmills can be used under a standing desk with customizable speeds. It can be easily tucked away under the sofa or bed or a corner of your room after use. 

Performance metrics have become more unclear.

6. Performance metrics have become more unclear. 

How will your boss measure your performance exactly while working at home? It's best to communicate with your manager on the get-go how your performance will be evaluated so that you can perform accordingly. 

Checking outputs is one way, yes, but there are other things you do in the workplace that deserve to be recognized as well. Do your own performance evaluation by using FlexiSpot’s spacious corkboard where you can pin post-its on what you did for the day and be reminded of everything you’ve done for your job in a month. These would help you see for yourself what areas you could improve on and what are your strengths that you have to maintain.