Ordinary Things that are Slowly Wrecking You

02 July 2021

In this day and age of living fast and thinking little, most of us fail to read the fine print, whether on food, medicines, or even opinions. Certain items have grown so commonplace in our lives that it may come as a surprise to learn that they are also the most lethal. The radiation-heavy microwave and a slew of other objects are sneaking behind their simplicity, slowly adding to your doom.

You're undoubtedly also aware that excessive alcohol use is linked to an earlier death, which can ultimately cut your life short by nearly three decades, according to a study. However, the life-changing actions you take reach beyond the foods and beverages you choose to put into your bloodstream, and these daily selections will not have an immediate impact on you. They accumulate over time.

We all want to live much longer with healthier lifestyles, yet hazards are lurking in the background. Here are just a tiny fraction of the many things we do daily that can destroy your life without you even realizing it.

Too Little or Too Much Sleep

Sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. We need at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep per day to refresh and restore our body and brain. Sleep deprivation merely leads to lethargy, clumsiness, exhaustion, and tiredness, all of which contribute to mental and health diseases. Sleeping too little is detrimental to your health (and causes weight gain), but sleeping too much can be just as terrible. According to an analysis of sleep research, persons who slept over nine hours a night had a 41% higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those who slept 7 to 8 hours a night.

Oversleeping also helps with anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. To have a balanced existence, one must balance their sleep-wake cycle hours.

Bad Posture

People's health conditions are often caused by poor body posture. Hunched shoulders, an arched back, and so on cause malformations such as neck pain, spine curves, breathing problems, fat accumulation, etc. They have an impact on both your well-being and your appearance. And it can harm your health over time. Work on improving your body posture and aligning your sitting and standing routines for a healthier lifestyle.

Excessive Sitting

This is bad news for office employees. Even if you exercise a lot, prolonged periods of immobility are harmful. People nowadays lead inactive lives. Because of the requirement to continue working in cubicles, most people sit at their workstations for nearly 8 to 10 hours each day, maybe even more. Extended periods of sitting have been shown in studies to cause a variety of health problems such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, stress, so on and so forth. Excess waist fat is a common occurrence among persons who work at a desk. For every hour you sit, you lose around two hours of life. Sitting kills far more people than smoking and is more harmful than HIV.

Take frequent breaks if you have a desk job, primarily if you focus more when sitting than standing. I would strongly recommend switching from sitting to standing if possible with the help of office ergonomic products like standing desksdesk risers, and under-desk bikes. These products promote mobility throughout your desk office hours and benefit your productivity and alertness, avoiding after-lunch slumps. Head on to FlexiSpot to learn more about ergonomic solutions as well as wellness and productivity tips.

Too Much Screen Time

We are continually glaring at the glowing screen in an attempt to communicate to the enormous digital space. These, however, pose as serious a threat to our physical and emotional health as any other behavior. While social media generates demanded validation, social anxiety, adverse impact, etc., these devices' hazardous radiations also impair our health. Spending more than 4 hours every day in front of a screen, such as surfing the internet or watching television, can increase the risk of cardiovascular attack and stroke by up to 113%. Another report estimated that lowering screen time to less than two hours per day could add about 1.4 years to a person's lifespan.

Night Shift

Night shifts alter one's biological rhythms, influencing one's social and familial life. According to research, changes in biorhythms affect human DNA, resulting in illness. Furthermore, working at night makes it difficult to see friends and family. Not having a healthy, supportive social life has a detrimental impact on our health in various ways.

Taking Unnecessary Medications and Supplements

Taking medicine for conditions such as sleeplessness or nervousness may reduce some people's lifespan. In one study, experts discovered that people who did not take such treatments had a 5% lower mortality rate than others who did. We are all aware that the body requires nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Unless prescribed by a doctor, one should not include a dietary supplement in their diet. The majority of the body's nutritional demands are satisfied by the food that we eat regularly. Our nutrition is taken care of by a priority on safe and healthy food. However, with the advertising of vitamins and supplements, we occasionally unknowingly use them without knowing the side effects.


We've all heard that stress is bad for our health and immune system, but research reveals that it might affect our DNA. Chronically stressed individuals exhibited shorter telomeres compared to non-stressed people. Telomeres are the sections involved in safeguarding and joining the ends of DNA strands, ensuring that our genes do not deteriorate over time.


Loneliness induces a psychological condition in which your brain is vigilant and interprets minor risks significantly more upsetting. It also entails reduced sleep, increased impatience and rage, and a higher chance of cognitive impairment. Loneliness, according to one study, is highly associated with early dementia.

Excessive Mindless Snacking

The abundance of junk food and fast food delivery has only encouraged engaging in poor eating habits at any time and from any location. Overeating or careless snacking will develop body fat and result in various other major health conditions such as obesity, stress, heart disease, digestive issues, mental issues, and on and on. Your body requires nourishment, but it also involves relaxation. Eating on schedule and allowing adequate time for digestion are also vital.


Unhappy? You'd be prudent to try to turn the situation around for motives other than your amusement. According to one study, men and women who endure the effects of depression can have their lives ended prematurely by ten years and more. Depression is very harmful to your heart. According to a report, cardiovascular disease patients who develop depression are twice as likely as other patients to die within the next decade.

Any of these ring a bell to you and your daily activities? Nowadays, with the many innovations for our convenience, we're no longer too sure which are beneficial or if they are beneficial at all. We should be more cautious of everything we do, especially those that turn into routines or habits, as well as anything we consume for our body's nourishment. Anything in moderation won't hurt much, but every once in a while, counter what you know is not good, or at least try.