Low-maintenance Plants Perfect for Your Workspace

11 May 2021

Whether in an office or at home, work-life typically consists of being so busy that you neglect to eat lunch or leave everything until Friday 5 p.m. arrives. But that doesn't mean you can't bring any life into your home. A plant, specifically a low-maintenance houseplant that can flourish in low light and bounce back after a missed watering or two, is a great way to create color and warmth to even the most mundane desk. Choosing an easy-to-care-for plant ensures you won't have to worry about its survival in addition to your workload, which is crucial.

Plants in the workplace have become a common office design theme, as evidenced by Amazon's addition of spherical conservatories to its Seattle headquarters and Microsoft's display of its treehouse conference rooms at its Redmond headquarters.


Before we get to the many plants that you can welcome indoors, let's get a quick view of the benefits of having plants in or around your workspace:

● Plants can help increase productivity. For decades, theory suggests that indoor plants filtered the air by eliminating toxins and carbon dioxide. This resulted in more oxygen-rich conditions, which reduced stress and increased productivity. 

● Plants can improve employee well-being and minimize sick days. Several studies have shown that indoor plants can have a variety of beneficial effects on our physical well-being. 

● Certain plants increase creativity and focus. The mere presence of plants near your workspace can improve your productivity, mainly if you study or work from home. Simply having a green and natural backdrop in your working environment has a therapeutic effect.

● You can reduce background noise by using plants. Plant leaves will absorb background noise, which improves the acoustics in your home. It's worth considering adding various plants to help create a quieter living and working environment. 

● Stress can be reduced by using plants. According to studies, people who spend more time outside in nature have a slightly more optimistic outlook on life than people who spend a lot of time indoors. If you are working remotely due to COVID-19, adding a few low-cost plants to your office or sitting by a window are simple solutions that will increase your productivity. 

● Plants can improve your mood. Plants have been shown in studies to aid in the treatment of depression. Plants promote a more positive state of mind by providing positive energy and an increased sense of satisfaction. 

● Plants bring visual benefits. Psychologists have discovered that the color green and the presence of living plants can elicit a sense of calmness, compassion towards others, enthusiasm, and optimism. You will increase your overall mental performance by incorporating more natural elements into your workspaces, such as natural light and plants.


Before making a hasty purchase, consider the following conditions to ensure that your plants can fit seamlessly into your current spaces:

● Lighting. Your living spaces must emit enough natural light for plants to develop, thrive, and survive. Most indoor house plants thrive in indirect natural light, such as next to a wide window or sliding door. 


Too much light: faded color, dropping or dry flowers/leaves

Too little: poor and slow growth, flowers don't bloom

● Size. Some indoor plants can grow up to ten feet tall, so make sure they can fit within the limits of your home to avoid creating an overcrowded and neglected environment.

● Maintenance. If you are rarely at home, the chances are that a 'needier' plant would not last under your care because some require more time and attention. Wilting or overgrown vegetation is the last thing you want.

● Pets. Many houseplants can be harmful to your pets. Make sure any plant they can enter or consume is non-toxic to animals before purchasing it. 


We know you're eager to learn more about the plants for your office desk, so without further ado, let's take a look at this list:


Snake plants have stiff, upright leaves that can go for long periods without water. Watering a snake plant once a month is usually sufficient. These plants can withstand both hot conditions and highly air-conditioned spaces, making them ideal for a shady corner.


This sprawling vine, also known as Devil's Ivy, is extremely easy to care for. It will thrive in both the darkest cubicles and the brightest, window-filled offices, and it can also live if you forget to water it now and then. Look for signs of what kind of treatment it requires—yellow leaves indicate that it is overwatered, while a droopy plant is thirsty.


The spider plant would need enough water to remain moist regularly; however, you should not overwater it. If you have a workspace that gets a lot of indirect sunlight, you can put it in a corner where the plant receives a lot of indirect sunlight.


Succulents are low-maintenance, easy to grow, and care for plants suitable for almost any indoor climate. Succulents thrive on the windowsill, where they receive the most sunshine. They need little watering and come in various sizes and shapes, making them ideal for grouping.


While ZZ's thrive in moderate to bright light environments, they can also thrive in low light. They need little water, like cactus, so you don't have to worry about constantly watering them. It's also a tough plant; if its leaves start to fall off, give it a good watering, and it'll recover quickly.


Since these plants only need medium-light for a few hours a day, they can be placed almost anywhere in your office. We suggest taking a second to test the moisture when you come in every morning because the soil can dry out before you water them.


Aloe plants are simple to grow if they get enough of one important ingredient: plenty of bright light. Place the plant near a sunny spot on a desk; these succulents only need watering every couple of weeks.


One of the best desk plants that can thrive in low-light conditions is the Lucky Bamboo plant. Since these plants do not need soil to grow, you can also keep them submerged in water for healthier growth. This ensures that you would not need to water them to keep them alive if you have them.


Indoors, ivy needs medium light and average water to survive. Wrap ivy tendrils around a trellis or wire obelisk for a living piece of art if the trailing essence of the ivy becomes too abundant.


These lovely flowering plants are surprisingly simple to grow. Keep the soil moist (but not overwatered!) and spray the leaves regularly, and you'll have a happy plant. Although they like some sunshine, keep them away from direct sunlight.

The plants you choose should be appropriate for the room you have available for them. You don't want to overdo it with a large tree or fern on a small shelf or corner of a space. A succulent or snake plant may be a good match for your desk. If you have standing desks like FlexiSpot's, they are moisture-proof, sturdy, and stable enough to place your plant without worrying about them having to fall off. FlexiSpot takes pride in their spacious desks, enough for you to have your computer, other electronics, your water bottle, or a plant or two! Their Vici Duplex Standing Desk has two tiers that would allow you height and space to adore your plant friends.

These are only a few of the many ways that office plants can help with workplace tension, efficiency, creativity, and your team's overall health. You are not required to go all out right away. Plants are a must-have for every workspace, as they provide a plethora of benefits. Pick up a few easy-to-care-for plants and build from there. Begin amassing a range of office plants and discover all the beautiful ways they can improve your day.