Is your child ready to go back to school?

21 June 2021

School is starting again for school children all around the globe. Do you hear the cheers from the crowd from parents throughout the nation? Isn't it fantastic to know that your child should be able to see their classmates again and that life will begin to recover throughout the disease outbreak? You can also rest easy knowing that you won't need to lecture properly or listen to classes somewhere between teleconferences. It's such a fairytale!

Unfortunately, some children may be anxious about returning to school. For them, the home was a refuge from the difficulties they endured in class. Kids who are looking forward to returning to school, on the other extreme, would have to adapt to learning with the COVID-19 precautions. In either scenario, your child's return to school could be a little distressing.

So, what exactly would you be doing if you find that your youngster is struggling to adjust to the transition?

Why is it that positive transitions can also be nerve-wracking?
Attending face-to-face classes is a major transition overall. It's a very different environment, especially for students who will transition from a year to another. It's a very different world now, and they're suddenly supposed to know what they're doing. It's a significant adjustment from having their personal space in the house and then becoming this school environment.

How to determine if your kid is experiencing issues

If you're not sure if your child is struggling with the adjustment away from class from the home, reflect on how they behave when they're anxious and watch for such actions. If your kid gets migraines or digestive problems whenever they're anxious, for instance, you'll know schooling is bothering them if they happen more than usual.

When we're overwhelmed, we have a predisposition to engage in specific activities. Parents should consider what their children do when they are overwhelmed in a new environment. Consider their typical actions, such as sulking in a corner or bursting out and attempting to be the wayward one. When you know what they do when they're upset, you'll be able to predict the next situation,

Supporting adolescents in making the switch

We recall our adolescent years. Many of us were rowdy, boisterous. There were others who were reserved and cautious. However, despite our personality, the majority of us undoubtedly held our obsessions, eccentricities, and hard times private. Whenever it pertains to teenagers, bear that in mind. While it's reasonable to just want to know everything that's going on in your teenager’s personal space and life, snooping or being intrusive can only exacerbate the situation.

Give your child some space if they've been able to handle the situation generally. If you're concerned, you could always mention something such as, 'You appear to be a little agitated.' 'Have you communicated with your buddies?' or 'You see, I'm here.' If they've already spoken to their pals, you can always say, "Well, if you'd like to speak with me, I'm available."

Basically, you're dropping indications that if things get too much for your child, he or she can cry out to you.

All you have to do is say, 'You understand, I'm here,' or 'I'll be in my office if you'd like to chat,' and the droplets will fall. When you provide those subtle suggestions, youngsters will be reaching out when they feel secure.

Gently and gradually reassure them. If you bombard your kids with inquiries, they'll feel overwhelmed and irritated. As a response, grant them some respite. They are aware of your presence. Just gently remind them that you'll be available for them if things turn rough.

We are aware that some children believe their families will never understand their puberty problems. In situations like these, an "awesome" sister or cousin can help a bit. Sprinkling the droplets in the area of this other grownup that both you and your child trust, so that they are compelled to seek help if they are having difficulties.

Give them some space and let the droplets fall where they may. Let your kid know you're there to discuss, but make absolutely sure they have somebody to talk to if they don't feel at ease around you.

How and when to assist younger children in adjusting to adjustments

It's difficult for small children to express strong feelings, and it's even harder for families to deal with outbursts, especially when beating, screaming, shrieking, and writhing are featured. It's important to set some fundamental rules of conduct with smaller kids.

In terms of attitude, there have been some things that are acceptable and some that are undesirable. Make it clear to your kid that it's normal to be unhappy. It's fine to be anxious. Nonetheless, beating or screaming is not appropriate.

Physical damage is never okay. Support and guide your child to express their frustration by communicating about it. Enquire about whatever they're unhappy about, or demonstrate to children how to inform you or any other grownup in the household if they're angry.

You want to emphasize that youngsters should never hit anyone at any given time. That was a policy they had in class, and it is still the norm now. Guarantee that your kid understands what is and is not acceptable in terms of behavior and conduct.

How should COVID-19 safety measures be dealt with if they are breached?

For over a year, you've done whatever you can to keep people inside your home protected. And for the most part, your kids have always been on track. However, one aspect is certain. They'll have friends who do not wear safety masks, do not follow the six-meter social distance, and no concerns for COVID-19. How are you handling your child as he or she begins to defy the laws and regulations?

Students learn that wanting to stay safe isn't only about them, but also about everyone else they worry for.

Inform your kids about your values and the family's overall position. Don't merely talk about the threats they face. Address the hazards of transmitting COVID-19 to individuals in your immediate vicinity.