Make Sure You Do Not Make These Remote Management Mistakes

25 June 2021

The new reality of work is telecommuting. One benefit that is shared by both parties is increased productivity. To get the most out of it, managers must avoid making certain remote team management blunders.

To ensure that things with remote teams are well-coordinated, planned, and laid out, we have compiled a list of management blunders to avoid.

Mistakes to avoid while managing a remote workforce

A breakdown in communication

When it comes to managing remote teams, communication is the most critical factor. With on-site team management, you might be able to get away with not being great at it. It is a skill that you will need as a remote manager.

It is one thing to communicate; it is quite another to do it in the most effective way possible. The last thing you want is for your employees to think that communicating is a chore.

Unless your team or firm is small, do not rely on emails as your primary mode of communication. Remember that how you communicate is just as essential as how you communicate. They are inextricably linked.

Managing your staff through micromanagement

What makes you believe that breathing down your team's neck will make things better if you cannot trust them to get their work done on their own? Another reason to clarify your expectations from the outset is to avoid surprises.

Micromanaging is another term for following up too frequently. It causes undue stress and pressure on your team members. 

Working remotely allows for a more flexible schedule, therefore, you may need to give them some latitude with their working hours. Allow them to execute their duties as long as they deliver quality work and do not throw the team off schedule.

This is a mistake that many on-site managers make when managing their remote teams. If a team member only gets things done when you micromanage them, you should reconsider their position on the team.

Failure to encourage teamwork

Humans and socializing are inextricably linked. Working from home tries to do this by isolating your team members. As a manager, make sure that your team members engage with one another as much as possible. 

In an office context, you might have left them to do this on their own, but it is now part of your work.

Regular meetings can be set up to allow everyone to get to know one another and break the ice. By being friendly, your team will be able to synergize and function as a unit.

Another benefit is that it helps to resolve conflicts. It will take longer to handle even minor issues if you are your team's lone link. However, if there is interaction, they may be able to work things out without your help.

You do not think about time zones

One advantage of remote work is that it allows you to hire people from all around the world. On the other hand, time zone differences exist. However, with adequate management, this should not be a significant issue.

Because of the nature of remote employment, it necessitates the use of flexible timetables. To effectively manage a remote crew, you must be aware that working hours will vary. 

To make things easier, arrange workers according to respective time zones when creating timetables.

What matters is that everyone involved understands. Meeting hours should be convenient for everyone; therefore, flexibility is important here as well.

Failure to use the appropriate tools for the job

When it comes to producing excellent work, having the correct equipment is just as vital as having the right talents. Your remote team's success is dependent not only on productivity tools but also on communication tools. Tools are enablers that bring out your team's potential. As a result, making the appropriate decision is critical.

Keep an eye out for project management software that facilitates cooperation. Dropbox, OneDrive, and other similar services can help your team more efficiently. Fortunately, many of these tools include the majority of the features you require.

Ignoring the progress of your remote team

Taking your remote team's development for granted. If you want to keep your finest employees, invest in their professional growth. According to a recent survey, 3.5 million Americans have left their employment due to weak growth.

Office workers should not be the only ones who have the opportunity to advance. Remote workers should receive training as well, especially because online learning is less expensive than on-site learning. This demonstrates the company's dedication to its growth.

Expectations are not communicated

You cannot afford to presume too much when managing a remote workforce, especially when it comes to expectations. It is a good idea to communicate your remote team's short, medium, and long-term goals.

If you do not do this, you will end up falling short of your goals. When you tell your staff what you expect of them, everyone is on the same page. Working together, as a team, is critical to productivity and efficiency.


Remote working is here to stay, and the sooner businesses learn how to manage remote teams, the better it will be for everyone involved. Managers frequently make the mistake of treating remote teams the same way they treat on-site teams. 

We hope that by sharing this article, more managers will be able to avoid making remote team management blunders that can make things tough. Allow FlexiSpot to help you prepare for a life of working from home by providing you with ergonomic office furniture.