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How Power Naps Improve Productivity

26 June 2024

If we see anyone dozed off at their desk, we usually think they are lazy or not working hard enough. However, it has been found that napping could be the key to improving productivity. Power naps improve alertness, mental and physical performance, and even mood.

While there are many benefits of napping, taking a nap in our fast-paced culture that values productivity over everything else can be difficult, if not impossible. If you want to take a power nap but feel like you can't or shouldn't, here is something that might change your mind.

It is crucial to understand that napping is not laziness. Some of the most productive people in history were big proponents of napping. Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan regularly took naps and credited them with helping them stay sharp and get ahead.

Sounds too good to be true? It isn't. So, what exactly is power napping, and how can you do it?

Power Naps and Productivity

A power nap is a short sleep that lasts 20-30 minutes. It is not meant to replace a full night's sleep but to restore daytime alertness and energy.

Napping has been shown to improve mental and physical performance, alertness, and mood. A study by NASA found that naps can improve reaction time by 34% and alertness by 100%. Another study showed that naps could help reduce accidents and errors by up to 50%.

Napping helps to restore alertness and energy. When we are tired, our performance suffers. We are less likely to pay attention and more likely to make mistakes and have accidents. Napping helps to counteract the effects of fatigue so that we can perform at our best.

Benefits of Power Napping

In addition to improving productivity, power napping offers several other benefits. Here are a few of them.

Improves Alertness

Napping helps to improve alertness and cognitive function. When we are tired, our brains cannot function at their best. Napping gives our brains a much-needed break to be more alert when we wake up.

Improves Cognitive Functions

Napping can positively affect several cognitive functions, such as logical reasoning, memory, reaction time, and the ability to complete challenging tasks. When the mind is well-rested, we can think more clearly and make better decisions.

Boosts Energy Levels

Napping can help to boost energy levels. When tired, we tend to reach for coffee or energy drinks. While these may give us a temporary energy boost, they can also lead to a crash later on. Napping is a much healthier way to increase energy levels and maintain them throughout the day.

Reduces Stress

Napping helps reduce stress levels. When we are stressed, our bodies release the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the "stress hormone" and can negatively affect our health. Excessive cortisol in the body can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Napping helps to reduce stress by giving our bodies a chance to relax and rejuvenate.

Improves Mood

Napping can also improve mood. We are more likely to be irritable and short-tempered when we are tired. Napping can help to improve our mood by giving us a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

How to Power Nap

Now that you know all the benefits of power napping, you might be wondering how you can do it. There are a few different ways to power nap, but the most important thing is to find what works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to napping, so experiment until you find what works best for you. Here are a few tips.

Find a Quiet Place

Begin by finding a quiet place where you can relax and won't be disturbed. This could be your office, car, or even a public space such as a library or park bench. Just make sure you won't be interrupted.

Set an Alarm

Don't forget to set the alarm for 20-30 minutes. This will ensure you don't sleep for too long and feel groggy.

Get Comfortable

Get comfortable by reclining in your chair or lying down on a flat surface. You might want to consider investing in a travel pillow for extra comfort.

Close Your Eyes and Relax

Once you're comfortable, close your eyes and focus on relaxing your whole body. Start with your toes and work your way up to your head. Take deep, slow breaths, and let your muscles relax.

Making The Most of Your Power Nap

Now that you know how to power nap, it's time to make the most of it. Here are a few tips.

Wake Up Slowly

Don't just sit up or get out of bed immediately when your alarm goes off. Take a few moments to wake up slowly and stretch your body. This will help you avoid feeling groggy.

Drink Some Water

After your nap, drink some water to rehydrate your body. This will help you feel more alert and refreshed.

Eat Light

You might be tempted to eat a big meal after your nap, but this can make you feel more tired. Instead, opt for a light snack such as fruit or nuts.

Get Moving

To wake yourself up, take a brisk walk or do some light exercise after your nap. This will help to increase your heart rate and get your blood flowing.

When to avoid taking a power nap?

Although napping offers several benefits, there are a few times when it's best to avoid taking one. Here are a few situations when you should avoid power napping.

You're Feeling Sick

If you're feeling sick, it's best to avoid napping. Napping can make symptoms such as fatigue and headaches worse.

You're Taking Medication

Certain medications can make you feel drowsy, so it's best to avoid napping if you're taking them. These include antidepressants, antihistamines, and sedatives.

You Have Sleep Apnea

If you have sleep apnea, napping can make your condition worse. Naps may cause you to stop breathing for short periods. If you have sleep apnea, it's best to avoid napping or to talk to your doctor before making any changes in your sleeping patterns.

You Have Trouble Sleeping at Night

If you have trouble sleeping at night, it is best to avoid napping during the day. This is because napping can make it harder to sleep at night. If you are having trouble sleeping, try taking a walk or reading before bed instead of napping.

Sample Power Nap Schedule

If you're unsure how to fit a power nap into your schedule, here is a sample schedule you can follow.

9:00 am – Wake up and start your day

11:30 am – Eat a light snack

12:00 pm – Take a 20-30 minute power nap

12:30 pm – Wake up and drink some water

1:00 pm – Continue with your day

Napping Tips for Different Situations


If you're traveling, it can be challenging to find a place to take a nap. If you're on a plane, try reclining your seat and putting a blanket over your head to block the light. If you're in a car, try pulling over at a rest stop and taking a nap in your vehicle.


If you're napping at home, the best place is your bedroom. This is because your bedroom is likely the darkest and quietest room in your house. If you have young children, you might have to nap during their naptime to get some peace and quiet.


If you're trying to nap at work, finding a quiet place where you won't be disturbed is essential. Many offices have designated "quiet rooms" where employees can take a break. If your office doesn't have a quiet room, you can even nap at your desk using a noise-canceling headset. But there is one thing that can significantly change your nap quality. Allow us to introduce FH01.

Protable Under Desk Foot Hammock FH01

This foot hammock suits most desk types with or without a side apron. Support your lower back muscles, thighs, and calves with this comfortable foot hammock. Adjust the canvas rope length from 8 inches to 17.8 inches. There are two ways to adjust this hammock: Set it under your desk during work hours or parallel to your thighs during break time. This foot hammock is way better than using a chair to relax your legs and feet. Improve blood circulation in your legs and ease the pressure off your lower back with this foot hammock. It will make your workstation more comfortable. You can install this foot hammock within a few minutes. While the sturdy assembly gear ensures that your hammock won't slip or slide during use, the carabiners give you the option to easily remove the hammock if needed.

Final Thoughts

Napping is a great way to recharge your batteries and improve your productivity. If you're tired, try taking a quick nap to boost your energy levels. Avoid napping if you're sick, taking medication, or have sleep apnea. Now that you know all about napping, it's time to put these tips into practice and start reaping the benefits! Make sure to take a quick nap today and see how you feel better.