Should Treadmill Standing Desk Be Used at Work?

26 April 2021

Treadmill Standing desks aren’t just for the office. These can enable the user to stand, walk, or cycle while working. They’re even are showing up in schools, libraries, airports, hotels, and even coffee shops. Are treadmills the next thing in ergonomic office setup?

Why they're popular

Treadmill standing desks also known as active workstations help people spend less time sitting. Prolonged periods of sitting often resulted in heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even early death. "All of our body functions — including blood flow, blood pressure, heart, and lung function, and blood sugar processing — improve when we expend energy with physical activity, but they decline with inactivity," says I-Min Lee, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who researched on physical activity in disease prevention.

Walk While Working: Do treadmill standing desks help?

Treadmill Standing desks get the sedentary office workers to get out of their chairs and start moving. However, there is no guarantee that walking while working will correct an existing unhealthy lifestyle. Public health guidelines recommend people should take 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity several days a week to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How effective is a treadmill desk for weight loss?

A 2007 study found that standing and walking at a treadmill desk while working can burn about 100 calories an hour more than sitting. Thus, if heavyset individuals are to consistently use the treadmill standing desks by two or three hours a day, they can lose about 20 to 30 kilograms (44 to 66 pounds) in one year.

Consistent exercise and enthusiasm for exercise are key motivations. Office employees who want to be active, the treadmill desks can be part of a healthy lifestyle. If you believe that a treadmill desk is right.  for you, try to convince your boss to acquire one by presenting the health benefits data.

Standing desks

A standing desk is designed to make a person can stand up while working. These desks are fixed heights or adjustable heights to get the right settings, with a selection of desktop shapes that are rectangular, curved, or L-shaped.

You can also use a converter to turn a regular (low) desk into a standing desk. It’s a device that is placed on top of the existing desk and raises to the desired height.

Standing desk pros: 

When standing up, you burn 20% to 25% more energy than when you sit. Standing engages the enzymes to process fats in the body. Standing also puts the muscles to work while maintaining posture and balance.

Standing desk cons: 

Studies have found prolonged standing shows blood accumulates in the legs and increases the occurrence of varicose veins. a standing desk is not suitable for someone with balance or foot problems, or arthritis problems in the low back, hip, or knee. Standing for long periods puts pressure on the joints and back and worsens pain.

       1. Treadmill desks

A treadmill desk is a standing desk with a walking-only rubber track attached below. These are designed to move at slow speeds (1 to 2 mph) for many. You can also use a special under-desk treadmill to put beneath a standing desk you already have.

Treadmill desk pros: 

Slow walking expends slightly more energy than standing and easier on the back. When moving, there’s not much pressure on the back as when you're standing.

Treadmill desk cons: 

Even slow walking can worsen existing back and joint pain. Also, it is harder to concentrate when walking; it takes practice to type and walk at the same time. It is not recommended for back pain sufferers

  1. Cycling desks

A cycling or bike desk is a stationary bicycle with a desktop attached. It burns slightly more calories than a treadmill desk, especially when the exercise levels are turned up. A cycling desk has a broad unlike a tiny bicycle saddle to sit on. The Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair by is a good example of a cycling desk.

Cycling desk pros: 

Staying seated while being active takes the pressure off of the hip and knee joints. It allows you to be active while working. It's much easier to type when on a cycling desk, compared that with a treadmill desk.

Cycling desk cons:

 Using a cycling desk takes off concentrate. People not used to biking should avoid this.

Recent studies revelations

  • Research on active workstations found that all three types of active workstations have a short-term boost in productivity.

  • It showed that treadmill and cycling desks have more exercise benefits than standing desks.

  • Treadmill desks hampered fine motor skills needed for computer work, but it resulted in lower psychological stress levels than standing desks.

  •  Treadmill and cycling desks increased alertness and minimized boredom more than standing desks.

Something to think about

If the person I spending more time in a day sitting at a desk at home, an active workstation can help, especially when finding it hard to take breaks. It’s ideal to aim for two minutes every half-hour.

It is noted that an active work-station needs more space in the home and more expensive. Try out one before deciding to buy it. 

Make sure if there is the need for an active workstation to reduce sitting time, or exercise on your own when you have the time.

Final note:

All these devices and equipment can help improve the office workers’ health but it takes dedication to want a healthier life in order to take advantage of these. Ask yourself if you want to be healthy and stick to your exercise routine.