Getting around to it: 5 Self-care ideas for remote workers this Fall

12 November 2021

Everyone is talking about self-care, but few seem to really understand what it is and how to go about it.

While trying to keep up with the demands of daily life, it is easy to forget that you, too, need attention. Many experts have expressed the importance of self-care. However, it is difficult to slot in time for yourself when you have to deal with a demanding career, family, school etc. This is why it is essential first to find a balance in your life. This will help you find that sweet spot that allows you to take time out for yourself.

In this article, we’ll look at five self-care ideas you can practice while working from home this fall. But first, let's talk about working from home.

The adjustment

The adjustment

Whether you’ve always worked from home or begun WFH during the pandemic, we can all agree that it is an adjustment. If you’ve always worked from home, then you can attest to the various adjustment periods you still experience, especially between seasons.

When it comes to WFH, everyone has their method to help them stay productive. One of the things to remember is that you need a clear distinction between your work and personal life. However, despite knowing this, it is extremely difficult to draw that line. You may have found yourself working late into the night, over the weekends, and even during holidays. This clearly indicates that you NEED a system that helps you separate your work and personal life.

Fall has been described as the most stressful month for workers when it comes to switching between seasons. Therefore, this fall, to help you avoid falling into this pool, we recommend that you learn about and start practising self-care.

Defining self-care – How much money do I need?

To most people, self-care means treating yourself. And while that is in the definition, it is possible to practice self-care without spending a dime. The global pandemic and current living costs leave little room in your budget for spa treatments and self-dates. Therefore, if you’re strapped for cash, you can implement easy self-care ideas to help you avoid burnout and improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

When spending all day at home, it is very easy to slip into bad habits, like working non-stop, meaning you eat at your desk. But, in order to be an effective and productive worker, you need to take care of yourself first. This can mean taking healthy breaks, eating proper meals, exercising and just getting a bit of sunshine in between tasks.

Self-care in Autumn

Self-care in Autumn

As the leaves begin to turn and fall, ushering in the reds, yellows and oranges of Autumn, it is time to make some changes to your daily routine. Fall calls for remote workers to slow down and reevaluate their priorities as far as self-care is concerned.

The stress surrounding the pandemic and everything else that has and is happening in the world has taken a toll on most people. This is why burnout rates have been off the roofs this year. Since the pandemic struck, the rate at which people are quitting their jobs has been alarming. Many studies of US workers have found burnout to be the leading cause of what is now called ‘The Great Resignation’ in America.

Self-care can help alleviate burnout and prevent it in future. Many employees realize the value of putting themselves first, which is why many employers are adjusting their work models. As this happens, it is crucial for workers to know exactly how to take care of their health and wellness, especially in what is dubbed the most stressful time of the year.

Taking time to rest, slow down, and combat stress will help nourish you inside and out. Therefore, feel free to borrow the following ideas for your Autumn WFH Self-Care:

Find balance in your daily life

Find balance in your daily life

For working professionals, achieving a balance is very important but also difficult. While some people have a healthy balance where everything falls into place, most others struggle. Therefore, they must make a conscious decision to inject balance into their daily life. To achieve this, they need to shift things around and make time within their busy schedules.

Without work-life balance, part of your life suffers. For most people, their personal life takes a backseat to their professional life. If you’re unsure whether you fall into this category, check these signs: - You often spend a lot of time at work, forgetting to allocate time for things and people in your personal life.

The strain of only focusing on one part of your life can affect your health. It also takes a toll on your personal relationships with family and friends. Therefore, as Fall begins, it is crucial to strike a balance in your life and find a healthy way to foster new habits. To do this, start by outlining and assessing your priorities, eliminating stress, focusing on time management and above all, schedule time for rest and fun.

Having balance in your life also means that you take care of your health and wellness.

Have enough sleep

Have enough sleep

For most people, a consistent sleep schedule is a luxury. But it is necessary to help you take care of yourself. You shouldn’t have calls till late in the night or scroll through social media after work. When it is time for bed, go to bed at a decent time to allow your mind and body enough rest.

Working from home often tricks people into believing that they can sleep at any time since they’ll spend all day indoors. However, you find yourself groggy and barely functioning the next day with a packed schedule that you can’t even squeeze in a nap. Therefore, it is much better and more productive to get enough sleep when you should in order to perform better the next day.

Get ready for each day.

Get ready for each day.

By getting ready, we mean to get up, clean up and dress for the day. It might seem pointless since you’re spending all day indoors, but it stops you from falling into a vicious cycle. A lot of WFH workers have found themselves spending their days in pyjamas, and though comfortable, it is not very advisable. The act of getting ready for the day can help you transition into work mode and is a crucial part of your daily self-care routine.

Expert Sociologists explain that even if you don’t overly dress up and keep it casual, the act of changing out of your pyjamas helps shift your mind. This prepares you for work. Changing out of work clothes at the end of the day is also crucial to switch you back to your personal life.

Incorporate breaks in your schedule

Incorporate breaks in your schedule

Cramming your schedule with tasks is not very healthy. A healthy plan includes regular breaks that allow you to stretch, walk around and get enough time for lunch. Since you can control your to-do list, do not overwhelm your day with too much work that triggers your stress levels. With a general understanding of the tasks you need to get done, you can create a list in order of importance. That way, you know when to assign yourself breaks.

Part of a winning self-care regimen when working from home is being intentional. Your work from home schedule should accommodate every new variable in your new work environment. Therefore, it is alright if your schedule looks slightly different from what you had in an office setting.

If you find it hard to put hard stops in your schedule, there are many apps that can help you plan your day. It is important to mention that when you’ve scheduled a break, you need to get up from your desk and do something different.

Set time to workout

Set time to workout

When you work from home, most of your day entails making rounds in your house. This is why it is essential to set aside some time to work out. Practice yoga, running or even take up a sport. This time will help you refresh your body. For your workout, you can either join a gym, workout outside to catch some rays or even inside. However, it is recommended that if most of your day is spent inside, find some time to take a walk outside. See the world and breathe that outside air to refresh your mind and body.

Exercising regularly has been proven to have many benefits, one of which is improved immunity. Besides helping rejuvenate your body, exercise also enables you to achieve physical and mental wellbeing. It can even help you focus better and therefore increase your productivity. There is no perfect time for a workout; find the time that works for you and go for it!

To wrap up:

Self-care is vital for the work from home employee, especially during a season that is considered stressful. However, to achieve self-care, you need to understand the things in your workday that you need to change. Whatever your situation is, the above tips will help you unlock a happier and fulfilled life where you have time for everything in your life.