The Benefits of Improving Your Posture

14 July 2021

Poor posture can flatten or strain your body's natural curves, resulting in serious health issues and persistent pain. Unfortunately, poor posture is becoming more widespread among office workers as a result of the amount of time they spend sitting at their desks.

Standing, sitting, or lying down, posture assists you to keep your body in a stable position. 

Training your body to sit, stand, walk, and lie in a way that puts the least amount of pressure on your muscles and ligaments while moving or performing weight-bearing duties is what good posture implies.  

Why is Proper Posture Important?

Chiropractors express that correct posture stacks the bones like bricks on top of each other, carrying bodyweight. 

In addition, proper posture allows your bones to support your weight, reducing the amount of work your muscles have to do. The muscles are overworked as a result of poor posture.

Poor posture can lead to:

  • Back and neck discomfort
  • Excessive wear and tear on the discs and joints, which may contribute to the development of arthritis.
  • Flexibility has been reduced.
  • Problems with the digestive system
  • Breathing difficulties

The spine can deteriorate as a result of excessive wear and tear on the discs and joints. Spine degeneration, according to orthopedists, can compress nerves or the spinal cord, producing tingling, numbness, or burning in the hands and feet.

What are Some Common Posture Blunders?

Poor posture is widespread, and there are a few things you can do to enhance your chances of getting it. This includes the following:

Too Much Time Spent Sitting

Sitting for long periods stresses the thoracic spine's natural forward curve. This causes your rib cage and lungs to constrict, making it difficult to take deep breaths.

Poor posture with the head tilted forward, sticking beyond the shoulders, or tipped to one side, according to a 2018 study on a small group of healthy men, impairs lung performance.

Standing in a Flat Back Position

Muscle imbalances are often to blame for this posture error, which encourages you to adopt it. 

Sitting for long periods can also produce a flat back. A flat back forces you to lean forward with your neck and head, putting tension on your neck and upper back.

Exercises that strengthen your glutes, core, neck, and back shoulder muscles, as well as back extensions, will help you rectify a flat back.

Exercises to Help You Improve Your Posture:

These exercises might help your body regain its equilibrium and prevent the effects of poor posture. It is important to remember that the longer you keep a terrible posture, the more your muscles adapt to it, making it difficult to correct.

Once a day, do each of these exercises at least 10 times. Although you may notice some results in a few days because these exercises rebuild the muscles, it may take a few weeks to see noticeable results.

Here are a few exercises to help you improve your posture and why it is so important for your health.

1. Bending backward

Place your hands behind your back, at the top of your bottom, while standing. Bend your head, shoulders, and backward with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly turned out. Hold for 20 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position.

2. Stretch your chest in the doorway

With your forearms on the doorframe and your back straight, stand at the door. Step through the door and keep doing so until your chest stretches. For 15-20 seconds, stay in this position.

3. Stretching Forward Fold

The hamstrings, glutes, and spine are all relieved with this standing stretch. It stretches your hips and legs as well. You should feel the entire backside of your body stretching and opening up as you execute this stretch.

Allow your big toes to contact while standing and keep your heels slightly apart. Fold your body forward at the hips by bringing your hands to your hips. 

Put your hands on a block or let them fall to the ground. Allow your hands to go as far as they can without touching the floor. 

Soften your hip joints with your knees slightly bent, enabling your spine to lengthen.

Tuck your chin into your chest and hang your head to the ground. For 30 seconds, stay in this position.

4. Stretch your chest while standing

Interlock your fingers behind your back, palms facing upwards, while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. 

Keep your arms straight and your back straight as you move your shoulders back and forth. Hold this pose until your chest and shoulders feel stretched.

5. Pull-Ups

Lie on your stomach with your hands beneath your shoulders on the ground. Push up while softly arching your back and attempting to straighten your elbows. 

Use your arms to support yourself while your hips and legs are on the ground. Then you should lower your back.


Sitting less is beneficial since too much sitting can be harmful to your posture. Also, be aware of your posture and take measures to improve it. To spend less time sitting, do the following:

  • Make use of a standing desk. You can find the Modish Standing Desk at FlexiSpot.
  • At work, have regular meetings and if possible, do it standing.
  • When taking phone calls, stand or pace so that you can keep the blood flowing.

If you must sit, make sure your office chair provides adequate lumbar support. Maintain a 90-degree bend in your hips by keeping your heels behind your knees rather than tucked under your office chair. Keep your screen and keyboard at eye level and elbow level, respectively. Allow your elbows to fall to your sides if possible.

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