Indoor Plants and Productivity at Work

09 June 2021

Staying at home due to the pandemic has made people more creative and productive.

They have shown these with different ideas such as creating video content that is meant for entertainment and also for situations and experiences to help other people with their problems. There are also Tiktok videos that show people’s prowess from cooking to dancing. There are a lot more to mention but I think the best creative idea is to grow plants while in quarantine.

It is now popular among those who find growing plants especially flowering plants to show their skills in handling plants through their green thumbs.

I think tending to flowering plants in the garden has so many benefits for those who find staying at home such a boring lifestyle.

Aside from making plants as decorative or ornamental, they also give health benefits and of course, they give a sense of enjoyment and self-fulfillment. If you are successful in making plants grow until flowers bloom, it is some kind of success that motivates you to take care of more plants. Plants also make the air fresh and give off oxygen that human beings need for a healthy life. 

Some people say that when you have a green thumb, you also exude a different personality and character such as patience and creativity. Growing plants also keep us away from stressful experiences that we encounter every day. Seeing beautiful and colorful flowers blooming in your garden is already a joyful experience and part of personal achievement.

Growing flowers may also make better relationships with family and friends by gifting them fresh from your garden during special occasions or even during regular days.

You can give your neighbor some fresh flowers as a token of friendship and camaraderie.

When someone is sick and you want to visit them, you can bring flowers to cheer them up and help them in their fast recovery. Flowers could also mean sharing different feelings for other people such as a sign of reconciliation or appreciation for being helped by a neighbor or a friend in times when you need help the most.

At home, flowers can be a source of food such as salad.

Have you tried making a fresh salad out of fresh rose petals? Or green salad out of ferns? They are healthy and yummy, too.

I remember my grandmother who loved to grow plants and flowers in her small garden in her hometown. When roses were in bloom, she usually picked them out and gathered them in a bunch. This she did when it was her day for a doctor’s visit in the health clinic. Her doctor was female and single. She loved it when my grandmother brought her a bunch of red roses. She really appreciated the gesture and it also made her happy. Because of that, she was always the priority in the clinic when her scheduled visit came. 

Regarding indoor ornamental plants in the office, the research found (retrieved from Journal of Environmental Horticulture Vol. 14, Issue 3)” respondent's blood pressure and emotions were monitored with a simple task in the presence and absence of plants. When the plants were added to the workspace, the respondents were more productive and less stressed.”

With the result of the study, it is proved that ornamental plants can boost the productivity of workers in the work area.

There are different ornamental plants that can be displayed inside the office especially when the room is windowless. Some of them are:

  • Bonsai - they are cute and beautiful and can complement conference room tables and workstations
  • Indoor hanging plants - which can make small offices or studios greener and refreshing to look at
  • Snake plants that are still strong in low light that is being able to survive even without strong light which is ideal for dim workstations
  • Rubber tree plant that brings green to work tables and could grow quite tall with flat leaves
  • Peace lily - is a low-maintenance plant that can grow to medium light levels and only needs to be watered on a monthly basis
  • Aglaonema is said to be the "communicative office plant" that is attractive with variegated leaves of green and white speckles". It only needs weekly watering
  • Aloe vera - does not need frequent watering, need more sunlight
  • A spider plant is best as a hanging and pedestal plant. It can tolerate formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from vehicle exhaust, workers' garage and warehouse
  • Pines and philodendron, to make a forest of office plants

Having these kinds of indoor plants will surely make the workstation come alive and create a more cozy atmosphere. When you suffer from office stress, the beauty of plants with their natural look can boost more confidence and feeling of being positive in you. The green color plants reduce eye strain and eye fatigue. So, it is really an excellent idea to place some pots of flowering plants in your workstation. 

If you have a small desk to work on, you may opt to request from your office a table big enough to place your small flower pots. At FlexiSpot, there are standing desks that are good for working with different postures while at the same time could carry heavier weight such as the Standing Desk Pro Series-Extra large desktop.

Aside from carrying heavier load, with up to 275 lbs. loading capacity, this wonderful standing desk with a large desktop is a smart one with three (3 )memory height presets and a programmable sit/stand reminder system, you can change positions with ease and get friendly alerts when it’s time to stand

With a wide range of colors and sizes to choose from, you will definitely find the perfect top to fit your work and personal needs.  

It is also durable with its powerful steel tubing, it is also resistant to scratches and stains and provides maximum stability even at the highest setting.

With these wonderful features, I am sure you would love this stunning desk to match your creativity and to enhance your productivity with your flowering pots right on your desk.