The Benefits of Using an Ergonomic Chair for Working Pregnant Women

03 June 2021

When you are pregnant, you don't simply wait for the baby to come; carrying a life could compromise a lot of things with you. You might not know how dangerous things are for you. The pain, messy physical changes, and mental health issues that you might encounter. All these things are the challenges that test you when you are pregnant. I could not speak for all the beautiful pregnant women though because I have not experienced the miraculous gift of life yet however with all the cousins, friends, and other female relatives whom I have seen carrying a baby, I have witnessed how courageous one woman could get when she bears a child in her womb. It would never be easy hence I simply salute every mother who braved the cuts and stitches just to bring a precious life on earth. What's more amazing about this is most women who are pregnant are also working moms; rendering a 9-5 work, facing different stressors, and experiencing fatigue. Hence, we will discuss in my article today the: 

● reasons most women say pregnancy is not an easy phase 

● things pregnant women do to balance their health and career

● benefits of using an ergonomic office chair when you are pregnant

Let's start discussing this wonderful topic now: 

I. Reasons Most Women Say Pregnancy is not an Easy Phase:

Unusual cravings, unstable emotions, insecurities, huge physical changes, all these stuff are the ones that a pregnant woman experiences. This list is not enough to describe the incredible phase that a woman goes through when pregnant. This may be an incredible journey yet alongside this are the effects of pregnancy on the mental health of a woman. As they say, as women face this chapter, certain complications take place alongside this. 

In an online study, pregnancy complications were enumerated. Some of those complications mentioned were: 

high blood pressure: This usually occurs in the 20th week of pregnancy. Hence, there is a time that the doctor would advise the woman to lessen the intake of sugar or carbohydrates because it would affect her body and the baby inside her. The shooting up of blood pressure is normal at times because this goes away after birth although some women acquire high blood pressure even after giving birth because of the rapid change in their appetite. 

● extreme morning sickness: Feeling nauseous and vomiting are normal for a pregnant woman but when it becomes frequent, this is already a cause for worry because it might be a sign of HG or hyperemesis gravidarum. A pregnant woman who experiences this has frequent vomiting and the dizziness does not go away. She also feels faint most of the time. The first remedy for this is the intake of dry, bland food and fluid. The sense of smell of the pregnant woman is heightened hence giving her food with a strong scent could trigger her dizziness.

● PP or Placenta Previa: This takes place when the placenta covers the lower part of the uterus. When a pregnant woman experiences this, she might be needing a CS delivery instead of the normal one. Once diagnosed, the woman is advised to cut back on her activities and do increased bed rest. 

● Preterm Labor: It happens before the 37th week of the woman's pregnancy. This is risky because there are pelvic pressure and cramping. When this happens, the pregnant woman needs complete bed rest. 

● Preeclampsia or Toxemia: This the condition where the woman acquires high blood pressure after the 20th week of her pregnancy. This could bring problems with the kidneys and other organs. In some cases, where delivery might be too early for a pregnant woman, the doctor closely monitors the condition of the mother and baby. The woman would then be given medicine so the effects of Toxemia would not progress.

● Gestational diabetes: too much blood sugar is present in the woman's body. This happens because a woman's appetite doubles when she is pregnant. This is a matter of discipline. When a woman does not observe a healthy diet there is a high chance that she gets a high blood sugar level. Hence, doctors give out a healthy meal plan for the pregnant woman. 

Pregnant women at high risk of health complications. As their bodies let the baby grows inside, there are hormonal changes that contribute to the changes in their system making them have a huge appetite, body size, and health condition. Hence, women are in danger when they get pregnant. What's more dangerous is when they are still working despite their condition. We all know that more women are working moms too. They face work hazards and continuously do office tasks despite their conditions. Hence, these pregnant women should be able to work in an environment that is conducive and safe for them and their babies. In this next part, we will discuss the: 

II. Things pregnant women do to balance their health and career:

Balancing health and career for pregnant women is a challenging thing to do. However, some more determined women like to juggle things up. Hence, there are things that they do to maintain their work healthily as they ensure the safety of their babies. The following are the activities that they do to actively balance their health and career:

● Doing Yoga and Kegel Exercises: These exercises help the woman relieve pain in the pelvis. With the doctor's advice and permission, a pregnant woman could gradually do these things in their second trimester. This could induce the pain experienced during labor and could help them easily deliver the baby. 

● Doing Meditations: As mentioned earlier, a pregnant woman experiences a rollercoaster of emotions hence she should do mindfulness activities so she would relax and focus only on what benefits her health. This could help her ease tension and anxiety caused by negative thoughts about pregnancy. 

● Working in a Conducive and Safe Workplace: For a pregnant woman, she should work in a place where her health would be prioritized. Some companies give high consideration to them and lessen their workload or give them more time to finish a project. Through these, they would still be able to contribute to the company amidst their condition. Another way for them to be protected is to ensure their safety at work. Making them feel relaxed despite tied up with the deadlines and reports. This could also be possible with the help of a certain product that is made using the Ergonomic system. Through this, the safety of the mother and her baby would be ensured as the former continues contributing to the company. 

The role of a pregnant woman as a worker in the company is crucial. Hence, her health and safety should be ensured. One of the ways as well as to make sure she would be able to maintain healthy spine health. Hence in the last part of our discussion, we will talk about the:

III. Benefits of Using an Ergonomic Office Chair for Working Pregnant Women:

Flexispot has got our lovely women covered. With the best ergo chairs in the market, our beautiful working moms have got great choices to choose from. The Ergonomic office chairs from Flexispot could ensure the safety of a pregnant woman through the incredible lumbar support that these chairs could give. With safety features through padded headrests and other parts, our mommies do not need to worry about losing balance and feeling dizzy because these chairs could ensure that they would feel relaxed even at work.