Organizing Your Home Office

06 May 2021

Most of the time, organizing one's own home office could be a bit of a drag especially when you don't have time as work volume keeps piling up. In time, the mess accumulates that it is too overwhelming and too much to tackle in one go. But it has to be ultimately done to keep clean, be energized, and time-efficient. Overall, we can have a more positive outlook towards work. The good thing is, you don't need to do it in one day. You can do it little by little until you are satisfied that everything is in its place and the mess is officially cleared. 


Reducing stress is definitely on my to-do list every day so that I can focus on the work at hand. Fortunately, it is one of the benefits of organizing everything which is what I'm quite particularly fond of. When there are lots of mess around and it keeps piling up, I cannot stop myself from constantly thinking of them and it keeps me out of focus. It's probably anxiety but it does take up a lot of time, not to mention the space when the mess has piled up.

 With everything clean and clear, I find that I have more time for more important matters. For example, errands, chores and I don't have to clamor about and accidentally trip on things. It also saves time when I’m looking for something in particular like a document or something necessary yet mundane like staplers or a pair of scissors. 

  Adverse Effects of Dirt and Dust

With a lot of things scattered around, dust could accumulate which isn't good for one's health. Dust particles are often well known for causing potential respiratory and cardiovascular issues depending on what kind of dust it is. They can irritate the eyes, the skin, the throat, trigger health issues like asthma, allergies, and dermatitis. Household dust is usually composed of microscopic creatures, dead bug particles, and human skin.

 Although there isn't a confirmed study that dust exposure could cause anyone to develop asthma, it is known that long exposure over many years could contribute to some disorder of the lung and heart at old age. I do not want that, so I try to keep everything as clean as possible especially when I spend a big part of the day in the home office. 


Keeping organized not only keeps you out from stress when you are looking for something; it also keeps you from being stressed when you have visitors. If everything is clean, stored away then one can save themselves from the embarrassment if that happens. You can be proud of your home even if it's not as elegant and stylish as another if it's clean and easy on the eyes. 

You can welcome anyone from family, friends, or VIPs anytime and you don’t have to waste time trying to do everything within short notice. The key to cleanliness and organization, like a lot of things is consistency. 

  How to Start Decluttering

If clutter has already piled up and you have a sudden jolt to clean and organize, the next question would be how and where to start. 

● First, declutter your space. Get rid of the things that are not necessary for your office space such as a broken fax machine from 15 years ago. If you're not having it fixed or you're not going to use it again, you need to let it go. This applies to everything you don't need to use or has gathered up dust that makes your office not too pleasant to look at. Outdated and dirty decors, couch, broken office supplies, and other equipment should go.


● Next, put all unnecessary things in storage. Crumpled papers or used soda cans need to be in the bin. Those documents you recently referenced should be filed back to where they belong. All the pens, staple wires, and paper clips should be in the drawer. Then, if you already have everything stored in its place, label each of them so you know exactly where to find them and what supplies or documents can be found in that storage

● . It's good to invest in a good labeler, but if you don’t have any, a printed label and transparent tape will do the job as well. 

● Clear your desk of everything but your PC or your laptop. Keep everything that you might need close to you, though. That way, you can save time and effort when you are working. 

● Lastly, you need to check your documents or papers if they can be transferred as a soft copy to a cloud or drive. Going paperless is environmentally friendly and it is also easier to organize folders on your desktop.


At  FlexiSpot, there are plenty of aesthetically pleasing and useful products that you can use to declutter and organize your home office. A clean, organized space is at the tip of your finger and all you need to do is to start. 

The Under Desk Drawer S01 is one that you can add if your table has no drawers and you want to clear out the top of your desk. It keeps everything safe as it comes with a heavy-duty lock made by Steelto Company to keep important personal belongings or confidential files.

 FlexiSpot also has plenty of under desk storage cabinets to choose from depending on both your size needs or the theme of your home office. Most of them have casters that are noise-free so cleaning and rearranging your office would not break one's back.

 Another smart feature is that they have a metal storage cabinet with four adjustable shelves for more storage capacity. Making your desk clutter-free is also possible with the Mesh Desk Organizer DO01 which not only saves you desk space but also has a multi-functional smart design. That way, you can store away memo pads, pens, staplers, and even documents while keeping them all at an arm's length when you need them.