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Strength Training as a Physical Exercise

19 May 2021

I became interested in aerobic exercise when my husband told me, while I was undressing before him, “your tummy is bulging, why don’t you exercise?” I was astounded and speechless. I didn’t know what to say. I was in my mid-40s then. With that statement, I realized that I was no longer attractive to my husband. I was depressed.

While doing my work in the office, I realized that he was right. My weight has increased and my tummy is horrible. I almost cannot wear my skirt uniform. I also observed that many of my officemates have that tummy problem, too. Well, you can’t blame us. Maybe it was the nature of our work.

I was an insurance processor, so I sat while working for almost eight hours. I could only stand when I took my 15-minute breaks in the morning and the afternoon. Lunchbreak is longer, about one hour. But I use the remaining 30 minutes for taking a nap. So, it was still in a sitting posture. 

One day, we had good news. My boss told us that an aerobics instructor will teach aerobic exercise during lunch breaks starting the next day. I was excited and happy that finally, we can do some exercises with an aerobics dance.

I was excited to buy my tights, leotards, and dumbbells also for resistance training. We had a good time with aerobics especially that there was background music while we exercised. It was fun and everybody enjoyed it.

The sessions went on until our instructor got married and there was no immediate replacement for her. She has a voluptuous body that we envied. We enjoyed some chats with her about exercising.

The f first few days that we were doing aerobics made us feel some pain in the legs and some parts of the body. Our instructor told us that pain was a good sign of good exercise. And that it will go away after a few weeks of aerobics exercise. True enough, we felt that pain was going away and we felt the exercise was effective in flattening our bulging tummies. 

Our instructor also noticed that our arms were starting to sag and the skin was wrinkled. So, we started to use the dumbbells instead of using tuna cans for strength training. She said dumbbells were good for making the arms firm and strong. It was good and was helping us to have better-looking arms. 

We had colorful dumbbells at that time and the colors also inspired us to be active in doing our exercises every day. When our instructor left, there was no replacement and we were disappointed and sad at that time. We could already make some improvements in our body and that we thought if the sessions continued, we would have been stronger with a better body built.

After she left, there were no more aerobic sessions, so I started to do some exercises at home but only during the weekends because I came home dead tired and just wanted to go to bed to sleep. Sometimes I did not eat dinner anymore. That was toxic.

Anyway, with those aerobic sessions we had, I have learned how important it is to do physical exercises, not only aerobics because you will feel stronger, more active, and more confident with your body size. You can always buy your dress size that is almost always available when you do shopping.

 Brief background of Dumbbells

Dumbbells are not a product of the modern age; it was more than two thousand years ago that people were already into strength or resistance training and physical exercise using dumbbells, stones, lifting loads, and others. It was reported that Greeks were the advocates of modern dumbbells.

  Taking a statement from a paper entitled “The History of Resistance Training” (Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 135-138) Hippocrates describes the training load, pointing out that “those body parts and organs that are used will be developed and those that are not used will be weak and start deteriorating” This proved that people of a long time ago were already interested in body development and physical exercise for physical well-being.

There are many exercise equipment that we can buy today. One of the best comes from FlexiSpot. It is known to be one of the most trusted brands when it comes to ergonomic home office furniture and workout or fitness equipment. 

The Adjustable Dumbbell LCL might be the one you’re looking for. It is packed with fantastic features that you will love to own as your workout buddy.

Smart Features of Flexispot Dumbbell

● Both men and women can use this adjustable dumbbell

● You can instantly select your weight easily because it was designed for quick weight changes

● The smart weight selector only requires one swing of the handle, minimizing interruptions during high-intensity workouts and allowing you to move between different exercises with different resistance needs easily

● It gives comfort and safe exercise

● The handle is non-slip and ergonomic

● A built-in safety lock secures selected weight plates a second time to ensure training safety

● Durability is guaranteed, weight plates are anti-rust

● It improves total body fitness 

● You can build your strength on your term

● It has a 5-in-1 adjustable dumbbell system. That is, you can replace 5 sets of weights, providing an entire dumbbell pack in a single device. This also ensures that every fitness seeker in your household can safely and effectively work out with the same pair of dumbbells.

Dumbbells are also handy, and you can bring them to the office or at any location where you want to do your workout that is convenient and comfortable for you. It is a perfect workout body for everyone. If you have other products in mind that you want to purchase, you may visit the website at any time. Other ergonomic products will surely amaze you. Why not do it now! Let your body fitness regimen begin.