The Goldilocks Approach for the Wise Spender

17 September 2021

If you are the type of person who experiences the FOBO or Fear of the Best Option, you might probably be overthinking when you check online shopping stores or websites. There are various reasons you experience that thing, and one of the reasons has something to do with your manner of making decisions. Understandably, you feel that way. However, there should only be one option that you have to choose: the best choice for you. 

Beating the FOBO with the Goldilocks Approach:

When people experience FOBO, they usually can't decide on what to purchase. For example, at the mall. When they see many choices, they suddenly can't decide which to choose because people think they might not be able to make the right choice. At times, they become fickle-minded because they are scared of the outcome. Hence, they resort to having multiple decisions without making sure of their decision. Thus, there is a need to try an approach that can help them decide fast and do not carry any regrets at the end of the day. It's the Goldilocks Approach. 

Remember the story of Goldilocks wherein she tried three different options yet had one firm decision? That's what Goldilocks' approach is. You make the best decision that is exactly right for you and would not lead you to have regrets in the end. Indeed, you can apply this approach when choosing the right ergonomic products in your home office. 

Trying the Goldilocks Approach for Your Ergonomic Products:

a. Be Sure What to Dwindle Down

Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk

To make the best decision without feeling guilty in the end, you must be sure of your preference before you try looking for the products. So, let's say you choose FlexiSpot (the home of the best ergonomic pieces such as standing desks, sit-stand desks, and ergo chairs); before you check the website, you must be sure of what you need for your home office. You might be a WFH-individual this 2021 who needs protection against MSD or musculoskeletal disorders. Observing your posture when working and checking if you experience pain at the back would help you purchase products ergo from FlexiSpot. 

Then, once you check the website, you can look for the bestsellers. It would lessen your time in searching for the right furniture and equipment pieces. Then, when you look at the bestsellers, you will find products like the Kana Bamboo Standing DeskComhar All-In-One Standing Desk Wooden TopEsben Standing Desk UD5, and Sit2Go 2in1 Fitness Chair. These are bestsellers that are on sale at the Standiversary. They are genuinely ergonomic and could help you prevent biomechanical pain when working. 

Sit2Go 2in1 Fitness Chair

When you check one section only with lesser choices but the best intentions, you help yourself not get confused. Confusion is a nemesis when you are shopping because you cannot decide well. Hence, once you limit your choices to four to five, try to dwindle them down to three. Consider the functionalities of these ergonomic products. When you concentrate on their functionalities, you will know which of these would suit your needs. 

Do you want a height-adjustable standing desk that is from pure bamboo? Then, the Kana Standing Desk is the best choice for you. Meanwhile, if you need a desk with complete functions like the charging port and an embedded drawer, the Comhar All-In-One Standing Desk Wooden Top is what you need. By leaving the best options only, you give yourself clarity. It's because the more choices you see, the longer it will take before you make the best decision. 

b. Go Back To Your Favorites:

Kana Bamboo Standing Desk

So, imagine that you have already dwindled into three choices for the standing desks; let us assume that you have chosen Kana Bamboo Standing Desk, Comhar All-In-One Standing Desk Wooden Top, and Esben Standing Desk UD5. Consider your favorites. Do you prefer earth-colored pieces? Do you always go for the chic and cosmopolitan kind of office? Then, with these factors, you can come up with a solid decision. Pick whatever resonates with you. At times, when you look at some stuff, the one that gets you drawn in is the one that suits you. Probably it's because of the design or style. 

On the contrary, you must still consider your place when you choose the right equipment piece for you. You must still check if your work area can be spacious enough for the standing desks that you will choose. Through this decision-making, you can identify the best furniture piece for your work area. 

c. Consider the Product that Can Help you maximize your WorkSpace: 

Esben Standing Desk UD5

After estimating the space in the work area, you must also consider which of the three standing desks would help you maximize your movements. Do you think the standing desk with many open drawers would be suitable for you? If yes is your answer, then the Esben Standing Desk UD5 would be good. Meanwhile, if you prefer the one with the embedded drawer, the Comhar Standing Desk with Wooden Top is the best choice. Remember, all the products from FlexiSpot are the best when it comes to ergonomic features and functionalities. The only difference is they suit different needs. Every product has unique attributes that make them stand out above all. However, the buyer is the one who will decide in the end. 

d. Consider the Price of the Product. Check Which One would Suit Your Budget:


An economical product should not compromise the quality that you deserve to have. It's one of the things you do when you try the Goldilocks approach, and you also consider the price you have to pay. What's impressive now is it's the right time to cash out for the bestselling Standing Desks at FlexiSpot. At the Standiversary event from September 27-29, you can decide on the most economical and superb standing desks. Yet, whatever you choose to have, all of these standing desks would not cost you an arm and a leg. At the Standiversary event, you can save an extra buck! 

Final Thoughts: 

So, when you get bold in deciding with your choice of the furniture piece, you will not regret every single penny that you're going to spend because you will make the best decision for yourself. The Goldilocks approach can help you a lot, especially when you get pressured while shopping. Yet, whether you try this approach or not, at the end of the day, no one can say that you wasted money because, after all, what you bought is something that can make you happy and protected against MSDs. So, don't think twice; visit the website and wait for the most exciting Standiversary.