How You Can Promote Employee Healthy Habits

21 June 2021

Every seasoned company owner will tell you that providing a safe and healthy workplace for your workforce is part of your job. Not because it is your responsibility to them well, but because your employees' long-term quality of life has a substantial effect on the overall profitability of your organization.

Your company's health is inextricably related to the health of its employees. Every year, more than 600 million productive work hours are wasted due to illness. With rising healthcare premiums and employees' compensation rates, all businesses are increasing motivation to stay healthy. On the other hand, workplace wellness worries go far beyond advocating a smoke-free living and assisting smokers in quitting. Fitness, diet and weight management, stress reduction, back health, and blood pressure and cholesterol reduction programs are becoming more widespread in the workplace.

The establishment of these initiatives results in lower healthcare expenses, better productivity for businesses, and increased employee morale. Technology has resulted in a work environment that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employees are linked to their work no matter where they go, and they can suffer significantly due to the constant pressure.

Unhealthy employee costs

What appears to be a few sick days here and there might stack up to a significant amount of money lost by your organization each year. You may discover that it is worthwhile to make an additional investment to keep your workforce healthy.

  • Health insurance
  • Compensation for workers
  • Compensation for workers Temporary disability insurance
  • Job functioning impaired
  • Absenteeism increase
  • Employee productivity reduced.
  • Replacement and retraining are all common occurrences.
  • Low employee morale
  • Well-being and lifestyle reduced
  • Possible employee premature death

You must promote healthy habits among your workforce to maximize their satisfaction. Happy employees are more productive. Investing in improving employee wellness can improve efficiency, foster teamwork, and prevent workplace injuries. The good news is that many serious diseases are curable as well as prevented. The sooner a possible health concern is treated, the less expensive it will be to handle in the future. While there are no easy remedies for this expanding issue, employers can take steps to encourage healthy practices in individuals and families.

Some of your workers may have health objectives and, the motivation should originate from within, whether it is to eat healthier, work out more, or live a healthier lifestyle. As an employer, there are several things you can do to motivate your employees to create healthy habits. Here are some employee wellness suggestions to keep your workforce healthy:


Workout facility

Many gyms and other workout facilities are eager to collaborate with small and medium businesses. They are frequently willing to offer discounts or perks because it increases their client base. New members, for example, enjoy additional incentives such as private lessons and waived set-up fees.

Yoga and meditation

Make a space or a room available for workers to meditate or conduct breathing techniques. Yoga or breathing exercises have been found in studies as an effective coping strategy for dealing with stress throughout the day.


Races to marathons are available in almost every city across the nation. Many of them collaborate with nonprofits, enabling you to advertise your institution's community engagement while also promoting theirs. If any of these events attract your ideal client, you may gain from marketing chances that arise.

Movement in the workplace

The modern workplace is a fast-paced setting where things happen swiftly, and the hustle never ends. Unfortunately, because many job responsibilities have now devolved into monotonous desk tasks, people are increasingly expending their whole workdays slumped. This is detrimental to their long-term well-being and performance. We suggest the following:

  • Create a walking group for lunch or breaks.
  • Walk while having meetings with teammates.
  • Maintain a standing position while conversing on the phone or having coffee or lunch.
  • Park at the far end of the space.
  • When possible, take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Take turns using a treadmill-mounted work surface.
  • Teach them proper ergonomics in the workplace while providing them with the required tools such as sit-stand desksergonomic office chairsdesk risers, and under-desk bikes.


Supplying plenty of fresh, high-quality water throughout the day and encouraging employees to stay hydrated is a powerful approach to keep their motivation up and, consequently, their performance high. If you want to encourage individuals to drink workplace water, it must offer more benefits than conventional bottled or tap water. Put a reverse osmosis water filter in the kitchen to remove all dangerous particles.


Naps have been demonstrated in studies to improve attentiveness, learning, and problem-solving while reducing tension and fatigue. Allow employees to take a 10-20 minute snooze no more than once a day if they believe it will benefit them.


Enhancing employees' exposure to natural light can improve their performance and sleep. If your office lacks windows, try creating an outdoor break zone or bringing natural illumination into meeting areas or conference rooms.


Most individuals know that eating well can help avoid diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Nevertheless, it is equally vital to realize that eating well can improve your job performance. Research suggests that eating junk food is associated with an increased chance of productivity loss.

Employees are free to bring anything they want to the kitchen in most businesses throughout the world, which you cannot directly affect. However, what you can do is encourage team members to gradually replace some of their unhealthy choices with healthier dietary habits.

  • Make it easier for staff to prefer fresh fruits and vegetables over packaged greasy and salty snacks; businesses such as Amazon Fresh make this remarkably easy.
  • Change chips, cookies, and candy bars into granola bars, protein bars, and nuts. As an alternative to soda, provide flavored water, tea, and juices. A healthy vending machine encourages your workforce to eat healthily.
  • Provide a refrigerator for employees to store their nutritious lunches.
  • As a manager, instead of offering a huge box of doughnuts loaded in frosting and sprinkles, treat your employees with a treat at the end of the shift that is actually nutritional and healthful.
  • Serve nutritious lunches or snacks to members of the team during meetings. You can also include healthy items on your menu during company occasions. Minimize dishes that are excessively greasy and heavy in sugar as much as possible.


  • Talk to your workers about workplace wellness. Determine which issues are of particular concern and interest. Solicit everyone's interest and commitment; it's one approach to ensure the success of your program. Make use of the input to shape the content and aims of your program. Request the assistance of one or two people to help establish and coordinate it.
  • Share nutritious recipes, useful workouts, stress management strategies, and financial wellness tips on the workplace intranet (or develop one). A workplace intranet is an easy method to enhance employee well-being and create a more collaborative work environment. An internal internet allows workers to get to know each other better while also improving the organization as a whole. Employees can engage with one another, which boosts organizational morale. This improved morale benefits both company production and employee wellness.


Encourage employees to refrain from sending or responding to work-related emails after work hours (unless emergency). Answering emails late at night, in particular, can cause stress and impair the quality of sleep. These emails can also result in employees working on additional projects beyond office hours, adding to their tension.


Every organization should make hard work a part of its culture; nevertheless, this must be reasonable. Encourage staff to take frequent breaks, design and adhere to work schedules, and discourage late-night work. The motivating factor behind this culture transition must be managed. Leadership must set a good example by adopting a healthy lifestyle, and if your employees see your leadership leading by example, they are much more likely to follow suit.

Every small good change your workers make for themselves can have a significant impact on their work productivity. As an employer, you may also empower people to make incremental changes that will help them become more efficient. While it is not possible to force healthy behaviors on them, managers may positively impact their thoughts and actions. After all, the workplace is where people devote the majority of their time.