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Recovering From Burnout: 5 Tips to Help You Through

14 June 2021

It wasn't probably just work stress from the last job, but more of an accumulation from enduring tension from work, from life, for so long. The alarm went off; I moaned in disbelief and fantasized about throwing my phone on the concrete wall. It took me an additional 10 minutes before finally getting out of bed and another 15 minutes just deciding what to wear after shower. On that same day, I quit my job.

And no, I didn't even have any issues with that job. I have only been with them for three months, and I was doing fine with everything as I've also made some new acquaintances with who I was getting along just fine. So all I know is that I didn't want to wake up to the same routine again in those coming days.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is characterized by physical weariness, mental and emotional, due to continuous exposure to elevated stress levels. Mental exhaustion and depression make it difficult to meet the constant pressures on your resources and time. It frequently happens to high-octane individuals who pursue their passions and enjoy every waking minute until they succumb to the terrible strain that can build in when you give far too much of yourself. Excessive stress causes emotional and physical weariness. Burnout, if left unaddressed, can lead to a variety of major health problems, including chronic headaches, mental breakdowns, and exhaustion.


Burnout may not necessarily manifest as agonizing despair. Feeling cynical about the direction of your life, the sense that everything you do does not count, and a persistent sense of desperation and helplessness are all symptoms of burnout. The following are some of the other common indications of burnout:

  • Having the impression that every day is a bad day
  • Feeling uninterested or apathetic about your job
  • Excessive drinking or smoking is an example of escapism
  • Developing a short temper and a perpetually pessimistic perspective
  • Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, breathlessness, severe headaches, or insomnia
  • Wishing you could just go away or quit
  • Constantly putting off work, procrastinating, or self-sabotaging
  • Strong dislike or resentment for your coworkers

Burnout frequently makes you feel as if everything and everyone is conspiring against you. You may believe that your circumstance is "manipulated" and that you are being smothered underneath the massive burden of that dreadful thing we call "life." Unfortunately, burnout is not something that could be remedied in simple steps. It could take weeks, months, or even years.

What You Can Do

Chest tightness. Palpitations. Headaches. Burnout is a bad experience. So what can you do to get over your burnout and restore control of your life? These pointers might help:

Take a Break and Focus on Yourself

When you disconnect from the daily deluge of emails and meetings, you disconnect from one of the most common sources of stress: work. And it is pretty beneficial to your health. You get to reset your mind and focus on getting back on track.

Make self-care a priority, not merely a habit. We're sure you've disregarded this component many times, thanks to work stress and deadlines. When you're exhausted or unhappy, even minor tasks can seem daunting. But keep in mind that it's fine if all you did today was survive. We must sometimes be tough enough to mother ourselves. Begin with your most fundamental human needs:

  • Eat healthily and regularly.
  • Unplug from the internet for a few minutes and engage in low-intensity activities such as reading a good book or performing a little housekeeping job.
  • While stretching and exercising, you can engage in question-guided reflection.
  • Contemplate what offers you joy and make it a part of your life.
  • Look into how you can make working more enjoyable when you get back or get a new job by focusing on comfort and preventing aches and pains. Those are negativities that you don't need to get in the way of your hard work and dedication once you've rebooted. Consider ergonomics and its benefits by checking FlexiSpot. You may want to get the most common items are a height-adjustable standing desk and an ergonomic office chair.

Make sure that whatever activity you choose for your self-care routine is not connected to your job. For example, avoid reading work-related materials if you enjoy reading. If you enjoy hanging out in cafes, avoid going to restaurants where you usually work. The goal here is to detach yourself from work so that you may "switch off" and reduce anxiety from Day 1.

Redefine Your Values and Objectives

These are positive feelings, involvement, connections, significance, and accomplishment. After you've determined your values, consider how you may integrate them into your job and career. It may need a lengthy and candid discussion with your manager. It could mean quitting entirely and looking for better opportunities elsewhere. And it could be as simple as thinking positively about your current employment to see if there are any positives you've missed. One of the benefits of burnout is that it allows you to take inventory of your life. It has the potential to be a powerful force for good, both for yourself and for those you care about.

Recognize Weaknesses; Focus on Strengths

Workers who are actively engaged spend four times as much time doing a job they specialize at as they do performing things they don't excel at.

Spending as much time as possible on supporting and enhancing your abilities can be a huge energy amplifier. You will also feel more self-assured and driven. Assign your more tough responsibilities to team members if feasible until you are better capable of handling them. Spending far too much time on pursuits for which you are not appropriately trained or equipped may deplete your energy and self-esteem. If it appears that they'll be a consistent part of your job description, approach your manager and request professional development options.

Establish Boundaries and Say "No"

We get caught in loops fueled by our skepticism, distrust, and apprehension, checking to see whether it's the case. It would help if you did not put yourself to the test by adding more responsibilities to your plate. Instead, it would be best if you put your leeway to the test at work. Begin small and request to leave on time for a chance. You might also set aside one day a week where you will not bring any work home. Perhaps you could make it a personal rule to disengage from your devices when you leave work. Then, when you're exhausted, avoid taking on new obligations or commitments. When you don't volunteer to work overtime or help them with extra work, supportive managers and colleagues will sympathize. If not, contact your Human Resources Department to see how much vacation time you have coming up and schedule some time off.

Get Support

Support groups exist in a variety of shapes and sizes. Many of them are therapeutic, which is ideal when you're about to discuss and vent in a safe and accepting environment. If excessive demands generate much of your job burnout, there are professional groups that can help you manage better by providing mentoring, encouragement, and access to resources. Whatever support network you join, you will get the following:

  • Possibility of reducing stress by exchanging feelings
  • Reduced feelings of isolation as a result of socializing with others

When burnout sets in, passion loses its impact, leaving you mentally spent and physically exhausted. However, desire might gradually return when you take a moment from all of those pressing responsibilities. You may need to rethink your tasks and duties at home or work, as well as seek assistance with the weight you've been carrying for so long, but when you start feeling enthused about anything again, you know you're on the right track.