How Does an Under Desk Hammock Help a Person with Sleep Apnea

18 May 2021

After a long day at work, we usually feel exhausted and our energy depletes rapidly. Some could manage to do household chores while finding it difficult to cook a meal after working for many hours on the computer and just decide to call it a day and go straight to bed. When this happens other people snore aloud that sometimes becomes a laughing stock. This may be a funny thing for some but there is a serious medical condition that lies beneath it: Sleep Apnea. Should one hear a housemate or a family member who snores aloud, chances are you need to address it to him so he could seek advice from a medical professional. 

In today's article, we will discuss all sleep apnea and how one could manage this condition using equipment at work like the Under Desk hammock

I.What is Sleep Apnea:

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder. When one has this condition it means that his breathing stops or an involuntary cessation takes place and reoccurs after. The Greek word, "apnea" is called "no breath". This takes place with the sleeper not knowing that he stops breathing. This condition has three types which are: 

● Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA):

This is the most common type of sleep apnea. This is characterized by the blockage in the airway in the back of the throat. This obstructs the windpipe thus a person struggles to breathe when he sleeps. 

● Central Sleep Apnea(CSA): 

This is the lack of respiratory effort during sleep. This is caused by the inability of the brain and muscles that are responsible for breathing to function well. 

● Mixed Apnea:

This has been rooted in the detailed study of complex sleep apnea. This started after the researchers from Mayo Clinic have discovered a phenomenon wherein patients with severe OSA showed signs of difficulty in breathing as positive airway pressure was applied and their airways were opened. 

Even though OSA and CSA occur at the same time, the most common type is the OSA. This is also considered a potentially serious sleep disorder. So, in this next part, we will discuss things about OSA and what usually happens when one has this condition: 

II.Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

Occurs when your throat muscle relaxes and blocks your airways. When one has this condition, it is apparent that he snores a lot. Together with this symptom, are the other signs of OSA:

● excessive daytime sleepiness

● signs of stopped breathing while sleeping 

● abrupt awakenings accompanied by choking 

● a dry or sore throat when waking up 

● morning headache 

● difficulty in concentration during daytime

● irritability or depression

● high blood pressure 

● nighttime sweating 

● decreased libido 

These symptoms vary from mild to severe. However, some symptoms persist that must be checked by the doctor. These symptoms are:

III. Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

● excessively loud snoring that could wake up others:

This takes place usually when a person lies on his back and not on his side.

● waking up gasping or choking:

This is one of the sudden occurrences during episodes of sleep apnea. A person who is having this episode might be at risk especially if he has hypertension. Imagine the nerves that could be severely affected especially around the neck and head plus the possibility of the blood pressure shooting up. 

● intermittent pauses in your breathing during sleep:

The pauses are distinct in sound. You can identify it through a gargling-like sound then it fades in intervals then the sound resumes after a few seconds.

● excessive daytime drowsiness:

This feeling may hamper your efficiency at work but what's worse is when you are doing certain tasks like driving. There are cases of car accidents that involve drivers who fall asleep while driving. 

With the symptoms given above, one should be observant of the signs that take place or episodes that could be a reason for a visit to the doctor. Should one experience these things, they should open it up to their partner or family member so one could help him record or document incidents; doing this may save the person from being injured or experiencing the said symptoms. 

Meanwhile, there are other considered causes of Obsessive Sleep Apnea that we will discuss in the next part of our discussion.

IV.Causes of Sleep Apnea:

This condition occurs when the muscles at the back of your throat relax too much. When this happens, the airways narrow or closes as you breathe in and breathing may be inadequate for 10 seconds or longer, lowering the level of oxygen in your blood and causes the buildup of carbon dioxide. 

As a result, your brain could sense this and rouses you while sleeping. Once it roused you, the awakening would be brief that you would not be able to remember it. This takes place five to thirty times all night long. This is the reason a person experiences excessive fatigue and drowsiness in the daytime. 

Sleep apnea would take more therapy and medications. Hence, if one's experiencing this, there are other ways to help him lessen the severity of sleep apnea should he chooses to do the following things:

V. The Sleeping Positions when One has Sleep Apnea:

The following are two of the most common sleep positions that most people do. However, between the two, there is a better option when you suffer from a sleep disorder:

● Fetal:

This is the sleeping position preferred by 4 out of 10 people. This is a healthy way to sleep because this can make the organs expel toxins from the body when you sleep on your side. This could make you snore less or with very minimal sound and can improve your breathing when you sleep on your side. 

● Soldier: 

When you lie on your back with the hands on the side this forces you to snore more and can bring damage to the carotid artery that sends blood to the neck, face, and brain.

So, looking at the two sleep positions, the fetal position would be the best option. However, in situations wherein you need to sleep at work, doing the fetal sleep position is kind of challenging thus it's time to present a durable product from Flexispot that is best partnered with particular standing desks: Flexispot's dual bim and dual motor standing desks E1L and EC5. This product is the most ideal for office napping. This is the Hammock Under Desk for Office Napping HK01

An under desk hammock made from durable materials and could carry a weight capacity of up to 220lbs. It's a very reliable product that could help you sleep soundly even in a fetal sleep position. Indeed, it's the ideal product for everyone, especially those who experience sleep apnea.