The Beauty of Ergonomics

23 July 2021

The advent of computer technology finds us working behind a computer or laptop most of the time for several reasons. With almost all phases of our activities done on the computer, unconsciously, we develop health-related risks because of prolonged hours of surfing the net, checking our emails, watching Youtube, and other computer-related tasks that we have to accomplish in a day.  

The sedentary experience admittedly is worth it because we derive satisfaction from computing as well as from watching videos and films to our delight. However, focusing on computer screens and sitting on a chair or sofa for long hours poses health-related risks more than we can imagine. For example, workers develop eye strains, fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders such as spine disorders, neck and low back pains that have impacted the performance of our work, and financial constraints due to hospitalization for severe cases.

Employers in turn consider the adverse effects of prolonged working hours behind the computer and excessive sitting as one of the major problems of health care among employees. This situation has become one of the concerns in public health.

With increasing cases of computer-related illnesses and ergonomics inside the office area, employers are working more seriously on office layout, office furniture, and design for specific workers’ needs to reduce the adverse effects of sedentary worker’s life and non-ergonomic office furniture to address these health-related issues.

Ergonomics or human factors engineering has been the inspiration in the design of office furniture to make workers perform their assigned tasks efficiently and productively. This field of science applied to an office is simply defined as “ an ergonomic office is about designing or organizing workplaces, products, and systems so that they are suitable for the people who use them – a scientific approach that places human comfort and efficiency at the heart of the process” ( In short, the well-being of a worker is emphasized in designing the office or the office furniture including efficiency in the performance of the worker’s job.

As such, ergonomists apply this field of science for a better working relationship between the worker and the ergonomic furniture. Some of the ergonomic principles are the following:(

  • Neutral postures - this means the human body is aligned and balance The standard and balanced posture reduce the stress applied on muscles, tendons, nerves, and bones. The unbalanced posture for the human body is known as an “awkward posture”. For example, the product design should ensure that the worker is not adopting “awkward postures in order to use the product.”
  • Reduce excessive force - The design for heavy products should consider reducing the excessive force needed or used to pull, push, or carry the product. Alternative solutions should be adapted to reduce the use of force such as using wheels to these products. Also, adding handholds can reduce the force used to carry objects
  • Keep things within reach - The interaction with a specific product should be made easy. Consumers should reach the product easily and interact with it
  • Work in power or comfort zone - The power zone refers to the zone where interacting with objects has the least amount of effort spent, it is also known as the “handshake zone.” It is the area between mid-thigh and mid-chest height. If the product is designed to be held, the designer should consider this position as the standard.
  • Reduce excessive motion - the goal is to reduce the amount of motion spent while dealing with the design. The motion refers to any movement applied using the figures, wrist, or other parts of the body. One of the examples of applying this principle is the usage of screwdrivers. The electric screwdriver is designed to reduce hand motion during usage.
  • Reduce static load - Static load refers to the position where the person stays in the same position or holds something for a long time. This load creates discomfort and fatigue. If the product requires the consumer to stand still for a long time such as holding a specific tool, a fixture solution needs to be applied in order to eliminate the need to hold the object.

With these ergonomic principles applied to making and designing ergonomic office furniture, we can appreciate the benefits we can reap from having an ergonomic chair or desk in our own home office or in the brick-and-mortar office building where we work. Aside from these, knowing these principles will allow us to be smarter in buying ergonomic furniture for our home especially when we are teleworkers of work from home workers.

If you are planning to buy a perfect ergonomic desk for your home office, I highly recommend that you buy from Flexispot. As you know, Flexispot has that integrity in selling world-class and ergonomic office furniture that you can love to own that is affordable and economical when the features are compared to other brands.

The one outstanding desk that you can add to your home office is the Adjustable Standing Desk Pro Series. Consider its great features such as:

  • A dual-motor lifting system that strengthens its loading capacity and ensures maximum stability even in the highest setting. The weight capacity is up to 275 lbs
  •  The powerful dual motors make it possible to have a maximum lifting speed of 1.4"/s even under its full weight capacity.
  • The desk frame is made with powder-coated steel tubing that is scratch and stain-resistant.
  • The energy-efficient LED display with the advanced keypad has three (3) memory height presets and a programmable sit/stand reminder system. When programmed, you will be alerted if it's time to stand or sit.
  •  It is also highly customizable in that you can have the option of having a bamboo desktop that is more durable and elastic compared to ordinary wood. 
  • Assembly time is just 15 minutes. And durability is assured as it is certified with the highest industry standard

With such great features and easy on the pocket, why not grab one of these standing desks for your productivity at work.