Giving Up Your Poor Work Practices

27 May 2021

It helps to analyze the behaviors that have brought you success, as well as those that have only held you back, whether you've discovered a new job, are moving up the corporate ladder, or simply wish to overhaul your work style for the months ahead. You can use good habits to help you achieve personal and professional success. You must, however, eliminate the poor behaviors before you can nurture the healthy ones. Bad habits don't make you a bad person, but they might reflect poorly on you as an employee and possibly cost you your job. 

It might be challenging to break negative habits that have become habitual; nevertheless, you'll soon notice changes in both your working performance and employee or colleague relationships with enough effort and dedication. If you make it a point to cut down on these counterproductive behaviors as quickly as possible, you'll enjoy your time at work a little more—and boost your professional reputation.

Take a look at the list to see if you can relate to some of the items. If you do, now would be the moment to confront them and make positive changes before it's too late.


Following on from time management skills, it's critical to avoid being late. It demonstrates a lack of responsibility and forethought and displays an attitude of complacency and negligence if you arrive late for work or a meeting. When someone is late, you will notice, and so will your employer. Remember that being on time also applies to client meetings and appointments, as this can be a deal-breaker for many people when employing you or closing a contract. Your manager will only remember your late arrival and nothing else, no matter how hard you work when you are present at work.


Do you get so caught up in your job that you forget to check your inbox, and do you have a habit of responding with one-word responses that come out as unfriendly? Simply put, it makes you appear unprofessional. The following are some indicators that you need to improve your communication skills:

● Not paying attention when others express their opinions or point of view.

● Not replying to business emails, text messages, or phone calls on time.

● Getting caught up in arguments with others.

● Making excuses after receiving constructive criticism.

Communication is essential in any work. Overlooking emails or failing to respond to them can be one of the easiest mistakes to make, but it may become a dangerous habit if you continue to put off responding to them. If you don't have a reply or don't have the time to respond to an email right away, make a note of it and flag it to remind you to respond later. It's also vital to take your time with your response; don't respond in short terms, as this will reflect poorly on you. Be careful with your words and how you use them because they cannot sense your tone of voice.


It's OK to take a break from your workstation now and then to stretch your legs. It has even been shown to increase productivity. According to one study, after focusing on a task for a lengthy amount of time, your attention span decreases dramatically. Short pauses improve your capacity to concentrate on a job.

On the other side, if you have a habit of taking long breaks or taking too many pointless breaks, it's time to exercise some self-control. It's hard to regain focus if you're constantly pausing to fetch coffee, have a snack, or talk with co-workers. It's also disrespectful to team members who must pick up the slack when you're away. To encourage a focused mind, schedule regular breaks from your desk.


This practice can be quite detrimental in the workplace. If you assume that you perform your best work and put off tasks or tasks until the last minute, you may be unaware of your behavior's impact on your teammates. If your last-minute rush pushes people to work rapidly, you will most likely upset them, and you will be the first to condemn if a project fails or is not done on time. 

Procrastinating at work can harm your tasks and those on which you collaborate with others. When working in a group, it is critical to respect the demands of others and not put off work. You must pull your weight in a team; do not put off duties because you believe you will be able to finish them in a short period, since this may reflect poorly on you and your ability. Leaving things until the last minute can also lead to extra stress at work, which is a bad habit to develop.


Your manager is probably in charge of ensuring that her/his teams contribute to a positive atmosphere. Anyone in the team who is contradictory to that reflects negatively on her/him. Hostile workers are frequently referred to as "cancer" by higher management for the apparent reason: they will be terminated. If you find yourself in a difficult or frustrating situation, practicing straightforward, honest communication can often be the most effective approach for controlling negative feelings or behaviors. 

The following are some indicators of a pessimistic attitude:

● Finding faults.

● Unnecessary complaining.

● Noticing indifference from your co-workers when you're around.

It may be beneficial to regularly examine your goals, recall and congratulate yourself for your accomplishments, and change other plans to produce more practical, achievable ambitions. Though it takes practice, it is best to stop contrasting yourself to others and instead use their triumphs as motivation for your personal development. Also, if you have an issue, it is best to discuss it with your boss directly and in private. Never ask your co-workers for help first.


Body language in the office can mean the difference between getting recognized for a promotion and being in danger of losing our employment.

Accomplished people have few characteristics, but one thing they all have in particular is a sense of energy and passion in their posture. This frequently distinguishes them as inspirational figures since their enthusiasm is transferable, meaning that those who work for and around them will be driven and enthused by it.

While slumping may appear to be a posture of relaxation and confidence in the job, the message it sends to others may be more akin to a lack of engagement, enthusiasm, or keenness. When sitting in front of your computer, a slumped posture indicates a lack of interaction with co-workers or perhaps a lack of desire for the task. 

We can view poor posture in many different ways, most of which are unfavorable. When you're addressing someone or vice versa, you should stand or sit up straight with your head held high. Slouching with a drooping neck and shoulders can indicate a lack of self-assurance. Although we realize, of course, that spending most of your day at work in one position can be difficult, rather than risking your job, try addressing the weariness your body experiences from prolonged sitting and/or standing. This is where ergonomics steps in, and we'd instead suggest that you look into office furniture that supports comfort, avoids pain, and promotes movement. This is precisely why sit-stand desks and ergonomic chairs with lumbar support will be your favorite things at your workstation.


A cluttered desk may appear harmless to you, but it can be not reassuring to your co-workers - especially if you are responsible for sprawling out your stuff on their workspace. When people observe see your desk, they will develop an automatic opinion about your competence. Many people associate a desk with how they manage their job and their lives. Some believe that keeping a neat desk is vital for presenting a professional appearance at work. One in ten supervisors responded that a messy desk would make them hesitate to promote an employee. Make some time to do something about this by decluttering first before organizing. If you do not have enough storage, consider a file cabinet for anything essential but not required to be on your desk every day. A mesh desk organizer will keep those essential documents neatly in place on your desk for when you need to pull them out anytime.


It is always a good idea not to lie at work. If you lie and say you completed an assignment when you know you didn't, you will indeed be caught out at some time. Dishonesty is a dangerous slope with a catastrophic crash at the end. We don't deserve to continue our employment if we lack ethics and mislead our employers. Lying can be detrimental to your credibility since it makes you appear untrustworthy. When your company image is critical to your success, you don't want to do anything that could jeopardize it. If you are caught lying, you may find it difficult to obtain a good reference, or you may miss out on a prospective promotion.

You're probably guilty of a couple of the negative work habits described, and you must recognize how toxic they can be to your professional progression. Begin by developing an actionable plan to build improved working habits to help you succeed in your career.