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The Hazards of Low Hazard Workplaces

31 May 2024

Work-related injuries are an unfortunate reality and will occur everywhere, regardless of how low hazard the industry is said to be. Thousands of workplace injuries are reported every year, with some of these being very serious ones.

Eliminating the chance of injury is next to impossible because you never know what can cause a problem and when, but there are steps you can take to try and minimize these issues. In low-hazard industries, the steps taken towards this problem are often not enough, because of the assumption that low hazard is pretty much the same as no hazard.

This is, of course, completely untrue. Even in low-hazard industries - like corporate offices, or the tech industry - there are always some hidden hazards that may not be apparent at first glance. They may not involve, for example, the same level of risk as a construction site, but will still come with some things to keep in mind.

Let's look at some of the hazards of low-hazard workplaces.

Low Hazard Workplace Related Injuries

Low-hazard workplaces are often considered to be the ones where you stay indoors pretty much all the time. Employees may be working at their desks or computers, and will not be doing anything that puts their body at risk.

This is a myth. Our bodies can be hurt by anything, even if it's an otherwise safe object that was simply placed the wrong way in the wrong spot.

Therefore, it's important to keep the hazards in mind, even for these low-hazard industries.

Falling Over

No matter what kind of environment you're working in, there is always the chance of falling over. This could be because of accidentally tripping over something, slipping on wet floors, or even just because you lost your balance.

Some falls are not within our control - such as if someone bumped into you, or if you tripped over your own feet. However, falling over misplaced items like boxes, or slipping on a wet floor is something that can be avoided, and measures should be taken to do so. Signs should be left after mopping to make sure everyone knows that the floor is wet, and keep any items away so that there is no risk of falling.

Eye Strain

Another common hazard of a low-hazard workplace is eye strain. Office workers will often end up spending a very large portion of the day using their computers, which can contribute to the problem greatly. Even non-computer workers can have this problem though, such as artists who have to look very closely at their work.

Your eyes can become dry and irritated and you may have trouble with focusing. This could be because your distance from the screen or paper is not appropriate or the lighting is not suitable

When you're sitting too close or too far, your eyes have to work extra hard to focus, as with insufficient or too-bright lighting. Over time, this can end up putting strain on your eyes and make them more fatigued.

You can get rid of the problem of lighting by trying to get as much natural light into the room as possible and position yourself so that there is no glare. On the other hand, you should try and make sure your monitor (if you use one) is at an arm's distance away from you. This way, you'll be able to see the screen fully, regardless of size. If you think the contents are too small, you can adjust the font size accordingly.

You should also be taking breaks every hour or two to rest your eyes.

Poor Air Quality

When working indoors, as many office workers do, the problem of poor indoor air can raise some concerns. Many cases of asthma, respiratory disorders, or allergies can be attributed to bad ventilation and air circulation inside offices.

This problem becomes further aggravated when there are other problems in place, such as crowded offices, cleaning chemicals that further pollute the air, and cubicles that are placed in a way such that air gets blocked off. Humidity and poor housekeeping can also contribute to the issue.

Having proper maintenance done regularly, as well as having functional and clean ventilation systems can do quite a lot to reduce the health problems that arise. Making sure tiny particles like dust or pollen don't build up can also help, as can appropriate heating and air conditioning systems.

Inappropriate Ergonomics

Bad ergonomic practices can be a major contributor to workplace injuries. The injuries that come from poor ergonomics tend to be so slow that a lot of times you don't even realize when they started.

Office workers tend to spend a very large part of the day sitting at their desks, and working on their computers. If they don't follow ergonomic practices and make an effort to correct and maintain good posture, they could easily fall victim to injury.

The problems caused by poor ergonomics are hard to measure since they develop gradually over time, but they can cause some pretty long-term and serious problems. As an example, working at your computer and typing away for long periods can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, which is compression of the median nerve.

However, this doesn't happen immediately, but over a long period. At first, workers are most likely to attribute the discomfort they feel to temporary reasons, and therefore, don't get the attention they need for it. However, over time, this can become a major problem and can last for years at a time.

Maintaining good posture and making sure you have ergonomic equipment to prevent these injuries and sprains is important.

The Consequences of Sitting

Sitting is not good for us. So much so that sitting is now considered the new smoking, because of all the health risks it carries. A sedentary lifestyle is not what we're made for, but unfortunately, office work has made us all sit in one place for hours at a time.

Sitting for such long stretches doesn't just cause muscle pain, stress, and tension, but can also result in poor circulation in the body which can contribute to cardiovascular disease over time. Sitting is also associated with weight gain and obesity, and in some cases, can also contribute to mental health problems.

The best way to avoid the consequences of sitting is to sit as little as possible. While we can't completely remove sitting from our lives, we can make the effort to sit less. Whether this is by walking to work, or hitting the gym instead of watching a new series on Netflix, a less sedentary lifestyle will always have more benefits.

Another way to sit less even while you work is to invest in a standing desk.

FlexiSpot Standard Standing Desk (E5)

When it comes to standing desks, there is no better option than the FlexiSpot Standard Standing Desk (E5).

The most notable feature of this desk is the height adjustment. You can adjust the height of the desk to whatever works best for you and your body type so that your posture is corrected you don't put yourself at risk of any musculoskeletal disorders, and can protect yourself. This takes care of the issue of ergonomics and prevents you from such hazards.

However, with the height adjustment ranging from 24" to 50" this desk allows you to work while standing as well. This way, you can avoid the problems that come from sitting for long periods, and maintain good health. Standing desks also have a positive impact on your overall productivity and health.

The desk has an improved dual motor lifting system which allows the desk to move up or down with ease and remain stable while doing so. You don't have to worry about the desk wobbling even if it's at the highest height, so your work items stay safe as you adjust the top up and down.

There is also an advanced keypad panel that lets you input 3 height presets. This way, you don't have to fiddle around with different heights to find the one that works for you every time. You can simply choose the preset one, and your desk will be perfect for you to work at. The desk also has a sit-stand reminder that reminds you about standing after you've been sitting for a long time. This notification will also help you remember to fix your posture, even if you're not necessarily standing.

The anti-collision feature allows you to keep your items safe and minimize any damage that could take place while moving your desk up and down. This feature senses when something is in the way and stops the desk from moving so that it doesn't end up destroying your things.

Keeping in mind all of these hazards you can face in the workplace can do a great deal to help protect you from them, and keep you safe in the long run.