How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

22 February 2022

Many are skeptical about long-distance relationships. But many have already proven that this type of romantic relationship can also work if two people are committed to it. Some may even argue that it makes the love grow fonder and when the time comes to finally reunite in person, the love and bond have become stronger than ever.

Of course, it won’t be easy at all. Love is not always enough and it will go through many trial and error phases to make a long-distance relationship work. There may be times that you and your partner may want to give up but if you focus on the positive and you remind yourself why you’re in the relationship in the first place, then you would know it’s something worth holding onto. Even experts say, according to Time, that a healthy relationship begins with two people living in different homes.

Some say that the infatuation between two people lasts longer when they are separated. Yes, there still exists that risk of the affection declining over time and if you are over the infatuation stage, it might even lead to a breakup. But if you want some positive news, studies show that it can also have a greater potential benefit for the couple in a long-distance relationship.

The Journal of Communication published a study that around three million Americans have lived away from their spouses at one point in their marriage while 75% of college students have been in a long-distance relationship. Time even says that research proves couples in a long-distance setup are satisfied equally or even more in their relationship than those who live together or nearby. There is a less feeling of being trapped in the relationship and the couples are more dedicated to making it work. You talk more when in a long-distance relationship which makes the both of you discover more of each other. These conversations make your relationship closer as compared to couples who see each other regularly and do activities together with less conversation.

You would also be able to grow more in your friendships and separate interests. You will be able to bring more to your relationship and share more interesting stories as you talk about your separate lives. You are always excited to see each other and you make the most out of it when you do.

This is not to say that there are no problems in a long-distance relationship. There are a lot, including probably different plans in the future. But if both of you are willing to make it work, then the future looks bright and positive for you. Below are some tips to make your long-distance relationship stronger than ever.

Make the most out of what technology can offer.

Make the most out of what technology can offer.

Because of technology, long-distance relationships are much easier. You have more ways to stay connected and you can even share your day-to-day activities in real-time. You may set up your laptop in a standing desk or standing desk converter to have the laptop at eye level as if the partner is talking with you in person. Compared to couples who see each other often, they use their gadgets more when they’re together instead of interacting with each other.

When sharing stories, be as detailed as possible. For instance, if you are sharing your dinner with friends, tell your partner who you were with, what did you eat, and how you felt during and after. You may even send photos from the dinner. This helps your partner feel that they are a part of the event even though they weren’t personally with you.

Do activities together.

Do activities together.

As we said, technology has made a lot of things possible in this day and age. It doesn’t mean that because you’re physically apart, you won’t be able to spend time together and have the most fun. You may watch a movie via Teleparty, or even finish a whole series together. You may come dressed up for the occasion and even prepare a menu for the night.

You could also have a trivia night or play virtual games together. You may join a virtual race together, paint or make crafts together. There are tons of things you can do to stay connected even though you are physically apart from each other.

Stay committed to the relationship.

Stay committed to the relationship.

You don’t want to be wasting your time so you should be willing to make it work. You should have a plan moving forward and you should work together to achieve your common future vision.

At some point, you need to talk about how both of you will end the distance and be together after quite some time has elapsed, which brings us to our next point.

Set boundaries.

Set boundaries.

If you are committed to your relationship, you won’t do anything that will make your partner insecure, uncomfortable, or feel that the relationship is on the rocks. Yes, you have your own life and you don’t need your partner’s approval for every social event you will be going to but there should still be boundaries that both of you are comfortable with. Remember to not do anything that you don’t want your partner to see on social media.

Trust your relationship.

Trust your relationship.

If you don’t feel secure with each other, then long-distance might not work for the both of you. It might lead one partner to call excessively or send too many text messages when there isn’t an emergency or an urgent situation. This might cause tension in the relationship and might leave one feeling toxic about it.

If you need to work on security, the best way to solve it is through proper and honest communication.

Know the end date.

Know the end date.

Long-distance relationships work but only with the shared vision that you’ll be spending the future together. You can’t be long-distance forever. It will help each of you to be secure in your relationship if there’s a clear date when you’ll be in the same place again, for good. You should be in agreement on how long your long-distance relationship will be and what your future plan is to stay in the same place in the future.