How to Overcome PostPartum Depression with a Desk Bike

06 May 2021

As mentioned in my previous article, every mother who bravely gives life to a baby is a warrior Mom. She is a brave person who gives her life to a point that her body and her health are put at risk. Her physique changes as well. As some women put it, carrying and giving birth to a baby means a lot of physical changes for them-from the stretch marks, uneven skin tone, sagging parts of the body, and ungroomed looks. These are the small battles of the mothers that people overlook. After the pain she has been through during birth hasn't ended there. She has to face a lot of anxiety, sleepless nights, insecurities because of her looks, and depression. Hence, she needs a strong support group. At times, even second-time mothers couldn't make heads and tails of how they could manage taking care of the baby. As a result, they feel more exhausted and the cycle of negative emotions continues. 

In this article today, we are going to discuss the:

a. meaning and negative effects of postpartum depression to women

b.role of health professionals and support groups in helping women with postpartum depression

c.the advantage of using Flexispot's Desk Bike V9 for Postpartum females

So, let's start the discussion now: 

I.The Postpartum Depression

It is also known as Postnatal depression. It affects 1 in 6 new mothers. From crying spells to loneliness, these are the challenges that a woman who experiences depression feels. In an article written, it was cited that as many as 20 percent of women suffer from postnatal depression, and in another article, it was stated that the condition lasts for more than three months if not treated. Postpartum depression is often diagnosed with the following signs: 

a.anxiety-postpartum anxiety is characterized by severe anxiousness. Commonly, women with postpartum anxiety have racing thoughts that they feel unfocused on doing something and would jump to another activity without finishing the former. At times, their worries are constant that they can't be eased

b. the irritability-a postpartum female often gets agitated even with the littlest of things from the clutters in the house to the voices of other people dwelling in the same place. She gets easily frustrated when the baby cries.

c.sleep problems-Postpartum sleep issues happen during their third trimester and continue up to the first six weeks after giving birth. Hormonal changes are believed to affect the production of progesterone or the female sex hormones which have sleep-inducing properties. 

d.concentration issues-Postpartum females experience these issues because of tiredness and sleeplessness. At times, women experience confusion and restlessness

e.tearfulness-This is common to women who experience postnatal depression. Due to the hormonal changes in their bodies, they easily get emotional and cry when they get frustrated because they couldn't make the baby stop crying or when they simply feel tired and exhausted, 

This kind of depression needs medical intervention and treatment such as:




Now, the downside of taking medication is the body will be dependent on this. Hence, there are natural alternatives that may also be considered effective. Some of the ways to alleviate the severe effects of Postpartum depression are:

a.maintaining a healthy diet- although eating healthy foods alone cannot cure this depression the way a painkiller relieves pain. However, the nutritional values of these items could support the body. When a mother has a healthy body, she will have more balanced health which will boost brain function and cure the imbalances in her emotions; mood swings could be lessened or avoided. 

b.creating time for yourself-a mother should not be alone in dealing with the stressors of getting stuck on the couch breastfeeding or doing all the household chores, take up a trusted adult on her offer of taking care of your baby or your husband who is there to work hand in hand with you in keeping your baby safe. Have a "me-time" for yourself where you can spend the day meditating, doing breathing exercises, yoga, or simply walking along the park by yourself with a cup of espresso. These things could make you feel relaxed and would keep you on track. 

c.consuming much fish oil-According to an article, women who have low DHA have more tendencies of acquiring postpartum depression. So, try eating fish that have higher Omega-3.

d.avoiding being alone-In a study done, 42 mothers were diagnosed as high-risk for postpartum depression and a method of telephone-based peer support was done to them. As a result, most participants found telephone-based support an effective way to combat depression. Thus, it proves that finding a strong support group and sharing what a mother feels without judgment can help her overcome depression. As they always say, containing negative emotions instead of acknowledging them would be more dangerous for the health.

e. spend time exercising- At the first few weeks after giving birth, even light exercise cannot be done because of the constraints that the body has especially when you had a caesarian delivery, a difficult birth, or complications, it would take a long time before you resume to doing exercises. A few weeks after giving birth, if you'd feel that you're prepared physically and your doctor gives the go signal, then you may start with light exercises which would not strain the pelvic floor and other ligaments because after giving birth, these areas of the body are greatly strained and forced hence focusing first on the easiest activities such as walking, light breathing exercises. Then, try accelerating to harder activities in which you may incorporate the strengthening of your pelvic floor. Once your body gets used to doing harder forms of exercise and your body is already healed, try to use exercise equipment such as Flexispot's Desk Bike V9, which will be the last part of our discussion. 

III. The Advantage of Using Flexispot's Desk Bike V9 for Postpartum Females

Once you start doing light exercises where you need to involve movements on your pelvic floor or legs, you may use this equipment which has 8 resistance levels. This will give you a smooth transition from light activity to a more strenuous one. As mentioned above Postnatal depression lasts even beyond one year after giving birth. Hence, progressing with the help of this equipment.

With the help of ergonomics, this desk bike could strengthen your mobility and mental health. This is also convenient to use because you don't have to worry that your baby might be awake in the middle of your exercise; with its whisper-quiet operation, you may exercise often with ease and comfort. A great buy indeed for every mother who faces challenges every day. 

IV. Final Thoughts:  

Motherhood is a noble thing given to every woman. It will never be easy though and there's no perfect motherhood. Every woman is entitled to make flaws as she takes care of her baby but that doesn't mean that she will be neglected because she will always be a woman worthy of praise and admiration.