Reading and Your Child: The Standing Desks for Young Readers

01 September 2021

Reading is one of the most cardinal aspects of learning. Without it, it would be impossible for any person to have an understanding of the world around them. While there are different types of learners, reading still plays a crucial role for any young learner.

You might be wondering now how can you entice your child to love this hobby. Well, reading is more about the pictures that they will see on every page so here are a few tips to get have them up and reading!

Father and son read a book or tablet

1. Read for Yourself if You Want Your Child To Read As Well 

- A parent who has an inclination for reading will surely rub this precious hobby on their child. If you have not noticed, children form their demeanor to how their caretakers behave and act. If you want to raise a bunch of bookworms, you better start reading for yourself.

2. Make Time To Read For Your Child

- Allotting a reading schedule to bond with them will also cultivate their appreciation for the wonders of books. Once you have read to them for a while, you will find that you have indirectly taught them how to read.

3. Get Age-Appropriate Reading Materials

 - This step is always put to the backburner but having the appropriate books for your child would help them wholeheartedly focus on their books. For toddlers, it is best to arm your library with picture books. By having these in your arsenal, your child would little by little, connect the picture to the words that you are teaching them to read. These books’ topics can range from farm animals to the colors of the rainbow. 

For those entering elementary school, you can buy books that will cater to their current interests and school subjects. If your child shows great interest in dinosaurs, a title about the fossils and how they survived a million years ago would be the perfect book friend for them. Let your child also have variety on what they can read while still monitoring the topics to guarantee that each book is age-appropriate.

If you have a teen who loves reading, let them have the reins when it comes to choosing their preferred literature. 

4. Talk After Reading

- One way that you can ensure that they absorbed the main theme is through a simple discussion. You can ask questions but never tell your child that they got a part wrong. The talk after their reading session must be used for free discussion and clarifications. For the teenagers, clarifying some mature content would help shed light on what actually happened. You can use it as a time for them to learn about the possible consequences of the protagonist’s actions.

5. Establish a Reading Nook

 - Every home may simply not have the space to build a personal library that can rival a school’s but that does not mean that parents cannot strive to have a reading nook inside their home. You can buy shelves to showcase the array of books you have in an organized manner. The illumination of this space is also important because reading the amount or absence of light can have horrible repercussions for the whole household’s sight. Comfort should also be prioritized. As we all know, reading books are enjoyable but there are times where we get to caught up in the new world that we pay no mind to our posture. So how can you keep your child’s comfort in check as they sit down and explore the world through books? It is fairly simple. Just have one or two of these FlexiSpot ergonomic standing desks and their backs would never suffer as they enjoy reading!

Height Adjustable Ergonomic Study Desk/Kids Desk -40"W

Height Adjustable Ergonomic Study Desk/Kids Desk -40"W

Young children will enjoy learning and reading at Height Adjustable Ergonomic Study Desk/Kids Desk -40"W by FlexiSpot! Our brand’s structural integrity ensures that the desk stays steady especially when it is at its greatest height, enhancing toddler safety. Once you compare the at Height Adjustable Ergonomic Study Desk/Kids Desk -40"W to a piece of standard height-adjustable desk equipment, the provides better, smooth, and comfortable modifications. The surface is constructed with only the finest timber that is both comfortable to the touch and ecologically beneficial as well as sustainable.

The Height Adjustable Ergonomic Study Desk/Kids Desk -40"W is extremely dynamic in its motion! With a simple press, you may easily change the workspace. This would prove to be a far cry (though significantly better) than the conventional study desk, which required hand cranking, which was exceedingly tough for everyone, especially younger children. This workstation has resolved that conundrum for all. Additionally, it is immensely efficient throughout every level. If your kid is adamant about putting the entirety of their beloved literature on the desktop, it is incredibly durable. Our FlexiSpot desk is constructed with durable materials to ensure that this product will endure a great life! This is an incredible buy that is beneficial to overall development.

Height Adjustable Ergonomic Study Desk

If you have a bookish teenager in your turf, the Height Adjustable Ergonomic Study Desk  by FlexiSpot is the perfect fit for them. 

This desk ensures a rapid setup duration of fewer than six minutes, allowing your them to enjoy your books in no time! This desk also simplifies any daily routine with the two direction buttons to easily fine-tune your child's preferred height.

Your teenage child would easily like with using their FlexiSpot workstation for their personal reading nook. This might be short in some features unlike the rest of FlexiSpot's offerings but, its simplicity is what makes it particularly special and ideal for reading. They would appreciate how they can set the distinct elevations and afterward tune in the desired height. The concept is generally straightforward, which pairs well with the fact that assembly is also pretty basic. 

Final Thoughts 

As parents, you got to showcase the wonders and fun of reading. Thus with any of these comfortable standup workstations from FlexiSpot, anyone will be having a blast while as they learn the world through hardbound books and literature.