How to Keep Fit at Home During Coronavirus

07 April 2021

The current pandemic of Coronavirus has radically changed everyone’s lives in the last year. Most states have had the requirements to wear masks at restaurants and stores, as well as lock-downs. Although, one way a lot of people have been suffering lately is with gyms shutting down, leaving many of us without the ability to exercise. Without regular exercise, our physical and mental health starts to suffer. Both physical and mental health is vital when living your life to the fullest.

Mental health is a big thing to consider during this time. Stress not only affects your mental health, but in the long run will affect your physical health. Constant stress over a prolonged period can contribute to long-term problems to your heart and blood vessels. The ongoing, as well as constant increase in heart rate, elevated levels of stress hormones, and blood pressure will eventually take a toll on your body. This is something to remind yourself of when those stressful, sometimes isolated times may hit you the hardest.

What is the best way you can stay fit while being stuck at home? This is a common question people have been asking since the shutdown of gyms last year. Most people are unaware of at-home workouts to trim the “Pandemic Pounds” during these stressful and harsh times. So what can you do to take a stand and get back in shape in the comfort of your own home?

While exercise is very important, one of the first starting points you should focus on is diet. With the coronavirus keeping us at home, many of us have dived into unhealthy snacks and “stress eating” as a way to cope.

One popular diet in the last couple of years that has helped people curb unhealthy eating is the Ketogenic diet. The Ketogenic diet or “Keto” diet focuses on low carbs and high-fat foods. One of the many benefits of this is the effect it can have on your weight loss and mental health. “The Ketogenic Diet: A Detailed Beginner’s Guide to Keto” from Healthline offers a great guide on the effects and process of starting this diet.

Once you have your diet planned and started, your next and most important step is building your home workout routine. There are lots of different type of home workouts you can do, such as:

  • Yoga
  • Body Weight Squats
  • Walking Lunges
  • Planks
  • Jumping Jacks

The most popular resource you could and should use when it comes to an at-home workout routine is YouTube. There are so many different weight loss and personal trainers on YouTube providing basic to harder at home workouts that you can easily follow. One of the most helpful personal trainers that specialize in at home workouts is MODMANDY FIT.

She gives several great at-home workouts from 10 minutes up to 1 hour. She has a positive and peppy attitude that gets you in the spirit of working out, as well as giving you great alternatives for weights like using canned goods. She also provides free 30-day workout plans for beginners and intermediates.

MODMANDY FIT has 9.93K subscribers that she provides with solid workouts roughly every couple of weeks. Her fitness story is also one that is uplifting and positive. As she states on her YouTube page:

I started my fitness journey back in 2016 and discovered my passion for the fitness community! I fell in love with Barre and Yoga, and how it made me feel not only physically but mentally as well. It was a HUGE stress relief from my hectic job. Since then, I became a certified instructor and have taught almost 1,000 classes! My main goal is to encourage, motivate and uplift you in every video.”

With your fitness plan down you are on the final step to shedding those extra pounds and staying fit during Coronavirus. One thing to keep in mind with your fitness plan is equipment. Some people who like to go hard when working out and may need some equipment. Some equipment can be expensive but there are some great alternatives such as one I enjoy, The FlexiSpot Fitness Chair Sit2Go.

The FlexiSpot Fitness Chair Sit2Go is $249.99, weighs 45 pounds, and has several features like:

  • A backrest for steady comfort during your workout
  • Seat height ranges from 22.4” to 31.5”
  • 8 different resistance levels
  • A weight capacity of 220lbs

The great thing is this one piece of equipment you will wish you had as soon as you use it. It can fit under nearly any desk, which is convenient for those work from home crusaders who want to get a workout in on a break. It is very much comfortable for any body type. It also has a comfortable sitting experience thanks to the high-quality breathable mesh backrest, larger seating area, and super comfortable cushion.

With at-home workouts, you don’t get as much comfort and healthy stability that you won’t get from the “garden variety” workout chair. This helps you to take your workout as smooth or as intense as you want with the resistance levels. One thing most people don’t take into consideration when buying a workout chair, or any equipment for that matter, is how much they have to push themselves to use it. That’s one of many great things with the FlexiSpot Fitness Chair Sit2Go, you can be droning away at work while working out giving you more time to enjoy later in the day.

As you finish wrapping up reading this I want you to remember something. You are capable of taking any chance you can to be healthy. You can motivate yourself day in and day out to keep yourself in peak condition. Remind yourself that just because there is a pandemic going on that you don’t have to give up on your journey of keeping your mental and physical health stable. Lastly, if you are going to take your workouts to the right level then you can feel comfort in knowing that the FlexiSpot Fitness Chair Sit2Go can be a great choice to keep you fit.