How to Spruce Up Your Home Office in 7 Ways

26 April 2021

Have you been searching for new techniques to spiff up your home office space after working from home during the coronavirus outbreak? A well-designed home workspace will make or break your day, whether you've been a work-from-home warrior for a while or it's your first time. In reality, a creative and regularly updated space will help you stay motivated and alert, to name a few of the potential benefits.

In this post, we'll go over ways to spruce up your home office and make it work for you.

o r g a n i z e

First and foremost, make every effort to keep your desk as clutter-free as possible. Distractions will run wild without a clean desk, reducing your concentration. Start by going through everything you don't need and shredding or recycling it. Reduce the amount of paper used, which is a major source of clutter. Then, using objects such as baskets, shelves, filing cabinets, and desk organization accessories, search for ways to arrange the stuff you need to keep. FlexiSpot can help you give all your things a tidy place of their own.

c o l o r

Your home office is a great place to experiment with your surroundings. If you want wall art or paint a wall, both will help you feel better. Color is particularly significant because it influences your mood, feelings, and behavior. Certain colors, it has been said, can affect your blood pressure, heart rate, and alertness.

Painting walls is an excellent way to freshening up space. If your office is cramped, lighter colors will help to open it up. If painting isn't a choice, find other ways to incorporate color. A nice set of curtains, a bright rug, or some bright artwork will brighten up the room. When you're working hard to reach those tight deadlines, new, cheerful paint or a vibrant swath of a colorful rug will help lift your spirits. Consider relaxing, pale blues and greens for support concentrating, or a soft yellow paint for a touch of hope when you sit down to get to work.

p l a n t s

Given how much time we've spent indoors recently, it might be a good idea to bring the outdoors into your home through biophilia, which is a sense of belonging to nature. Plants in the workplace have a variety of benefits, including stress reduction and improved productivity. Plants add color, and some also help to enhance air quality.

Consider putting a lovely houseplant in a pretty pot next to your desk. You may also want to choose a beautiful vase to fill every other week with fresh flowers. Look into a few of the most common plants and see which ones will be a good match for your office. Many people prefer low-maintenance plants such as succulents or air plants because they don't have to dedicate a lot of time to attend to them.

f u r n i t u r e

If your home office is spacious enough, consider rearranging the layout if you're feeling uninspired. A fresh perspective could be what you need to get your creative juices flowing. If at all necessary, place your desk and chair to face a window. You would also want to consider purchasing new furniture, such as a new desk or office chair.

c h a i r

If you have to sit for long periods at work, having poorly built office chairs will make working long hours a chore. 

It's time to replace your office chair if it's showing signs of wear, such as a flattened seat cushion or worn armrests. Maybe you've been sitting in a kitchen chair all day when it only to be used for a few minutes. In any case, consider FlexiSpot's ergonomic office chairs or pretty accent chairs to make your workday a lot more satisfying.

d e s k

Many of us sit at a desk for several hours per day to complete everyday tasks. After regular usage, desks may begin to deteriorate and become damaged.  As a result, updating your workspace's desk can be a perfect way to give your home office a cool, new look. 

Are you using a dining table as a makeshift workstation? Have you piled some books and raised your computer so you can stand for a portion of the day? If that's the case, you should think about getting a standing desk converter or a height-adjustable desk, also knows as a standing desk or sit-stand desk, which will help you improve your productivity, creativity, and mood. Look no further, as FlexiSpot might just be your one-stop-shop for these!

f a v o r i t e s

With a few of your favorite products, make the room feel like your own. Consider hanging framed portraits of friends and family on the wall or placing them on shelves and other flat surfaces. You may also frame posters, magazine photographs, or newspaper clippings that have meaning for you. 

a c c e n t s

You may not believe that aesthetics are important, but a few simple visual changes can make a big difference in your day. Maybe your office is just a little drab and needs a little sprucing up, but not a total makeover. It's always worthwhile to devote some time to personalize a room. 

desk lamp is an excellent way to build a warm atmosphere. Try lighting a candle or using an essential oil diffuser to brighten the mood. Clocks, mirrors, wall hangings, and throw pillows are only a few of the accessories you can use to give your home office some personality.

c o m f o r t

It's not only about looks when it comes to a home office; it's also about functionality and comfort. When you're refreshing your workspace's furniture, you may want to think about making some improvements that will enhance your workspace's ergonomics. 

You could buy a monitor mount to raise the monitor to eye level. Alternatively, piling some coffee table books under your computer to raise it. Also, consider purchasing a keyboard tray that allows you to position your keyboard underneath your desk. FlexiSpot has one which comes with a robust metal C-clamp that will enable you to easily attach the keyboard tray to your standing desk without the need for any screws or tools. 

Having the right ergonomic solutions will lower the risk of developing a repetitive stress injury or other health issues in the future. Most of us spend several hours a week at our desks, so do yourself a favor and make it a welcoming, homey environment where you can genuinely deliver your best work and look forward to coming to every day.

Having a charming workspace will make the working time much more enjoyable and allow you to be more efficient and happier while still meeting deadlines. Nothing is more repulsive than being forced to work in an archaic and uninviting office room. You'll find that a refreshed home office space is a creative and efficient one if you plan to take control. When you combine healthy habits with a motivating work environment, you've got the formula for a successful home office.