How to Maximize the workspace on a Standing Desk

27 April 2021

You wake up in the morning feeling exhausted from last night’s work because you need to finish the presentation in time. You find scratch paper on the left side of the table, the calculator is on top of the book, all the materials are scattered on the surface. You just realized that your work area is a complete mess. Now, you wonder how you could organize them. In today’s topic, we’ll help you out how to maximize and totally organize your workspace using Flexispot’s Standing Desk. So, we’ll be discussing the:

negative impact of having a disorganized workspace

how we could maximize the work space

the role of the standing desk in organizing your workspace

So, let’s start the discussion now.


The Negative Impact of Having a Disorganized Workspace:

Following the scenario mentioned, what do you think would happen if you experienced this one? Have you tried not fixing your desk after a long day at work? Do you feel okay afterwards? Or do you feel guilty the next morning because what you can see is a total mess? I feel you. So, let’s go deeper on this topic. Your desk is your stable arena of ideas. This is where your thoughts meet and process but with a messy table you:

might encounter a slow-down in your thought process. According to a research, clutters go against your thoughts. When there are a lot of pieces of paper or trash on the table, your focus is being diverted that instead of the current idea brewing inside, it might be stopped and another set of information would be put in your mind’ distracting you and stopping you from creating a great concept.

This may also create anxiety, stress, and guilt. It’s because when your thoughts are diverted, you might also get a chance to stop the important things to do. Once this happens you might find yourself feeling the guilt especially when you have a deadline to meet or it’s really something important for work.

It creates a visual perception that there are more things to be done. When you see a lot of clutters on the desk, the brain might be conditioned that there are more things to finish which might either make you accelerate your speed in finishing a task or make you slow down more because it gives an impression that you are getting tired.

Continuous visual and spatial information create a havoc to the short-term memory. Your working memory is heavily affected by this. When the brain receives more signal from the visual clutters, it becomes overworked and loses ability to remember the tasks that you need to finish.

We tend to get overwhelmed and confused because of the visual clutters. This may affect our decision-making ability. When we see a lot of thing see a lot of things on the table, confusion kicks in making it impossible for us to focus on one light of thought and might hamper our ability to decide with sound judgement   

Mental Havoc. When there are a lot of visual clutters, the brain uses the flight-or-flight response. A mechanism that creates more cortisol in the brain making you less creative and motivated. The fight-or-flight response too may trigger the adrenaline glands which releases the catecholamines or the chemicals that are found in the medulla of the adrenal gland. This chain of reactions might increase the blood rate, blood pressure, breathing rate. This is why some people find it very triggering to see a messy desk; some start to have mood swings and lose their composure.

A messy desk is also unhealthy and unsanitary. A filthy keyboard has around 7, 500 bacteria on it. That’s why if you closely observed it, more often we sneeze around the work station more than we do at the kitchen because bacteria which may cause disease reside on the sides of the keyboard or even around the work desk.

It can leave a bad impression. Having a disorganized desk can be a sign of inefficiency at work   

So, how could we maximize and organize our work areas? At times, it is difficult to organize a lot of files and documents at the same time especially when you really have a lot of things to do and the most complex work is in your shoulder. It’s a big challenge to effectively focus on one task. In this next part, we’ll discuss how to maintain an organized desk without losing focus or becoming disorganized.

  1. Designate a personal space- Oftentimes, we put a lot of personal belongings to one space together with the office stuff. In my personal experience, I put a little drawer or a box beside my desk. This is where my phone and wallet are in. Then on the left side of my desk is a bulletin board which I divided into three sections for the utility bills, receipts, and reminders. With this, it can make me organize more efficiently.
  2. Throw the Trash, leave what’s not- Take time to get rid of the clutters (receipt that was already recorded in your expenses list or spreadsheet, brochures from the mall, etc.) This can save you time and space because there would be no clutters left but only the important stuff that you need for work.
  3. c.       Put 3 corners on the desk. At this point, we have already discussed the important stuff that you could keep at the work area. Now try the three corners. The ideal product for that: the L-Shaped Standing Desk E1L. This desk is ideal for right handers and left handers because it has reversible panel . It also has a spliced desktop that can really support your needs when it comes to organizing your desk. No need to worry about the clutters on the table because of these features.
  4. Declutter your device too. A cleaning of your internal storage is more effective because it would make the operation smooth and lessen your chances of writing much on the paper which can create a room for clutters.


Final Thoughts:

As mentioned, decluttering is a big task at times because there are moments when we cannot get rid of all the trash from our work space but with the help of Flexispot’s standing desk, you will be able to maximize more your work area.