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The Best Way to Disinfect Your Office Workspace

24 May 2021

While sanitization and cleanliness have always been important, the COVID-19 pandemic has made the process more frequent and methodical. Since most businesses enforced work-from-home policies within weeks of the outbreak, individuals who are returning to work haven’t seen their workspaces in almost a year. Although many are looking forward to regular human interaction and the new normal, others are wary of the risks.

It may be easy to disregard these concerns but looking at the statistics makes the problem much clearer. Research has shown that the average office desk harbors more than 10 million bacteria – this is 400 times more than germs found on most toilet seats. These figures are already troubling without adding in the risk of contracting a highly infectious disease.

Even if your workplace has hired professionals to clean the office, germs can spread fast. It’s best to make sure that you are disinfecting your desk frequently. Follow these tips and tricks to learn how to disinfect an office space. Please note that these tips don’t just apply to shared areas – your home office should also be cleaned regularly.


Since it’s probably the dirtiest area in the office, it makes sense to tackle the desk first. Before disinfecting, you first have to clear your desk. Make sure to remove everything before doing so – this includes your computer and accessories like keyboards. You should then use disinfectant wipes or alcohol wipes to wipe down the surface. 

If these aren’t available, you can buy 70% rubbing alcohol and use it with a cloth. Yet another option is a chlorine bleach solution. This is made by adding 1 tablespoon of bleach to 4 cups of water. However, this requires the use of gloves and cloth, so preparation may take some time. This is more suited for home offices than in the workplace.

The most important thing to do is to wipe down the desk one way instead of going back in the opposite direction. Always wait for the surface to thoroughly dry before disinfecting the other items and putting them back on your desk.

How well you can disinfect your desk depends on the material. Non-porous, waterproof surfaces are the best for this. 

If building a home office or if your work office needs a makeover, consider purchasing a durable standing desk that is easy to disinfect. One such product is the FlexiSpot Seiffen Laminated Standing Desk. In addition to being easy to clean, the desk is also customizable – users can choose between rectangular and curved desktops. They can also choose between 10 different finishes and colors.

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just affected hygiene. It has also affected physical health, with those working from home being sedentary. Disinfecting your office workplace isn’t enough – one has to follow healthy habits while working from home, and a standing desk does just that by preventing a sedentary lifestyle. The benefits of a standing desk cannot be emphasized enough – a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing a variety of conditions including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A standing desk doesn’t just reduce these risks – it also increases productivity and energy levels, which, in turn, improves your work.

So, if you’re asking, “Are standing desks better for you?” the answer is a firm yes. Standing desks, especially those that can be adjusted allow you to both, stand and sit. There’s a misconception that you have to stand constantly but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In addition to all of these other benefits, the laminated surface of this standing desk makes it very easy to disinfect. This is especially important because thoroughly cleaning your desk is of no use if some cracks and ridges can’t be reached. Standing desks like FlexiSpot’s Seiffen Laminated Standing Desk eliminate this possibility.

You can choose between chipboard and Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), both of which come in a variety of wood grains and colors. The chipboard surfaces are 1” thick and are made to last. Available in 10 different colors and wood grains, you don’t have to worry about the desk clashing with the color scheme you’ve already chosen. 

The MDF surface comes in 4 wood grains and colors and is guaranteed to be extremely smooth. Since it is a uniform surface without any knots, you can disinfect your desk easily. There’s no need to worry about getting in between cracks and you can be sure that you have disinfected the entire surface. Eco-conscious customers can rest assured that the fiberboard is environmentally friendly and meets EPA and CARB standards. 


After the desk itself, you should move on to targeting the keyboard. Tackling this is especially important when you think about everything that is lodged between those keys, such as crumbs from eating at your desk. If you share a keyboard with someone else, this is even more important – surveys such as the one conducted by Joblist show exactly how dirty offices can be. The list of offenses that workers admitted to were not washing their hands before eating, picking their noses, and coughing without covering their mouth.

Research has shown that some of the dirtiest objects in offices are chairs and phones, although computer mice, desktops, and keyboards are also some of the most contaminated surfaces in offices. Common surfaces like phones and chairs should be wiped down with disinfectant wipes multiple times a day, but when it comes to your workspace, the next object you must disinfect is your keyboard. 

Sanitizing electronic devices is trickier than disinfecting a stable surface like a desk. However, it can be done safely if you follow the right instructions. While the manufacturer’s information has to be followed when it comes to which product to use, it is essential to make sure that the product is on EPA List N. Use this link to confirm the product’s effectiveness. 

Before beginning this process, always make sure that all electronic devices are unplugged instead of just switched off. After this, hold the keyboard upside down and shake it to release crumbs and other debris. You can then use a can of compressed air to take care of the smaller pieces so that the keyboard is completely debris-free. If you don’t have access to a can of compressed air, you can always use cleaning gum to remove dust and debris before disinfecting the keyboard.

It is now time to use disinfectant wipes or alcohol wipes to wipe down the keyboard. This has to be very thorough, with the wipes reaching the individual keys, the spaces between them, and the surface of the keyboard. If you can’t reach the spaces between the keys, use cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Do not use anything too wet on the keyboard – alcohol is preferred because it dries quickly and is less likely to damage electronic equipment. However, even this should be damp instead of wet to make sure that there’s no excess liquid that can damage the device. Make sure to let the keyboard dry for 10-15 minutes before using it. Once you have finished disinfecting the keyboard, you can make this process much easier by putting a wipeable cover on it. This way, future disinfection is much easier since you’ll have to disinfect the cover instead of the keyboard itself.

Computer Mice

Because computer mice are used every day and are constantly handled, it’s no wonder that the device collects so many bacteria. This is why cleaning your mouse should be a daily habit. A survey conducted by Joblist revealed that office workers cleaned their keyboards and computer mice once or twice a month. 

When it comes to electronics, don’t spray disinfectant on the surface directly. Spray it onto a cloth and then disinfect the device, or just use a disinfectant wipe. In addition to sanitizing the surface, make sure to disinfect the underside of the mouse. If there’s a lot of dust that you can’t reduce, you can use a can of compressed air to get rid of it before using the disinfectant wipes. You can also use toothpicks in extremely small gaps, such as those between the two buttons. To ensure that the mouse remains clean, clean the mouse pad as well. Once it is dry, you can place the mouse down on it.

Computer Screen

Be extremely careful when disinfecting the computer screen because using products that aren’t specifically made for the purpose may damage the screen. Manufacturer recommendations should be followed for disinfection. Before doing anything, make sure to unplug the monitor and wait for it to cool down. For simple cleaning, you can use a slightly damp microfiber cloth.

To ensure workplace safety, make sure to disinfect your workstation regularly. If you’re interested in reliable and easy-to-clean products like the Seiffen Laminated Standing Desk, you can contact FlexiSpot here.