How Your Home Affects Your Mental Health

15 June 2021

The importance of mental wellness cannot be overstated. But did you know that the way you feel on a daily basis is influenced by your interior design?

The amount of room available in your home, the furniture layout, and the colors utilized throughout your interior design may appear strange. Even whether or not your home is cluttered has an impact on your mental health.

In this article, we will be explaining how different components of your interior design can affect your mental health, whether you're wanting to make major changes to your house or conduct a full makeover.

Alternatively, you might want to make minor alterations to one or two rooms' furniture. This post will provide you with some helpful hints, regardless of your objectives.

Colors are one of the simplest and cheapest ways to boost your mental health by changing your interior design.

Changing the color of your home's spaces to foster the feelings that each color evokes is vital.

Long-wavelength colors like yellows, oranges, and reds hues are energizing and can be employed in places like the office. Meanwhile, short-wavelength colors like purple blues and greens and blues are that are naturally relaxing, making them ideal for the living room.

Of course, you don't have to color your whole lounge room purple or blue; instead, you may incorporate the color by painting smaller parts and adding purple or blue furniture.

When designing interiors, interior designers frequently utilize cream and white colors. This is due to a number of factors. Whites and creams provide an open sensation and make rooms appear wider and more expensive than they actually are. Not only that, but they complement a wide range of colors. So, if you want to incorporate additional colors into your interior design, you can do so using ivory or cream as a base.

In addition to colors, the degree of open space in your home has been proven to have a good impact on mental health and well-being.

Ceiling height is one of the most effective ways to do this, as a higher ceiling height lowers perceptions of claustrophobia and anxiousness.

The height of the ceiling has an effect on the subconscious impression of space and surroundings, according to a study done by experts. Moreover, it was demonstrated that high ceilings enhance creativity and concentration while also greatly increasing the mood of study participants.

Any furnishing in an area should be positioned in such a way that it removes any dead space, as per Feng Shui design principles.

Placing items against walls where they can be positioned is one of the simplest methods to do this. This decreases the bad energy associated with a lot of dead space by eliminating any vacant space behind the furniture.

E. O. Wilson, a prominent scientist, created the term biophilia to describe the many diverse ways that humans seek out connectedness with nature in the middle of the 1980s. Various studies have determined that parts of the natural environment are beneficial to mental and physical wellness! Ambient daylight, airflow, organic items, and plants, as well as wildlife, are all included in interior design.

You may incorporate biophilic design into your home design in a variety of ways. Using natural elements in your design, such as wool rugs and wooden flooring, as well as ensuring that your furniture is made of natural materials whenever possible, is a fantastic place to start!

How many times have you glanced around your house, whether it's your entire house or just one area, and felt dreadful at the prospect of having to clean and de-clutter it? Isn't that true?

A messy workstation equals a cluttered mind.

I know what you're going through since I've been there before. This sensation can be traced back to the fact that humans appreciate well-organized spaces. You've probably heard the phrase "a messy workstation equals a cluttered mind," and it applies to your interior design as well.

While persistent disorder and excess trash can create physical health problems such as tripping and falling and weight gain, it can also have a negative impact on your mental health. These hidden clutter expenses can have a severe impact on your inner well-being, causing a variety of bad emotions, the most prevalent of which is anxiety.

In a nutshell, people experience anxiety when they feel out of control. 

That may be argued to be the foundation of anxiety. There is so much we can't control in our daily life outside the home. There are just too many instances to count, ranging from traffic, the employer, the weather, and, of course, our children.

Our residence should be a haven, a place where we can unwind and disconnect from the outside world. However, having a disordered personal space makes it incredibly difficult to relax and unwind from the stresses of modern life. Clutter makes you feel worried, agitated, or even depressed since you don't have control over your surroundings.

Our emotions, sleep patterns, and capacity to concentrate can all be affected by clutter.

It could make us less productive by prompting adaptation and avoidance behaviors that lead to us snacking on junk food and watching Television programs. The human minds like structure, and repeated exposure to disorder deplete our cognitive resources, making it difficult to concentrate. Clutter's visual distraction causes mental stress and can impair working memory.

But now that you have an idea about how your home’s interior design and clutter affect your mental health, you will now make a conscious effort of keeping your household up to your standards. There is no need to worry though because FlexiSpot has all of the ergonomic solutions to ease some of your mental workload regarding your home and lifestyle.